Moment (13)
Paieška forume
Pranešimai | Atsakymai | Autorius | |
stiprei padiddeja duju sanaudos kaune su peiliu pradure ant kersto 4 padangas i sona , nusipirkau super gluj lita , super bizon ir super moment ir per kokius 4 sustojimus degalinese dapuciant davaziavau iki vilniaus .tie uz lita laike 15 km o bizonas po 40-50 km o moment net nepraemiau
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09-10-20 |
padekit del lempos
kaip ir galeciau gaut kita dausta fara tik ten nuluzes vienos puses virsutinis reguletorius ar fiksatorius nzn kaip pavadint, bet ta kita dalis yra su moment suklyjevus turbut ilgai nelaikytu?
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14-11-17 |
padekit del lempos
kaip ir galeciau gaut kita dausta fara tik ten nuluzes vienos puses virsutinis reguletorius ar fiksatorius nzn kaip pavadint, bet ta kita dalis yra su moment suklyjevus turbut ilgai nelaikytu?
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14-11-17 |
Maximoj parsiduoda "moment" klijai, tikrai geri jie. Tik reikia ne medzio kliju, o "universaliu", kad butu parasyta "klijuoja metala, plastika, stikla ir t.t". Jei pagal instrukcija priklijuot, specialiai nuraut nepavyks. Is jusu "aciu".
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24-10-08 |
sitam paprasta. reikia su kalibruot centriny per akuma.daryk taip:5ta saugikly nuo virsaus i pacia istrauk ir apsuk ir vel ikisk tada, nuimk klema nuo + , ijunki degima ir nuejas su ta klema biski pakibirksciuok i koky varzta kebule. turetu atsirakint moment. Sekmes!
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15-03-03 |
Patarkit kokį auto rinktis?
Kai tik moment klijų pigiau pas bobutes turguje pasirodo, taip iškarto balibėjus savo primatišką proletaro pasaulėžiūrą bruka.Nepasprink voveriuk patarinėdamas, visko žinot negali bet skeryčiojiesi kaip amaras. Kam tikrai įdomu-reikia būtinai reguliuoti vožtuvus visiems opoziciniams varikliams, ir dažniau nei kitokiems, o ypač prieš dedant dujas. Su naujais subarikais gal nedagelis čia važinėjat, tačiau vožtuvų reguliavimas gan sudėtingas ir brangus malonumas nepriklausomai nuo metų, jau tuo pačiu galima ir dirželius su ratukais pasikeisti.
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15-06-08 |
Ford maverick nebekele apsuku.
Svx, o ar pats ketei filtra?Tikėtina, kad neišsiurbė drožlių, šiukšlių ir visokio brudo iš kuro filtro korpuso.Jų dažniausiai būna pilnas dugnas pačiam filtro korpuse, kai sistema pagavo oro, siurbė stipriau gal įtrukė į siurblį kokių šiukšlių.Kitas san 3, 3/2, 8, /2, 7 ir 2, 5 siurbliuose būna dar vienas išsukamas kuro filras-metalinis tinklelis.Galėjo jį užkimšti.Arba paprasčiausiai purkštukuose ir šiaip siustemo je pilna oro.BLOGIAUSIA KAS GALĖJO NUTIK-PAKEITEI PIGŲ POPIERINĮ KINIEIŠKĄ AR LENKIŠKĄ KURO FILTRĄ ir ragai, jie feikiniai , moment suyra ir užkemša viską Kokios fimrmos filtriuks, kolega?Aš šiandien keičiau Knecht austrišką, nes vokiškas Manas kosmosą kainuoja, bet kitokių niekam nerekomenduočiau.
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17-02-25 |
citroen evasion spidometras
speju nerodo greicio arba apsuku , arba abieju iskar , cia ju beda , bet nesunkiai sprendziama , is sroto jai ir rasi , nezinai kiek laikys , nes kaip ir sakiau cia ju beda . Isardai spida , bus sugede varikliukai , tiksliau vieno is dantratuku nuluzus plasmasine asele ir kleipes dantratukai ir nerodo spidas . Kur asele stovi , kiaurai pragrezi su mazu grasteliu , pasimatuok pagal asele , pragrezes dedi adatele kiaurai , vienas galas per korpusa prasigreze kiaurai , ta gala su klijais super moment patepk is isores , isardes suprasi , as greziau ciut ploniau tiesiai per asele ir adatele prakisau per senaja asele , taip pasidarysi ir uzmirsi , , jai rankos dreba ar uzknisa smulkus darbai , vezk pas meistruka , kuris uzsema smulkmenom , kaip kmpu , magu ir panasiai remontu , tikrai padarys , .. srote paliksi uz spida 100-250lt ir nezinai ar ilgai veiks , nes nuo 99m cia ju beda
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10-03-04 |
Dingsta antifrizas (nepastoviai)
Gal but laikas keisti variklio-galvutes tarpine(šitiem varikliam patartina keisti kas šimtą arba yra mikrotrūkimas galvutėje.Keičiant tarpine specialiu stendu ir slėgiu patikrinamas ir galvutės "sandarumas".Gali buti trukimas tarp ausinimo ir ismetimo kanaliuko.Todel skystis patenka į išmetima bet gal papult ir į cilindrą.....Tačiau gali būti ir visiškai paprasta priežastis.Pasenęs antifrizas nugaruoja, nes jo sudėtis yra glikolio, vadens ir specialių antikorozinių, terminių priedų mixas.Vanduo atsiskiria ir virsta garais.Dar pasitaiko bajerių, kad pakilus slėgiui ar esant dideliai variklio apkrovai "myžčioja"vos pastebima srovele per sudūrimą ar įtrūkimą aušinimo sistemoje kurį rasti nedaug šansų.Pvz kartą radom, kaip plauko storumo srovele čiurkštelna iš išsiplėtimo balkelio apačios.Dar gali myžčioti per vandens pompos riebokšlį.Jei prakiurtų salono pečiukas, tai moment aprasotų iš vidaus langai kad nepavažiuotum, pribėgtų ant grindų.Vnz atrodo nieko rimto kai randi per kur, bet nežinant tai žiaurus galvosūkis.
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13-03-30 |
Neapsigaukite, jie gali pervesti pinigus, jus juos matysite. O paypal po kurio laiko pazymes jog pvz. kazkas blogai su auto ar moto ir paypal pinigus jiems grąžins atgal. Jus liksite be pinigu ir be transporto priemones. Thank you.I'm satisfied with the condition. I won't be able to come and view it myself because I am currently away for work.but if can you guarantee that it is in a good condition, I will meet up with your last price. I know there are other buyers patronizing you already. This is more reason why i would like to get this as soon as possible.i will pay you through PayPal as it is the fastest & easiest way for me to make payment at this moment, do not worry about PayPal charges, i will take care of that. And about the transportation, i shall arrange for a transport agent to come directly for the pickup after i have made all necessary payment and they will also handle all necessary registration in my name if there is any. After you have confirmed the payment on your account, it shall be transported to my home address in Ukraine. So if you accept this mode of payment, please send me your info requested below if you have an account already with PayPal:- Name : PayPal Email : Final price: Mobile Number:
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15-08-06 |
Demesio! bukite budrus
Robert Beveridge Hello The car is in the company custody with 2 keys, manuals , service book history , winter tires , summer tires , all documents and contracts and the car is ready to be registered your name. I spoke with the agents from the company and they can start the shipping when you are ready . They will contact you with the invoice , contracts , and all details about the car and transport. I will need your full name , address and phone number so they can calculate the delivery time and cost for me. They will contact you to give all instructions. When you get the car to your home address, the company offer you 5 days inspection period , and you can decide if you agree to buy the car or not . If by any reason you do not like the car, you can refuse it and the company will send you the deposit back to your account. The payment will be sent to the company agent (deposit 40-50% of car value, usually ) when they start the delivery. I will wait your email with these details and i can go tomorrow to speak with them so they can inspect the car and send you all informations tomorrow. Here is the company website : Thank you _ From: Pavel To: 'Robert Beveridge' Sent: Sunday, June 26, 2011 12:00 PM Subject: RE: Volkswagen Golf V, 2005/12m Hello Dear Robert. I also have 2 kids . (boy and girl, 16 and 8 years). I consulted with my family and we decided to buy your car. I hope we have to like this car. So, what we need to do at the moment? Thank you!
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10-03-04 |
Aferistai perkama automobili sumoka per paypal o veliau susigrazina pinigus
Sveiki, bukite atidus, aferistai siūlo, pirkti automobilį per paypalą. Ir aš gavau tokius pasiūlymus: Hi, I am interested in buying it and i would like to get it as soon as i can. i would appreciate if you can answer the few questions below: what is the final price for it? How long have you owned it? I won't be able to view it but can you guarantee me it is in a good condition? I hope to hear from you soon, and i will make all transportation preparations for it to be transported to my home in Austria. If possible can you send me some recent picture of it? Thanks, I'm satisfied with the price & condition. I am buying it ly to Austria and i would pay you through PayPal into your PayPal account directly as it is the fastest & easiest way for me to make payment at this moment, do not worry about paypal charges as i would be paying for it & about the transportation, i shall arrange for a transport agent to come to your home directly for the pickup after you have gotten your money. So if you accept this transaction, you should send me your info requested below if you have an account already with paypal or you may send me a PayPal Money Request:- PayPal E-Mail Address: Full Name: Total Price: But if you don't have an account with PayPal just login to ( and register with them. When you are done with the registration send me the email used for the registration with PayPal so i can pay into your paypal account immediately and then we can arrange for my transport agent to come for the pick up, after you would have received your money. I will need your home address & telephone number for the pick up to be arranged. i expect your reply soon
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15-09-24 |
Demesio! bukite budrus
2011/8/4 David Elliott Hello Dear, Thanks for your prompt reply to my request; it seems to me that you are a very sincere person i want to use this means to inform you that I was impressed After reading your mail, I am willing to buy this car at your given price. I have a business proposal for you. I am a captain with the United Nations troop in Iraq, on war against terrorism. Based on the United States legislative and executive decision, for withdrawing troops from Iraq. Our mission is to help beef up terrorist targeted states, mostly the united states and the European union on the war against terrorism. On the other hand i want to inform you that i have in my possession the sum of (15.9million U.S.D) which i got from crude oil deal here in Iraq. i deposited this money with the red cross security agent, informing him that we are making contact for the real owner, now it is under my power to approve whoever that comes forth to ascertain the clam of these consignment box. I want to invest this money in real estate OR any other profitable business as soon as i retire from my job, and i will seek for your advice on that, since i am not a business culture person, that why i have contacted you for assistance to get this project completed in good faith, so i need someone i could trust to channel this box. If you accept i will transfer the money to your country, where you will be the beneficiary, i am a uniformed person and i cannot be parading with such an amount, i am an American and an intelligence officer, so i have a 100% authentic means of transferring the money to you, through a diplomatic courier service. i just need your acceptance and all is done. Please if you are interested in this transaction i will give to you the complete details we need for us to carry out this transaction ly, i decided to find someone that is real and not imaginary and that is why i went for a secured site where i can be sure that the person is for real and not an imaginary, can i trust you?. where we are now we can only communicate through our military communication facilities which is much secured so nobody can monitor our conversations, then i can explain in details to you, at the moment i can only reach you through e-mail, because our calls might be monitored by high officials here, i just have to be sure of whom i am dealing with. I will give to you 30% of the sum and 70% is for me. i hope am been fair on this deal, kindly get back to me with your full information such as: Your Full Name, Your Full Address, Your Direct Cell Phone Number, Your Occupation & Age. If you are interested please send me your personal details for further information when i am out of our military network, am writing from a fresh email account, so if you are not interested do not reply to this e-mail and please delete this message, if no response after 3days i will then search for someone else. I wait for your contact details so we can go on. Yours Sincerely, Capt. David Elliott.
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10-03-04 |