Re also use an''A0 (6 psl.) (288)
Paieška forume
Pranešimai | Atsakymai | Autorius | |
Del auto registravimo an saves o draudimas an kito
parasyk man i el.pasta duomenys ir foto su kaina.
64 |
12-04-21 |
Del auto registravimo an saves o draudimas an kito
gal pats dirbi regitroje?
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12-04-21 |
Del auto registravimo an saves o draudimas an kito
a cia tada pateisinama jei neilgam turejo atimti uz tiek
64 |
12-04-21 |
Del auto registravimo an saves o draudimas an kito
ko tiek daug uz lengva
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12-04-21 |
Del auto registravimo an saves o draudimas an kito
leds kazkur prie taves turetu buti?yra pas mane grafike jei nieko nerasiu londone, birmagham....ten gyveni gal salia kur kokiu lietuvaiciu?
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12-04-21 |
Del auto registravimo an saves o draudimas an kito
zinok bybi turejau mulaciu, negriu aisku nesusiragau po ju bet nieka yspudinga bet va kazkada turejau ruse peteri ten ne gal kazkiek visos skyles vienodos bet svarbiausia kad nesuzinoti savoji
64 |
12-04-21 |
Padekite YAMAHA DT 125 re 2008m!!!!
tas guoliukas separatorius vadinasi
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11-10-28 |
Padekite YAMAHA DT 125 re 2008m!!!!
Nu jo tolokai DD
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11-10-28 |
Padekite YAMAHA DT 125 re 2008m!!!!
Reikia pagalbos, gal kas zinote kur gauti stumokli su ziedais ir guoliukus svaistiklio kur ant velenelio eina tik ne china. China pats zinau kur gauti ebay pilna ju.... Dekui is anksto
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11-10-28 |
Padekite YAMAHA DT 125 re 2008m!!!!
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11-10-28 |
Padekite YAMAHA DT 125 re 2008m!!!!
Pameginsiu ARMI paklausti gal tures
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11-10-28 |
Padekite YAMAHA DT 125 re 2008m!!!!
koks dar speparatorius adatinis guolis svaistiklio ir viskas krč sveigsta nesamones DDDD separatorius mat
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11-10-28 |
Padekite YAMAHA DT 125 re 2008m!!!!
Oooo tai Armi servise neturi?
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11-10-28 |
Padekite YAMAHA DT 125 re 2008m!!!!
Nu, tai radai Armi servise?
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11-10-28 |
Padekite YAMAHA DT 125 re 2008m!!!!
Nusiunciau kebulo numeri dar nieko neatrase
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11-10-28 |
Padekite YAMAHA DT 125 re 2008m!!!!
Tai yra ir KLP Yamaha centriukas ten irgi uzsakineja bet kainos kosmines tipo orginalas o as tapati ebay gaunu.Armi atsiciuhino parase kad rado daliu. Ziuresim kokios jos
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11-10-28 |
Padekite YAMAHA DT 125 re 2008m!!!!
as is klp bet vaziavau i vilniu is yamaha centro uzsakinejau dalis , gal dabar is to centro ir internetu galima uzsakyti
17 |
11-10-28 |
Padekite YAMAHA DT 125 re 2008m!!!!
Dekui kad pasakei kaip jis vadinasi nezinojau matai
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11-10-28 |
Padekite YAMAHA DT 125 re 2008m!!!!
Neturi Armi servise
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11-10-28 |
Padekite YAMAHA DT 125 re 2008m!!!!
Zodziu stumia tas Armi servisas niekas daugiau nieko nezinote?
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11-10-28 |
Padekite YAMAHA DT 125 re 2008m!!!!
is kokio miesto tu ?
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11-10-28 |
kaip graziai gieda... Dear Buyer, we have the pleasure to inform you that one of our verified sellers has invited you to use our Trading Service to purchase a vehicle. Terms and Conditions of Transaction : The transaction will be through our service only. The Buyer pays PATROCLES Holdings LTD the total amount of the vehicle's price (which is considered as the insured 100% prepayment for the vehicle if the Buyer will accept to buy it) therefore our agents can transport the vehicle with all necessary documents at provided address. The car will be transported with our company truck. The Seller has paid our services and the transport of the vehicle at the Buyer's location according with our company terms and conditions. The Buyer will receive and inspect the vehicle for 5 days. During this time the Buyer can verify the car at the local car service or dealer and must decide to accept the vehicle or not. In case the Buyer does not accept the vehicle, it will be returned to the Seller and the Buyer will receive the refund in full(money that are transfered to our bank account for the inspection period). refund : Any complaints can be made in 30 days after the transaction date. After the Buyer will test the vehicle, in case that the Buyer do not purchase it, we will deliver it back to our company from where the Seller can take it back. To ask for a refund, simply reply us and enter in the subject line: request for refund Auto Transaction # A7682639113 The Transaction Confirmation including the contact informations should be used only to resolve matters related to PATROCLES Holdings LTD services, any other use is strictly prohibited. Payment Instructions : According to our policy the following step to be taken is to transfer the total amount of vehicle's price which is 3, 500.00 EUR - in our bank account indicated to guarantee your transaction, via banking transfer. Here are the details of the account (information for the acccount in which you must send the payment) : -------------------------------------------------------------- Account name: PATROCLES LIMITED Bank name: Barclays Bank PLC Branch sort code : 20-53-30 Account number : 43566617 SWIFT-BIC: BARCGB22 IBAN: 617 --------------------------------------------------------------- Note : To make the transfer you, as the Buyer have to go to your local bank and send the funds in forementioned account. After you finish the transfer, you will receive the receipt from the bank which you have to scan it and send it to our email: [email protected] or send it by fax 0044 166 822 8160 . Once the money reaches our account and our staff will verify the transaction, we will establish a date to transport the car to location (if address is not correct please notify us). Very important : The Seller will NOT receive the money from our company before the Buyer verifies the vehicle, accept it and the sale contract is signed. Track your transaction : You can trace your transaction on our site at the following address : your transaction number is : A7682639113 Note : our web address is in the English language and if you do not know how to see your transaction contact us please at : Thank you for using our Auto Trading and Transport service! web address : e-mail : [email protected] For further information please contact: Patrocles Holdings LTD, 20 Front Street, Bamburgh NE69 7BW PHONE NUMBER: 0044 756 561 7760 0044 756 561 7760 end_of_the_skype_highlighting FAX NUMBER: 0044 166 822 8160 Company registration : 7218344 © 2010 PATROCLES Holdings LTD
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10-06-15 |
an vidutiniu apsuku barska variklis
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15-04-14 |
mago Bluetooth`o įjungimas
Sveiki, gal kas turite tokį 2014m vidurio "džiuvėsį"ir žinote kaip įsijungia wireless bluetooth`o funkcija?Per meniu ar automatiškai? O gal reikia į usb lizdą įkišti blutufo adapterį/imtuvą? Trumpas modelio aprašymas toks: The JVC KW-R910BT is a Double-DIN Bluetooth Built-In, Separated Variable Multi-color in-dash CD receiver with 6-key presets, Aux Input, USB Port for iPhone, iHeartRadio Link Capability, and Pandora Internet Radio capability. Music playback for iPod and iPhone can be controlled from the receiver or music player itself using 2-way iPod control. The receiver also includes capability to add steering wheel remote control function (via a separate adapter). Both Pandora and iHeartRadio can be used via Android (Wireless) or iPhone (USB) connection. Now featuring Android Music Playback via USB (Firmware Update required). Android Music Playback via USB (requires User Firmware Update. Please Click Here.) MOS-FET 50W x 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bluetooth(R) Wireless Technology*1 (Built-in) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Phone Book Access Profile, Phone Book Transfer, Hands-Free Call, Audio Streaming, AVRCP, Text Message /SMS (Short Message Service) receipt Notification, Voice recognition Dialing, Compatibility Check Mode, Simple Secure Pairing, 2 Phones Full-Time Connection, Pandora/iHeartRadio/Internet Radio Control for Smartphone, Siri Eyes-Free-Mode for iPhone) 2 Phones Full-Time Connection apibraukiau kur blutufo versija ... Kaip jis jungiasi panašiuose grotuvuose? Nusipirkau šeštadienį Aleksoto turguje, viskas groja puikiausiai, usb veikia(reiškia draiveris yra)bet nerandu kaip sujungti su telefu per blutufa , ir pulto nebuvo komplekte... Bandžiau įjungti telefone bluetotą bet jis mago nemato. Kaip manote, ką daryt? Pamėginsiu pridegti mago nuotrauką ir nuorodą jei išeis
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15-06-11 |
saab 900
Del kitu masinu sutinku, bet apie jas as praktiskai ne zodzio neuzsiminiau Klampumas Alyvos klampumą nurodo SAE skaičiai, pavyzdžiui 10W40. Pirmas skaičius prieš W raidę- šalto tepalo klampumas, svarbus žiemą. Kuo skaičius mažesnis, tuo skystesnė alyva šaltame ore. Kai tepalai skystesni, starteriui lengviau sukti variklį. Šalto tepalo klampumas matuojamas -18°C temperatūroje. 5W klampumo alyva sustingsta maždaug -40°C šaltyje. Dar gaminamos 0W klampumo alyvos. Jų klampumas toks pat kaip ir 5W, tačiau 0W visiškai nustoja tekėti dar žemesnėje temperatūroje nei -40°C. Tokių šalčių Lietuvoje nebūna, todėl pirkti 0W neverta. Antras skaičius už raidės W nusako tepalų klampumą darbinėje temperatūroje 100°C. Negalima paprastai atsakyti, koks tepalas geresnis- skystesnis ar klampesnis. Skystesnės alyvos (W30) privalumas- tokia alyva šiek tiek sumažina trintį tarp variklio mazgų, taigi variklis tampa šiek tiek ekonomiškesnis. Bet skysta alyva skvarbesnė, todėl senuose ar labai sudevėtuose varikliuose dėl pernelyg skysto tepalo gali būti nepakankamas tepalo spaudimas. Klampesnės alyvos (W50) privalumas- ji sudaro storesnę ir atsparesnę tepalo plėvelę. Bet naujuose varikliuose, kuriuose tarpai tarp tepamų paviršių maži, didelio klampumo tepalas sunkiau skverbiasi į tarpus tarp paviršių. Ttransmisines alyvos skaiciai gali buti Del transmisines alyvos gali buti kad skaiciai nurodo visai kitas klampas ba radau toki termina "The higher numbers of a gear oil (e.g., 75W-140) do not mean that it has higher viscosity than an engine oil."
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09-10-03 |
BMW X5 ar MB ML 230
Nelipa 1-nu ratu ant bortuko kai prisnigta normaliai su gerom zieminem padangom nors tu bizunu gink.Tu man parodyk nors viena buduli kuris skustusi kad nusipirko bloga masina, daugelis nusipirke ML-us ir X5 naktim nagus grauzia kosmarus sapnuoja bet aplinkiniams issisiepia giriasi koks nuostabus mano grazuolis, kaip nieks negenda ir kaip mazai ima kuro.Tiek X5-ti, tiek ML`ai geri kol nepradeda byreti, kai pavazinesi ilgesni laika suprasi, nera prasmes diskutuoti VBS stiliumi.Razdatke Xdrive zymiai silpnesne uz elementarios subaru, mova viena silpniausiu, triptronikas tas pats kaip vw-audi su aliumine priekio sankaba (draivo bugnu) lavonu lavonas po 100k km jau buna mikrotrukimai o padrozus dazniausiai subyra uzkisa visa valdymo bloka luzenos ir chana visa kapitalinis pareina.ML-as dar trapesnis, nes razdatkeje perdavima atlieka silpnute grandine storis sulig dviratines, pagal gamintoja keiciama tas pats zf-inis lavonas, kankinasi daugelis tiek su ML-ais, tiek su X5-tais tik garsiai nekalba, naktim i pagalves staugia.Kai susidirsi dar su elektronikos bedom situ modeliu tai isitikinsi koks slamstas.O del vaziavimo staigumo tai visi CR dyzeliai(ir daug mazesnes kubaturos) labai samgiai lupa is vietos.ML-e priekyje erdviau nei X5-tam, taciau ant galiniu sedyniu ankstoka palyginus su x5....An tai pofig negi lysi irodinesi zmogui kai jis pats galva kisa i kilpa del jam viena suprantamu priezasciu.Pilna neuzmusamu, autosporte uzgrudintu 4x4 auto, bet ne, reikia efekto ar dar kazko.
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12-11-02 |
MB vent.visko movos-sankabos keitimas
Jei kam nors kada prireiks infos, tai kei2iasi daug papras2iau nei tik4jausi. Tereikia nuimti difuzoriu ir 13 raktu kitoje vietoje raktu palaikant veleneli atsukti kotr-verzle, ventiliatorius su mova-sankaba nusiima ir naujas isideda be problemu, nereikia net atleidineti paties radiatoriaus, nei isleidinet skyscio, raktas lengviausiai uzsikisa. Taciau, reikia atkreiti demesi i kitus niuansus. Sitos detales tikrinimas, pracejkinimas skiriasi nuo senesniu bemvu ir mersu movo prscekinimo, sios yra daiugiabeges, su"pavarom", ir jautriau reaguojancios i temperaturos pasikeitimus.Visiskai sunku pasukti butu tik tuomet, kai lauke temeratura kokie +20-25 karscio ir variklis arteja prie maximumo link 100 laipsniu, kazkur nuo 95 temperos.Bent tik pavyko issiaskinti su meistrais, su kuriais kalbejausi del pakeitimo ir veikimo principo. Jeigu vos gyva, vienodai lengvai sukasi tiek salta, tiek karstame variklyje.O gera turi nuo pat pradziu tureti sioki toki pasipriesinima, kuris kylant temperaturai palaipsniui dideja, taciau kieto sukibimo, kaip kazkada budavo senose movose , kad nesustabdytum isviso arba nepasuktum uzgesinto karsto variklio bventiliatoriaus-tokio dalyko nebėra.Laisvo slydimo mova buna triju arba ketyriu begiu. Musiske buvo dar siek-tiek gyva, ir problemu su temperatura galejo sukelti tik per didziausius karscius dideliuose kamsciuose pastovejus kokia valanda, jei neisjungtas kondicionierius(tarkime). Praktiskai, jos net nebuvo butinybes keist, dr galejo dirbt kazkiek, taciau neturiu ydos laukti kol visai subyres ir megstu rimtai priziureti technika, todel pakeiciau nauja. Jei domina kokiose Audi ir VW buna panasios movos, galie paziureti cia: is senesniu VW-Audi tai visi TDI V6 varikliai turejo visko-mova-sankaba 110-114-120-132kw tdi.Pigiwusi detlitoje iki 50E Budavo ir VW Pasatuose nuo 94-200m 1, 6 ir 1, 9 dyzeliuose, kip foto
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15-04-29 |
Įtartinas pirkėjas
Sveiki, el. paštu susidomėjo automobiliu ir gavau tokį laišką, ką jūs manote ?? Gal kas esate susidūrę? Hello Dear, Thanks for your speedy response in regards to your car I intend purchase.Please I would have love to visibly inspect the car, but my present location and the nature of my job here will not allow me to do so. But from the looks and description of the car I am very satisfied with it, so I am going ahead to buy the car from you. I am Aadil A. Al-Abbasi from Dubai working with President Gaddafi who has been asked to step by the International communities and the Libyan people.I am one of his trusted officials here In libya and I was privileged to handle the sum of $9.2 million (Nine million two hundred thousand united states dollars.) for a projected he intend to invest in before the crisis.The money was deposited with a Bank in Spain.I have been informed from the bank that the money is in safe condition. As it is now, I am will attach the copy of the deposit certificate which I obtained from the bank customers service during the period of deposit when you accept this offer, but please also bear it in mind there will be no phone communication as the problem is still on here in Li-bya so any further communication should be by email, if you are really interested to receive this money on my behalf on your bank account do get back to me as soon as possible. I wish to point to you that your benefit to assist me in receiving this fund will be 30% of this fund after paying for the agreed price of the car while 70% will be for me, I hope you are comfortable with this offer. if you are serious about this deal please go ahead and send me the required information to proceed immediately. THE reQUIreD INFORMATION'S BELOW Your Full Name: ........ Your Car Last Selling price.......................... Your Full Address : ....... Your Direct Telephone Number : .... Your Bank Details : ............ Once I receive the information's required, I will forwarded it to the Bank immediately to proceed for the transfer of the money to your Bank account. Thanks for your understanding and I look foreword to hear from you so have a nice day. Best regards, Aadil A. Al-Abbasi
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11-06-27 |
kazkas barska varikly audi100c4 2.0 benzinas 74kw kai nuspaudi gaza an laisvu apsuku viskas normalei
na ten barska man rodos po paskirsttmo velenelio dangteliu, ar negali uzkalt del to variklis
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15-04-13 |
kazkas barska varikly audi100c4 2.0 benzinas 74kw kai nuspaudi gaza an laisvu apsuku viskas normalei
Koks dar smagratis, ten paprastas apvalus gelzgalys.Daug kas gali barsket, nezinia is kurio galo, gal koks skyvas kliba jei su demferiu.
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15-04-13 |
kazkas barska varikly audi100c4 2.0 benzinas 74kw kai nuspaudi gaza an laisvu apsuku viskas normalei
jeigu paskirstymo velenelis tai tikrai su tepalais gali buti kazkas negerai, man panasiai buvo kaip pro salnyka tepala leido.... klakssejimas. aisku ten buvo trukumas jau. o pas tave... itariu, kad kazkuz metalas i metala dzozias
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15-04-13 |
kazkas barska varikly audi100c4 2.0 benzinas 74kw kai nuspaudi gaza an laisvu apsuku viskas normalei
gali buti smakratis, spauzdamas gaza bandyk isminti sankaba jei barskejimas dingtsta vadinasi klatas jis
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15-04-13 |
kazkas barska varikly audi100c4 2.0 benzinas 74kw kai nuspaudi gaza an laisvu apsuku viskas normalei
Išjunk variklį, Atsuk tepalo dangtelį, įkišk kiek tik galima daugiau pirkštų, tada tegu draugelis pasuka starteriu variklį ir rasi kas ten barska, juk taip lengva
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15-04-13 |
kazkas barska varikly audi100c4 2.0 benzinas 74kw kai nuspaudi gaza an laisvu apsuku viskas normalei
audi 100c4 74kw 2.0 benzinas dujos kaip pradedi ysibeget kazkas barska varikly nesvarbu ar benzinu ar dujom jokio dumo nemeta tepalu nedegina laisvom apsukom dirba gerai didelem taipat gerai va tik kaip nori greiceu ysibeget barska gal galit atsakyt y klausima isanksto dekingas.
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15-04-13 |
kazkas barska varikly audi100c4 2.0 benzinas 74kw kai nuspaudi gaza an laisvu apsuku viskas normalei
Pritariu, broliui tas pats buvo, šitaip surado ten barškantį varžtelį, čia šitų variklių liga.
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15-04-13 |
kazkas barska varikly audi100c4 2.0 benzinas 74kw kai nuspaudi gaza an laisvu apsuku viskas normalei |
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15-04-13 |
kazkas barska varikly audi100c4 2.0 benzinas 74kw kai nuspaudi gaza an laisvu apsuku viskas normalei
ar negali but kaltas paskirstymo velenelis
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15-04-13 |
Būkite atsargūs!!!
Vakar gavau laiška, kad kažkas susidomėjo mano automobiliu iš roboto, turinys laiško atrodė taip: Sveiki, lankytojas susidomėjo Jūsų skelbimu: Vartotojo el. paštas: [email protected] Hello, I am interested in your car. Please let me know your last price. You can reach me on my email address. [email protected] for the last price. Best regards Mark More Na, nieko blogo neytardamas ir atrašiau, galutinę kainą, bei paklausiau iš kokio miesto pats autorius esąs. Šįryt, patikrinus el-pašta radau čiut ne novelės ilgio laiška to žmogaus, labai tingiu pasakoti jo turiny, tad jei su anglų kalba nesipykstate, tikrai perskaitysite, o kas ne, google translator'ių y pagalba pasiimkite, taigi laiškas: 2011/12/29 Mark More Hello, Thank you for your reply. I'm glad to note in your mail that your car is still available; I am genuinely interested to buy the car and I want to inform you that I will buy your car at your last given price. I want to ly ask you to remove the advert from the internet platform if it is possible. And also should other persons contact you for the car, be kind enough to inform such persons that there is already a serious person who intends to buy the car. I would have loved to visibly inspect the car personally but my present location and nature of my job will not allow me to do so. So please bear with me. From the looks and description of the car, I am satisfied with it and am willing to buy the car at the price you quoted. Let me have the pleasure to introduce myself to you first and foremost. I am Mark More writing you from my field area at 3rd Infantry Division of the Engineering Unit; UN Military Base Tabul Afghanistan. Based on the United States legislative and executive decision for withdrawing UN military troops from Iraq, I have been deployed to come and work in Afghanistan defensive forces base for six months and after which I will be coming to your country to come and work in your country defensive forces base. The aim is to help beef up terrorist targeted states mostly the United States and the European Union on the war against terrorism. I believe you will maintain the trust and confidence of what I am about to reveal to you to enable me conclude this transaction with you. I have in my possession the sum of 9.3 million USD that was recovered on one of our raids in a terrorist Camp in Baghdad Iraq before I am been deployed to Afghanistan but I did not submit all the money to the military authority as I needed this money for myself and families after all these years and much scrutiny by the military authorities. I packed my own share of money in a trunk box and deposited the box with the red Cross Agents here in the military camp and informing them that it is my personal belonging that I want to send to my relative. You can view the link below to confirm what I am telling you concerning to the money in my possession: Based on the suffering we undergo here some of us do meet such luck. It happened that I went for this raid with the men in my unit and I decided to take it as my share for my suffering as a soldier here in this land filled with suicide bombers. I deposited this money with a red Cross agent as my personal belongings informing him that I am making contact for my relative to whom I will like the box to be delivered to. It is under my power to approve whoever comes forth for this money. It is better you help me keep this money safe until I come to meet with you for the investment of the money there in your country. I cannot move this money to the United States because I will be in Europe for about a year and half. If you accept, I will make all arrangement with the red Cross to transfer the box money to you and made you my relative to whom will receive the money as I have it sealed inside a box without anyone knowing. I just need your acceptance and all is done. Please if you are interested in this transaction I will give to you the complete details you need for us to carry out this transaction ly. I decided to find someone that is real and not imaginary and that is why I went to a secured site where I can be sure that the person is real. Where I am now, we can only communicate through our military communication facilities which are secured so nobody can monitor our emails. I will only reach you through email because our calls might be monitored. I just have to be sure whom I am dealing with. Besides you have to remove the car from the advert list: I will buy the car at your price rate but please I want you to assure me that you will assist me in this deal so as to present you as the receiver of the money box. I am waiting for your earliest response. Please if you are interested, I will suggest you provide to me with these information's of yours so as to enable us proceed with the transaction: Your full names.......... Your full contact address....... Your direct telephone number........ A scan copy of your identity card.... Via your international passport copy or driving license for prove and identification of the person I am dealing with. Best regards Captain. Mark More Na tikrai, paaiškinta viskas ganėtinai logiškai, bet nuėjus y googl'a, suvedus paskutinės pastraipos pirma eilutę, oba, pilna tokių laiškų, ir svarbiausia, dažniausiai jie siunčiami automobilių pardavinėtojams ir kas baisiausia, kad kaikurie užsikabina, nes kiek supratau, po šito laiško, ateina kitas, kuriame rašoma pervesti jam 30% nuo sumos, kuria jis esa tau duos, o tu u= tai gausi 70% nu NESAMONĖ JUK!!! Tad žmonėsm neužsikabinkit ant tokių dalyku, juk niekas iš oro šiais laikais neatsiranda... Visiems geros dienos, bei su artėjančiais ir tikėkimies gerais, saugiais naujaisiais 2012 metais.
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11-12-29 |