Auto patarciau rinktis geresniu metu , nes ju varikliuose vietoj pag. dirzo stovi krumpliaraciai (1428 psl.) (71367)
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koki patartumete pirkti automobili pradedanciajam vazineti? iki 2500lt bendzinas, bendzinas/dujos, linkstu link jeponisku auto, bet nepraleidziu ir vokisku, egzotikos nenoriu tikrai ;D
As manau panelei labai tiktu HONDA CIVIC kokiu 93-95 m
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10-01-06 |
koki patartumete pirkti automobili pradedanciajam vazineti? iki 2500lt bendzinas, bendzinas/dujos, linkstu link jeponisku auto, bet nepraleidziu ir vokisku, egzotikos nenoriu tikrai ;D
esu turejas ecorta 92m 1.6 tai bishki praktikos turiu, ir dar vazinejau ~4men su opel vectra 91m 2.0 doch tai kuro sanaudas manau turetu but panasios kaip ir probes
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10-01-06 |
koki patartumete pirkti automobili pradedanciajam vazineti? iki 2500lt bendzinas, bendzinas/dujos, linkstu link jeponisku auto, bet nepraleidziu ir vokisku, egzotikos nenoriu tikrai ;D
tai , kad ash noriu naujesnes )
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10-01-06 |
Kaip atskirti Perdaryta angliska varijanta? tarkim perdare kazkas vaira praejo tech apziura ir po menesio pardavineja kaip man atskirti kad tai nebuvo angliskas auto?
noreciau suzinoti kiek db kainuoja perdaryti angliska varijanta pvz audi a4 1.9 tdi?
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09-10-05 |
Kaip atskirti Perdaryta angliska varijanta? tarkim perdare kazkas vaira praejo tech apziura ir po menesio pardavineja kaip man atskirti kad tai nebuvo angliskas auto?
nu o jei normalus meistrai dare ne skeltanagiai . kaip atskirti?
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09-10-05 |
Kaip atskirti Perdaryta angliska varijanta? tarkim perdare kazkas vaira praejo tech apziura ir po menesio pardavineja kaip man atskirti kad tai nebuvo angliskas auto?
Taigi pagal vin koda
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09-10-05 |
Kaip atskirti Perdaryta angliska varijanta? tarkim perdare kazkas vaira praejo tech apziura ir po menesio pardavineja kaip man atskirti kad tai nebuvo angliskas auto?
dazniausiai deze lieka angliska
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09-10-05 |
Kaip atskirti Perdaryta angliska varijanta? tarkim perdare kazkas vaira praejo tech apziura ir po menesio pardavineja kaip man atskirti kad tai nebuvo angliskas auto?
matysi kad panele keistai stivo , biski paklerusiai ir td jau zinosi kad angliskas
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09-10-05 |
Kaip atskirti Perdaryta angliska varijanta? tarkim perdare kazkas vaira praejo tech apziura ir po menesio pardavineja kaip man atskirti kad tai nebuvo angliskas auto?
atvaryk pas mane i servisa pries pirkdamas, as perdarineju anglus todel matau tamsoje ar masina perdaryta
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09-10-05 |
Kaip atskirti Perdaryta angliska varijanta? tarkim perdare kazkas vaira praejo tech apziura ir po menesio pardavineja kaip man atskirti kad tai nebuvo angliskas auto?
Jo, pagal VIN numerį. Manau, kad net parodytų.
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09-10-05 |
Kaip atskirti Perdaryta angliska varijanta? tarkim perdare kazkas vaira praejo tech apziura ir po menesio pardavineja kaip man atskirti kad tai nebuvo angliskas auto?
nebutinai panele, kiek girdejau tai walytuwai i kita puse priekiny stikla valo, bet tikslei nezinai ar tiesa, dar girdejau kad jei automatas tai skaichiai ir raides "P D 1 2 3" ish kitos puses buna
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09-10-05 |
Kaip atskirti Perdaryta angliska varijanta? tarkim perdare kazkas vaira praejo tech apziura ir po menesio pardavineja kaip man atskirti kad tai nebuvo angliskas auto?
kiek dabar kainuoja perdaryt anglus
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09-10-05 |
Kaip atskirti Perdaryta angliska varijanta? tarkim perdare kazkas vaira praejo tech apziura ir po menesio pardavineja kaip man atskirti kad tai nebuvo angliskas auto?
sikniai kai keicia komplekta, labai retai lituoja laidus-tiesiog daro "ant zakrutkiu", kas garantuoja po kurio laiko oksidacija ir problemas.Beje, LT tokiu paciu budu dazniausiai imontuojamos signalkes.Kodel?Todel, kad per darbo diena reikia padaryti, sakykim 4 masinas, o ne 2Todel dirbama kaip greiciau, niekam nerupi kas bus po to...
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09-10-05 |
Kaip atskirti Perdaryta angliska varijanta? tarkim perdare kazkas vaira praejo tech apziura ir po menesio pardavineja kaip man atskirti kad tai nebuvo angliskas auto?
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09-10-05 |
Kaip atskirti Perdaryta angliska varijanta? tarkim perdare kazkas vaira praejo tech apziura ir po menesio pardavineja kaip man atskirti kad tai nebuvo angliskas auto?
jei lt registracija tai ant TA lapo raso kilmes sali.
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09-10-05 |
pirkciau automobili isimoketynai,is kart duodu 4000 lt,po to galiu moketi po 500 lt i menesi,pasirasius dvi sutartis(vekselius),auto persirasiciau tik tada kai sumokesiu visus pinygus. laukiu pasiulym
sveiki .Gal kas turi parduot opel astra 1.6 senesniu varikliu galima su dujom iki 2005metu universalas privalumas butu.jei kas vezat galeciau uzsakyt tvarkinga.867753777 domina lietuvos esmes jei tvarkinga tiktu ir diezelis 74kw
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10-03-19 |
Būkite atsargūs!!!
Vakar gavau laiška, kad kažkas susidomėjo mano automobiliu iš roboto, turinys laiško atrodė taip: Sveiki, lankytojas susidomėjo Jūsų skelbimu: Vartotojo el. paštas: [email protected] Hello, I am interested in your car. Please let me know your last price. You can reach me on my email address. [email protected] for the last price. Best regards Mark More Na, nieko blogo neytardamas ir atrašiau, galutinę kainą, bei paklausiau iš kokio miesto pats autorius esąs. Šįryt, patikrinus el-pašta radau čiut ne novelės ilgio laiška to žmogaus, labai tingiu pasakoti jo turiny, tad jei su anglų kalba nesipykstate, tikrai perskaitysite, o kas ne, google translator'ių y pagalba pasiimkite, taigi laiškas: 2011/12/29 Mark More Hello, Thank you for your reply. I'm glad to note in your mail that your car is still available; I am genuinely interested to buy the car and I want to inform you that I will buy your car at your last given price. I want to ly ask you to remove the advert from the internet platform if it is possible. And also should other persons contact you for the car, be kind enough to inform such persons that there is already a serious person who intends to buy the car. I would have loved to visibly inspect the car personally but my present location and nature of my job will not allow me to do so. So please bear with me. From the looks and description of the car, I am satisfied with it and am willing to buy the car at the price you quoted. Let me have the pleasure to introduce myself to you first and foremost. I am Mark More writing you from my field area at 3rd Infantry Division of the Engineering Unit; UN Military Base Tabul Afghanistan. Based on the United States legislative and executive decision for withdrawing UN military troops from Iraq, I have been deployed to come and work in Afghanistan defensive forces base for six months and after which I will be coming to your country to come and work in your country defensive forces base. The aim is to help beef up terrorist targeted states mostly the United States and the European Union on the war against terrorism. I believe you will maintain the trust and confidence of what I am about to reveal to you to enable me conclude this transaction with you. I have in my possession the sum of 9.3 million USD that was recovered on one of our raids in a terrorist Camp in Baghdad Iraq before I am been deployed to Afghanistan but I did not submit all the money to the military authority as I needed this money for myself and families after all these years and much scrutiny by the military authorities. I packed my own share of money in a trunk box and deposited the box with the Red Cross Agents here in the military camp and informing them that it is my personal belonging that I want to send to my relative. You can view the link below to confirm what I am telling you concerning to the money in my possession: Based on the suffering we undergo here some of us do meet such luck. It happened that I went for this raid with the men in my unit and I decided to take it as my share for my suffering as a soldier here in this land filled with suicide bombers. I deposited this money with a Red Cross agent as my personal belongings informing him that I am making contact for my relative to whom I will like the box to be delivered to. It is under my power to approve whoever comes forth for this money. It is better you help me keep this money safe until I come to meet with you for the investment of the money there in your country. I cannot move this money to the United States because I will be in Europe for about a year and half. If you accept, I will make all arrangement with the Red Cross to transfer the box money to you and made you my relative to whom will receive the money as I have it sealed inside a box without anyone knowing. I just need your acceptance and all is done. Please if you are interested in this transaction I will give to you the complete details you need for us to carry out this transaction ly. I decided to find someone that is real and not imaginary and that is why I went to a secured site where I can be sure that the person is real. Where I am now, we can only communicate through our military communication facilities which are secured so nobody can monitor our emails. I will only reach you through email because our calls might be monitored. I just have to be sure whom I am dealing with. Besides you have to remove the car from the advert list: I will buy the car at your price rate but please I want you to assure me that you will assist me in this deal so as to present you as the receiver of the money box. I am waiting for your earliest response. Please if you are interested, I will suggest you provide to me with these information's of yours so as to enable us proceed with the transaction: Your full names.......... Your full contact address....... Your direct telephone number........ A scan copy of your identity card.... Via your international passport copy or driving license for prove and identification of the person I am dealing with. Best regards Captain. Mark More Na tikrai, paaiškinta viskas ganėtinai logiškai, bet nuėjus y googl'a, suvedus paskutinės pastraipos pirma eilutę, oba, pilna tokių laiškų, ir svarbiausia, dažniausiai jie siunčiami automobilių pardavinėtojams ir kas baisiausia, kad kaikurie užsikabina, nes kiek supratau, po šito laiško, ateina kitas, kuriame rašoma pervesti jam 30% nuo sumos, kuria jis esa tau duos, o tu u= tai gausi 70% nu NESAMONĖ JUK!!! Tad žmonėsm neužsikabinkit ant tokių dalyku, juk niekas iš oro šiais laikais neatsiranda... Visiems geros dienos, bei su artėjančiais ir tikėkimies gerais, saugiais naujaisiais 2012 metais.
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11-12-29 |