2011-06-06 16:49
Sveiki, galbut galetumet informuoti ar verta pirkti si automobili?
Kokios kuro sanaudos mazudaug? Dideles masinos nereikia, + kad butu ekonomiska
Kokios kuro sanaudos mazudaug? Dideles masinos nereikia, + kad butu ekonomiska
2011-06-07 18:06
Excellent drive, very economical depends how driven. no problems in snow, depends if you knw how to use the traction control. Forget the previous reviews about the turbo failure. You will NOT have a problem with it as long as you change the oil breather filter which gets clogged up and is not covered in the service. it costs about £20 and is also found in range rovers, but the 2004 models and above come with the uprated version anyway. I have never had any problems other than the usual wear and tear. if you do have problems dont go to BMW unless you can afford to, as the prices are high. i go and visit a BMW speacialist prices are cheaper. Handling is very good DSC works at the right time. I would definately buy another BMW.
2011-06-07 20:54
Verta pirkt, bet dar labiau verta pries perkant pasitikrinti ratu geometrija, aplamai issiaiskinti ar nebuvo sumalta ir Lietuvoj sutaisyta, kadangi pakaboj svirciu, sarnyru pilna, o jie brangus, viska issiklibint ir nepirkt nuvaikytos, po remontu ivairiausiu.. Yra sansu pataikyt issirinkt gera, bet tada i pigiausius neziurek
2011-06-10 22:26
16:49 rašė:
Sveiki, galbut galetumet informuoti ar verta pirkti si automobili?
Kokios kuro sanaudos mazudaug? Dideles masinos nereikia, + kad butu ekonomiska :)
Kokios kuro sanaudos mazudaug? Dideles masinos nereikia, + kad butu ekonomiska :)
kuro sanaudos?nuo 7iki 20.tinka?issamiai atsakiau?kitaip ir negaliu ats i toki klausima issamu
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