Ne rastamozhit�’�â€s��œ�€��â€s��â€z� (15 psl.) (67479)
Paieška forume
Pranešimai | Atsakymai | Autorius | |
Auto 6500-8000 Lt
a tu visur sita teksta copin paste varysi ? tai kam tie forumai gudragalviau?
41 |
09-12-05 |
SVEIKI.kaip iskelti gala AUDI B4 namu salygomis
a tai va kitas visai dalykaso vdruk mergike be taves megsta ratus pasukinti
48 |
10-06-08 |
Traktoristo teises
a kam tau kaune, traktoristo teises ? siaip ieskok nes cia traktoristu lyg neatsiranda
9 |
11-08-03 |
Mitsubishi Galant VI. jusu nuomones
Ziurint apie kokias audi kalbi. C4 ir visos su A.. serijos tai megsta papuliuoti..
164 |
11-03-20 |
Demesio! bukite budrus
Hi, You will have to pay 50% , so delivery can start. Money you will send to company, not to me. Money will be sent to me, only after you get car. The company protect both, acts like and escrow service. Thank you! _ From: Pavel To: 'Robert Beveridge' Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2011 8:48 AM Subject: RE: Volkswagen Golf V, 2005/12m Hello. “The payment will be sent to the company agent (deposit 40-50% of car value, usually) when they start the delivery.” Do I understand correctly that I would have to pay a deposit before I get a car? Thank you.
89 |
10-03-04 |
Is DE su dujom del kaip registruoti?
Happy Holidays! Gal kas patartumet auto atveztas is Vokietijos su dujine iranga.Ji isntaliuota ten, ne LT.Ar galima toki auto priregistruioti pries varant T/A ir ko rekalaus praeinant T/A del duju irangos?Ir truputi ne i tema kitas klausimas gal esat girdeje ar patys tureje reikalu.Tikrinome automobili per regitra ivede vin koda ir valst numeri, paso serija.Rodo viską kaip turi būti tik kitokiu šriftu užrašas "ĮSPĖJIMAS!".Kame saknys kolegos? Ish anksto dekojame uzh komentarus ir atsakymus
16 |
13-12-23 |
Is DE su dujom del kaip registruoti?
Happy Holidays! Gal kas patartumet auto atveztas is Vokietijos su dujine iranga.Ji isntaliuota ten, ne LT.Ar galima toki auto priregistruioti pries varant T/A ir ko rekalaus praeinant T/A del duju irangos?Ir truputi ne i tema kitas klausimas gal esat girdeje ar patys tureje reikalu.Tikrinome automobili per regitra ivede vin koda ir valst numeri, paso serija.Rodo viską kaip turi būti tik kitokiu šriftu užrašas "ĮSPĖJIMAS!".Kame saknys kolegos? Ish anksto dekojame uzh komentarus ir atsakymus
16 |
13-12-23 |
mano auto dabar :) (dedam po pacia svieziausia auto foto)
Ne dar, tuninginis tebera "f1 sport" su nikeliais ahujenais Ieskau triju stipinu vectra a 88-92m originalaus vairo
683 |
10-08-28 |
subaru legacy
Amortizatoriai tau tikrai galo neiskels, kad ir nauji, ju ne tokia paskirtis.. A vot spyruoklem, tai gal ir pabaiga..
22 |
10-04-03 |
Ar apsimoka keist?
jei eina dek siauras I prieki geriausia tai vienodas 4 kad vezios nesipjautu op jei dzin tai dek bele geras padangos storos a plonos visokiom vaziuos aisku ris kuo didesnes platesnes ir trauka mazwes nuo kuo didesniu ratu
8 |
13-12-31 |
Demesio! bukite budrus
Robert Beveridge Hello The price is 2500 EURO. Mileage: 100.000 Km. Car is in very good condition. This is the only car I have.... As I said, I am currently in newcastle, UK and i try to find a solution to bring the car to your address. My friend recommended to use a local shipping company that is able to deliver the car to your address. I will handle the shipping cost, so you will not have to pay any fees or extra-money. The company deliver 8-9 cars on a single truck so the shipping tax is pretty cheap for me. All the car documents are OK and you can check them when you will receive the car. The company will take care for all export documents and they help with the registration of car on your name. Delivery time:5-6 days. They also have a return policy and the car will be insured. What is your opinion about that? About this price... I tried to sell the car here but is impossible because car wheel is on the left side and here need cars with the wheel on the right side. I had a very good job in Lithuania. i bought it from Palanga, and my wife was home alone with the kids. (boy and girl, 3 and 5 years) . I feel very guilty because i left my wife there so i made the right decision to leave my job from Lithuania and everything behind me and go back to my family , I learned that money is not the most important thing in the life. Thank you! _ From: Pavel To: 'Robert Beveridge' Sent: Sunday, June 26, 2011 6:15 AM Subject: RE: Volkswagen Golf V, 2005/12m Hallo. All right. I see that the car looks good. But I want to be sure of its condition. What is mileage in kilometers? Engine does not smoke? P.S. Have you got any more cars?
89 |
10-03-04 |
biski nia i tiema biat sita klausik kek pas tavia duju rijia? pas mania ape 4 misrei tai galvuojiu a ne per doug? trasuoj mazeusei buvuo 3, 2 litro o mestia tai net iki 5 litru buna tai biski dauguoka gal ar nia?
7 |
15-07-08 |
bmw 3 klass nuo 98 + ir -
jei pirk tai audi a 6 ir dyzeli nuo 2.5 variklio ir vazinesi be problemu.
18 |
09-12-29 |
a6 c5
neperseniausiai nusipirkau a 6..98m..2.4 varikliu..butu ydomu zmoniu nuomones isgirst apie sy auto
25 |
10-12-24 |
Mercedesas S klases 3.5 Td 95 m
Norejau paklaust gal kas galit pakomentuoti apie mercedes A 170 dizeis 1, 7 kaip ta masina .
7 |
08-05-08 |
Kaista Fiat variklis
a del kiauro raradiatoriaus gali necirkuliuot? nes siandien pastebejau, kad yra nedydele skilute radiatoriaus virsuje.
11 |
10-07-25 |
Lancia Lybra 2.4 JTD, verta?
nu sakes ka dabar pirkt?tas nuvertejo tas sunyko, o perkiek italas sunyks, a?
594 |
11-01-17 |
BMW E36 Borto kompiuteris
Neveikia A-TEMP ir REICHW knopkės.. KAINA 50LT
2 |
12-09-18 |
Dingo kibirkstis is oro.
nu tikiuosi, nes noriu masinos belekaip.. tuo paciu ir vairavima naujai A kategorijai islaikyt
36 |
13-03-15 |
Audi Coupe +/-
varikliu baidosi tokiu kaip tavo audi.but 2 litrai paprastas variklis gal butu ir nieko a dabar...
37 |
11-11-22 |
reikia patarimo del automobilio
Tas mersas A class esu daug girdejas kad lb megsta apvirst ant staigaus posukio ar pan.
25 |
10-05-30 |
Ką pasirinkti patarkite prašau?
geriausia tai rs kur 2002 metu bet kodel tu 49 cc perki ko neziuri 125cc ? a ?
13 |
11-09-25 |
perku ugnies sistema duslintuvui
kaip tuos 50kw pakele?esi zmogau perinkes nors viena betkokios masinos matoras nuo a iki z?
105 |
12-12-29 |
parduodu 1 jawos kaušo nauja cilindra
kausšas rusiškas naujas ir kitas karalienės dalis
1 |
13-08-07 |
del turbinu terminologijos
nu va pats paklausiau pats ir atsakysiu gal kam nors pravers kol kas angliskai gal kada rasiu laiko isverst. arba kas nors kitas nepatinges isverst. They are two different terminologies for what type of turbo configuration you have in your car. Example: Mercedes bi-turbo, or the Audi S4 2.7 bi-turbo. What this means is that there is a turbo for each bank of cylinders, and they are located on opposite ends of the motor. However, in a car like the Toyota Supra MKIV, that car is a twin turbo because it is an inline 6 motor, and the turbos are located next to each other. One feeds off the other (there is a smaller turbo that spools up to create less turbo lag, at which point a larger turbo kicks in for the higher boost). From what I understand, that is the "technical terminology"
4 |
10-03-15 |
e34 bmw 525 td
tiesiog as vazineju taip kad masina tik menesi atlaike, a pei 3000 km nuvaziavau as klausiu kokia gali but beda kad ant laisvu dirba o jei duodi gazo ji gesta, a savo nuomone prilaikyk, man reikia teisingo atsakymo
5 |
13-08-13 |
gal kas pagelbesit turou problemele si omega?
tai autobusai vazinejanetoli daznai bunu Pnv as pats is Birzua gerai idesiu
76 |
09-12-13 |
pirksiu scenik nuo 1998
A irgi ruosiuosi toki pat bet jau nemazai prisiskaiciau cia ir galvoju ar beverta?
4 |
11-02-04 |
a beja, ka visas tas daigtas kainuoja kur ant dreles dedasi ir lipukai tie?
63 |
11-02-19 |
bmw 318 kupe o tai nx nupjauti a nutraukti kaskas tokio...kaskas buvo tvarkyta...
30 |
12-09-02 |
Dėl riebokšlių
a tj cia kalbi apie alkuninio riebokslius ant aseliu is abieju pusiu kur yra?
46 |
14-03-02 |
Audi b4 TDI quattro
a tau ne pigiau iseitu nusipirkti audi a4 TDI QUATTRO.nes manau kad tau brangiai atsieis ydeti y b4 QUATTRO vaziuokle
4 |
10-06-07 |
mano auto dabar :) (dedam po pacia svieziausia auto foto)
cia ne uk, kur ziema galima su vasarinem padangom vazineti kur policija ziuri kaip plikom padangom vazinejama, a?
683 |
10-08-28 |
Kia ceed dyzeliukas
ai tai tu apie senaji, tai tas isvis nevertas demesio. nebent jei reik pigiai aukstesnes masinos is a i b, tada gal, bet yra alternatyvu vistiek geresniu. nelabai kas vertina tuos senuosius ir juos labai labai sunku parduoti.
31 |
09-10-21 |
Lancia Lybra 2.4 JTD, verta?
As ir noriu isbandit 2 ratus noriu kokio chioperio bet deja savu laiku pagailejau 200lt ir nepasidariau a kategorijos tai dbr biski ta krize laiko stoka ir siaip mintis nest kudasiu is lt pas tevus i DE
594 |
11-01-17 |
Pirmas auto - ka pasirinkti?
uz 4000lt peugeot206 neiseitu. nu iseitu davarytas arba apibraizytas.mes turejom su zmona toki keitem i a klases mersa , nes tepalus pradejo varyt i antifriza , ir siaip traukos nebuvo kaip teko lygint su panasiais.o citroen xsara 98 metu tai iseitu nebloga ir kur kas patogesne auto mat 206ta moki uz populeruma, dizaina o ne uz kokybe.
82 |
10-04-12 |
Nesutinku kad lancia yra sudas, pats vazineju.
Na jau ne! Turejau Citramona "xiusa" , daugiau i ju puse net neziuriu.. But masina, kaip masina, ale ju ta hidropakaba tai pavede mane kaip reikiant.. Pradejo ta skysti hidro lb vartot, kuris ne pigus, a pato isvis siugriuvo ir daugiau nesikele, ,
18 |
09-11-30 |
Kokius keturacius galima uzregistruoti kaip traktoriu? ar ir galima kai keturatis uzregistruotas kaip masina perigestruoti kaip traktoriu?
Asmu, vairuojantis mažų matmenų keturračių transporto primonę, kuri naudojama žemės ūkyje, statybose ir pan., įregistruotą nustatyta tvarka savivaldybėje, privalo turėti traktorininko pažymėjimą, suteikiantį teisę vairuoti šios kategorijos transporto priemones. LIETUVOS RESPUBLIKOS ŽEMĖS ŪKIO MINISTRO Į S A K Y M A S DĖL TRAKTORIŲ, SAVAEIGIŲ IR ŽEMĖS ŪKIO MAŠINŲ IR JŲ PRIEKABŲ REGISTRAVIMO TAISYKLIŲ PATVIRTINIMO 2006 m. spalio 2 d. Nr. 3D-384 punktas 2.3. savaeigės mašinos – ratiniai ir vikšriniai ekskavatoriai, krautuvai, savaeigiai kranai, greideriai, vikšriniai buldozeriai, grunto tankintuvai, kelių frezeriai, asfalto klotuvai, plentvoliai, vikšriniai vamzdžių klotuvai, poliakalės, kelių ženklinimo mašinos, medvežės, miško kirtimo mašinos, gatvių priežiūros mašinos, motorinės rogės, keturračiai motociklai ir kitos savaeigės mašinos; Toliau: LIETUVOS RESPUBLIKOS ŽEMĖS ŪKIO MINISTRO Į S A K Y M A S DĖL TRAKTORIŲ IR SAVAEIGIŲ MAŠINŲ, KURIOS nePRISKIRIAMOS AUTOMOBILIAMS, KATEGORIJŲ IR MINIMALAUS VAIRUOTOJŲ AMŽIAUS PATVIRTINIMO 2003 m. lapkričio 25 d. Nr. 3D-499 punktas 1. T v i r t i n u šias traktorių ir savaeigių mašinų, kurios nepriskiriamos automobiliams, kategorijas: 1.4. SM kategorija - savaeigės ne žemės ūkio mašinos (specialiosios žemės kasimo, transportavimo, melioracijos, miškų ūkio, kelių dangų rengimo ir priežiūros mašinos bei kitos savaeigės mašinos, nepriklausančios savaeigių žemės ūkio mašinų kategorijai).
3 |
10-04-11 |
del A kategorijos
pries metus laikiau kainavo 600lt kursai. regitroj pravaziavimas 110 lt. Ir dabar prijeme kazkoki istatima kur A kategorija gali laikyti tik su savo mocu kurio galia didesne uz 40Kw. Tai dabar mano A kategorija nuplauke ir turiu tik A2 iki 35Kw.
14 |
13-02-19 |
Kur rasti gauti pirkti padidintos talpos kuro baku masinoms? internete maciau pasatui parduoda 220Litru kuro baka ?
On January 1, 1966, viewers of the Rose Bowl were first introduced to the new "Leader of the Dodge Rebellion", the 1966 Charger. The Charger's debut also followed by a half model year the introduction of a new street version of the 426 cu in (7.0 L) Chrysler Hemi engine. With the Charger, Dodge had a new model to build a performance image to go along with this engine. Designed by Carl "CAM" Cameron, the Dodge Charger introduced a fastback roofline and a pot-metal "electric shaver" grille. The grille used fully rotating headlights (180 degree) that when opened or closed made the grille look like one-piece unit. Hidden headlamps were a feature not seen on a Chrysler product since the 1942 DeSoto. In the rear of the new Dodge, the fastback design ended over a full-width six-lamp taillight that featured chromed "CHARGER" lettering. 1966 Charger dash Inside, the standard Charger featured a simulated wood-grain steering wheel, four individual bucket seats with a full length console from front to rear. The rear seats and rear center armrest pad also folded forward while the trunk divider dropped back, which allowed for generous cargo room. Numerous interior features were exclusive to the Charger including door panels, courtesy lights, as well as premium trim and vinyl upholstery. The instrument panel did not use regular bulbs to light the gauges, but rather electroluminescence lit the four chrome-ringed circular dash pods, needles, radio, shifter-position indicator in the console, as well as clock and Air Conditioning controls if equipped. The dash housed a 0 to 6000 rpm tachometer, a 0 to 150 mph (240 km/h) speedometer, as well as alternator, fuel, and temperature gauges as standard equipment. Engine selections consisted of only V8s, though a straight-six engine engine became standard by 1968. 1966 transmissions included a three-speed steering-wheel mounted manual with only the base engine, a console mounted four-speed manual or three-speed automatic. In 1966, four engines were offered: the base-model 318 cu in (5.2 L) 2-barrel, the 361 cu in (5.9 L) 2-barrel, the 383 cu in (6.3 L) 4-barrel, and the new 426 Street Hemi. Only 468 Chargers were built with the 426. Total production in 1966 came to 37, 344 units for the mid-model year introduction. In 1966 Dodge took the Charger into NASCAR in hopes that the fastback would make their car a winner on the high-banks. But the car proved slippery on the faster tracks because its body generated lift. Drivers would later claim that "it was like driving on ice." In order to solve this problem Dodge installed a small lip spoiler on the trunk lid which improved traction at speeds above 150 mph (240 km/h). They also had to make it a dealer-installed option in late 1966 and 1967 because of NASCAR rules (with small quarter panel extensions in 1967). The 1966 Charger was the first U.S. production vehicle to offer a spoiler. David Pearson, driving a #6 Cotten Owens-prepared Charger, went on to win the NASCAR Grand National championship in 1966 with 14 first-place finishes.
42 |
09-10-24 |
Audi B4 Avant , Padekit
On January 1, 1966, viewers of the Rose Bowl were first introduced to the new "Leader of the Dodge Rebellion", the 1966 Charger. The Charger's debut also followed by a half model year the introduction of a new street version of the 426 cu in (7.0 L) Chrysler Hemi engine. With the Charger, Dodge had a new model to build a performance image to go along with this engine. Designed by Carl "CAM" Cameron, the Dodge Charger introduced a fastback roofline and a pot-metal "electric shaver" grille. The grille used fully rotating headlights (180 degree) that when opened or closed made the grille look like one-piece unit. Hidden headlamps were a feature not seen on a Chrysler product since the 1942 DeSoto. In the rear of the new Dodge, the fastback design ended over a full-width six-lamp taillight that featured chromed "CHARGER" lettering. 1966 Charger dash Inside, the standard Charger featured a simulated wood-grain steering wheel, four individual bucket seats with a full length console from front to rear. The rear seats and rear center armrest pad also folded forward while the trunk divider dropped back, which allowed for generous cargo room. Numerous interior features were exclusive to the Charger including door panels, courtesy lights, as well as premium trim and vinyl upholstery. The instrument panel did not use regular bulbs to light the gauges, but rather electroluminescence lit the four chrome-ringed circular dash pods, needles, radio, shifter-position indicator in the console, as well as clock and Air Conditioning controls if equipped. The dash housed a 0 to 6000 rpm tachometer, a 0 to 150 mph (240 km/h) speedometer, as well as alternator, fuel, and temperature gauges as standard equipment. Engine selections consisted of only V8s, though a straight-six engine engine became standard by 1968. 1966 transmissions included a three-speed steering-wheel mounted manual with only the base engine, a console mounted four-speed manual or three-speed automatic. In 1966, four engines were offered: the base-model 318 cu in (5.2 L) 2-barrel, the 361 cu in (5.9 L) 2-barrel, the 383 cu in (6.3 L) 4-barrel, and the new 426 Street Hemi. Only 468 Chargers were built with the 426. Total production in 1966 came to 37, 344 units for the mid-model year introduction. In 1966 Dodge took the Charger into NASCAR in hopes that the fastback would make their car a winner on the high-banks. But the car proved slippery on the faster tracks because its body generated lift. Drivers would later claim that "it was like driving on ice." In order to solve this problem Dodge installed a small lip spoiler on the trunk lid which improved traction at speeds above 150 mph (240 km/h). They also had to make it a dealer-installed option in late 1966 and 1967 because of NASCAR rules (with small quarter panel extensions in 1967). The 1966 Charger was the first U.S. production vehicle to offer a spoiler. David Pearson, driving a #6 Cotten Owens-prepared Charger, went on to win the NASCAR Grand National championship in 1966 with 14 first-place finishes.
21 |
13-08-15 |
patarkit apgavo zioplai mane
Kam Jus meluojat jei atys nieko nezinot.Kainuoja perrasyti vien tech.pasas naujas ir benz i benz-dujos 65 litai.o kur dar duju t/a, baliono patikra?PAs pigius dujininkus duju irangos apziuros ir tai nedaro uz aciu, 40-50 litu.Viena yra juokauti kaip as , bet nusikalbeti ir lysti visur su savo pletkais jau kas kita.Tech.apziurai siaip masinos nereikia , bet regitroje BUTINI DUJU IRANGOS DOKAI, jie kainuos pas dujininkus nepigiai.Patys kelis kart i savaite su tuo susiduriam.Greitu metu isigalios nauja tvarka, kad isviso neregistruos auto be t/a.
68 |
12-02-17 |
BMW 320d 2000m ar Volkswagen Golf 1.9TDI 2000m
tai bl gerai sako, lygint bybi su pirstu irgi nesamone.... kur golfas kur treciukas bemsas. tas guolis skardine ant ratu... su bemsu pasivazinejes i golfa ziuret nenoresi. na o jei tau waziawimas px taip sakant ir nori isedes is tasko a i b waziuot tai imk ta guoli...
82 |
11-07-10 |
Del A kategorijos turint A2
Sveiki, rasau cia, nes daugiausiai zmoniu bendrauja siame forume.
Man yra 22m. Turiu A2 kategorija. Po patirties butu atejusi ir A. Taciau po tu pertvarkimu gaunasi taip, kad turiu tai ka turiu. Ka man reiktu atlikti regitroje norint A kategorijos, ten reikia eiti viska is naujo, o gal jau reikia ir i mokykla kokia registruotis net ? Ar tiesiog reikia koki pravaziavima atlikti, kokios kainos apytiksles ? Dekui uz atsakymus. |
19 |
15-01-26 |
honda civic 1990m 1.6 doch 81kw
Kad nelanksto tai gali nekeisti a?nu zinai vis tiek reikia pasikeisti savo laika jau atitarnavo
49 |
10-06-15 |
reikia informacijos apie masinas
agirdi, kaip tavo w220 gyvena?a irgi lauzas?geriau pakvepuok grynu oru Punios sile, gal atsigausi
35 |
13-02-18 |
Parduodu BMW R16 ratlankius
Pataisymas: E46 galinių stopų lemputes, nes dar iki cielo BMW jam dar da-a-aug...
84 |
12-02-02 |
Mopedo teises padekit!!
49cc uztenka ir m kategorijos, o daugiau kaip 49cc reikes butinai laikyt a1 arba a kategorijas
16 |
13-06-20 |
išparduodu savo motociklus bei mašina
užeikit gal rasit kanors reikalingo
1 |
14-04-25 |
e39 pirkimas ir patarimai
A tai tu galvoji jeigu tavo lupena tempia, ir tai 2litrus valgo, tai ir kitus tampo?
418 |
13-01-29 |