Www.aliexpress.com promotion promotion_c string for man promotion (2 стр.) (20178)
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Diagnostikos klaidos
Sveiki gerieji zmones. Padariau savo saranui diagnostika, ir va tokias klaidas ismete. 17764 klaida, tai taip suprantu kad daviklis kazkoks nusproges, o del kitu gal zinantys galetumet padet??? VAG-COM Version: Release 311.2-N Chassis Type: 7M - VW Sharan Scan: 01, 02, 03, 08, 09, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 29, 36, 37, 39, 45, 46, 55, 56 Address 01 ------------------------------------------------------- Controller: 038 906 019 FC Component: 1, 9l R4 EDC 0001SG 1562 Coding: 00002 Shop #: WSC 00020 WVWZZZ7MZ2V051416 VWZ1Z0B2065487 1 Fault Found: 17664 - Engine Coolant Temp Sensor (G62): Open or Short to Plus P1256 - 35-00 - - Readiness: N/A Address 08 ------------------------------------------------------- Controller: 7M3 907 049 Component: Klimabetaetigung 0303 Coding: 0000000 Shop #: WSC 00000 4 Faults Found: 01271 - Positioning Motor for Temperature Flap (V68) 006 - Short to Plus 01189 - Front Air Distribution Flap Motor (V145) 009 - Open or Short to Ground 00926 - Terminal 30 002 - Lower Limit Exceeded 01271 - Positioning Motor for Temperature Flap (V68) 009 - Open or Short to Ground Address 18 ------------------------------------------------------- Controller: 7M3 815 071 Component: HEIZG. B/D5W 0001 5 Faults Found: 01491 - Glow-Plug for Heater (Q9) 36-00 - Open Circuit 01491 - Glow-Plug for Heater (Q9) 36-00 - Open Circuit 01491 - Glow-Plug for Heater (Q9) 36-00 - Open Circuit 01491 - Glow-Plug for Heater (Q9) 36-00 - Open Circuit End -------------------------------------------------------
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11-01-01 |
turbo imitacija
13 |
11-02-27 |
kur zarachas??????
286 |
13-04-23 |
ieskau duju diegnostikos
Yra pirkti EBAy http://www.ebay.com/itm/STAG-AUTOGAS-USB-Interface-Cable-for-STAG-4-200-300-LPG-Diagnostic-Cable-/321528068236?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=8c
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15-04-07 |
325i oro srauto matuoklis
Chebra kas gali buti jei atjungiu oro srauto matuokle ir ja pajungiu man ji nebeveikia masina dusta ant benzo tieesiog uzsisiurbe bet ant duju lyg normaliai. Bet kai atjungiu klema nuo akumo ir biski palaukiu oro srauto matuoklis vel pradeda veikti ir vel traukia kaip pridera. Tai kur cia beda slypi gal klaidas met kompas ir string? Ar su elektra kazkas chujova ar pats oro srauto matuoklis parejas?
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13-10-21 |
ka reiskia isidegusi lempute TC
Control indica tor v Lights up for a few sec onds when ig nition is switched on. The system is now ready for opera tion. Flashing during driving This shows the system has com e into action. The engine output may be reduced (the sound of the engine cha nges) a nd the vehic le ma y be braked ly to a small degree.
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14-05-03 |
kodel gali neveijk vejalis?
as jau jam sakiau liaudiskai vadinamas ezys arba sroves slopintuvas http://image.made-in-china.com/2f0j00YeitQTzhIVbj/Blower-Resistor-for-BMW-64116923204-.jpg kas kas tipo tokio
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10-04-29 |
Pigus servisas Kaune
tas sventa tiesaSiandien permoviau i vasarinius-15eur.Paziurejimas, kaip nuimami ir uzdedami ratai- for freeGeras zmogus, stengiasi, dirba, negaila...Kai ne sezonas, visai ragai buna kartais
153 |
15-11-28 |
noriu pradurt padangas zmogui
o gal as kompiuterinej sedziu ir rasau cia, ir ties tuom baigiam kad nereik aiskint jog gresia man kazkas. beje man jau nebejuokigna ok paatvirausiu, neturiu dbr ka daryt ruosiuos varyt i miesta, ir cia rasau viska for fun, beje nebuvau as nkr nakti ir nk nedariau, bet greitu metu zadu pro sali vaizuodamas nakti uzsukt i ruso kiemely tai vat sekmes jum gero savaitgalio.
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11-11-23 |
100w lempos
Net ant lemputes korpuso buna parasyta NOT FOR USE IN EUROPE.Tokie keliu gaideliai kaip tamsta susideda tokias lemputes ir akina visus.Linkiu, kad uzsidegtu tas tavo triperis
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13-12-18 |
auto projektai
Padėkit tiksliai suprast ką žmogus rašo, nes jam pačiam su anglų k.sunkoka kiek jaučiu o as techineje terminologijije visai zalias.Tai stai Gavau tokį emailą : "Hi, gonna change pmd to à brand new and one of the abs sensors and à regularisering service with oil change all over the car makes it just fine for good running for you. ---------->Pmd is à driver for the main pump on the enginge--->----- costs 4500kr sensor 650kr rest is costs in oil and filters and work........ Išskyriau punktyrais ką jis turi tiksliai omeny kuro siurblį ar vairo stipriaus siurblį?Ar pagrindini kuro siurbli?Na ir visa kita gal galit pakomentuoti?
1792 |
10-10-27 |
Tipo virtualus forumieciu meetas- pazintis. Kas uz, kas pries?
Ideja tiuningui is "need for speed" na nieko nepadarysi, dabar greitesne masina ne ta kuriai po kapotu daugiau AG o ta kuriai "rimtesni" buferiai uzdeti
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11-03-05 |
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12-07-02 |
Ciroen Evasion,Fiat Ulysse, Peugeot 806, Nuoriu zinot viska apie situs modelius. DIZELINIUS
In 1997 they extended its use for passenger cars. The first passenger car that used the common rail system was the 1997 model Alfa Romeo 156 2.4 JTD
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13-02-10 |
Golf 4 1,6 -ausinimas
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/VW-GOLF-98-06-BORA-99-05-A3-97-03-COOLANT-THERMOSTAT-HOUSING-FOR-4-CYLINDER-1-6-/271375968805?_trksid=p2141725.m3641.l6368 kazkas tokio
12 |
17-08-29 |
SUV hibridas
Zinau kas varineja 3.5 189 kw ir vidurkis 7-8 kaip mano 2.0 crdi apie 9 salerkos na kiekvienam savo, galima ir elektriniu paspirtuku varineti for free
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19-05-28 |
+-6000LT ka pasiulytumete? :)
Padesi issirinkt?Kaip manai, ar toks modeliukas prie to MINI tiktu?https://www.google.lt/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=nZji8W6mzmjepM&tbnid=TEHZgnd9eMubdM:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.aliexpress.com%2Fpromotion%2Fpromotion_c%2525252dstring-for-man-promotion.html&ei=XZtlUcKzNoHfOtGcgfAC&bvm=bv.44990110, d.ZWU&psig=ADn7MQ&ust=1365699635369167
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13-04-10 |
Klaidos galaxy
Kas gali padėti su galaxy 1.9 85kw meta tokias klaidas: Address 01: Engine Labels: 038-906-019-AJM.lbl Part No: 038 906 019 FA Component: 1, 9l R4 EDC 0001SG 1269 Coding: 00002 Shop #: WSC 00020 VCID: 1 2 Faults Found: 18080 - Coolant Fan Control 1 P1672 - 35-10 - Open or Short to Ground - Intermittent 17965 - Charge Pressure Control P1557 - 35-00 - Positive Deviation Address 08: Auto HVAC Labels: None Part No: 7M5 907 049 D Component: Klimabetaetigung 0404 Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000 VCID: 4B89 3 Faults Found: 01189 - Front Air Distribution Flap Motor (V145) 009 - Open or Short to Ground 01271 - Positioning Motor for Temperature Flap (V68) 009 - Open or Short to Ground 00926 - Terminal 30 002 - Lower Limit Exceeded Address 18: Aux. Heat Labels: 7M3-815-071.clb Part No: 7M3 815 071 Component: HEIZG. B/D5W 0001 VCID: EDDB576DA78A5F1 5 Faults Found: 01491 - Glow-Plug for Heater (Q9) 36-00 - Open Circuit 01491 - Glow-Plug for Heater (Q9) 36-00 - Open Circuit 01491 - Glow-Plug for Heater (Q9) 36-00 - Open Circuit 01491 - Glow-Plug for Heater (Q9) 36-00 - Open Circuit 01491 - Glow-Plug for Heater (Q9) 36-00 - Open Circuit 17965 - Charge Pressure Control P1557 - 35-00 - Positive Deviation del tos klaidos suprantu kad kaltas bus N75, ar vakumo slangeles. Aciu uz pagalba
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13-02-24 |
Ieškau mk4 GTI spoilerio
ir kam tau tas gaidys ant stogo/bagazines ? +30 arkliu prideda? kazkokios pienburnio nesamones. matau pas tave dar neistrintas need for speed'as ant kompo. karoce klausk pas zachara, jis masinu gaidintojas nr1 lituvoje.
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14-09-09 |
kur zarachas??????
Zarachai, va tau geras daiktas http://www.ebay.com/itm/White-Universal-Racing-Car-Motorcycle-Tire-Tyre-Pen-Paint-Marker-For-VW-BMW-Benz-/0?pt=sories&hash=item5d3bf3094c&vxp=mtr
286 |
13-04-23 |
ausinimas slanges paputimas
Apžiūrėjau sudęjęs greta dvi MB originalias šlangutes, viena skirta kurui su užrašu "fuel-carburant" o kita "only for cooling".Matosi , kad gumos liejimas ir struktūra kitokie.ir kordas visiškai kitoks.Vat tep.
13 |
15-03-27 |
Akumo ikroviklis
Sveiki bandau issiaiskinti del ikroviklio ar sis ikroviklis turi automatini sroves atjungima kai mato jog pakrautas akumulaiotrius?? |
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14-12-01 |
sveiki chebra padekit!!
Zodziu mano leone 2004 buvo ksenonai, teko isimti nes ta brangiau. Kylo klausymas - noriu isideti Cree LED (http://www.aliexpress.com/item/-/2016733104.html) i priesrukines bent jau. Ar galima? ta prasme ka reiskia gamintojo nenumatytos, kur tai paziuret? galima tik halogenines? o tai gal galimntojas nenumate ir kokias Osram nightbreaker.. kur tai suzinot.. i regitra skambint ar patruliu klaust?
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14-07-01 |
perku auto
oi, tai alternatyvu yra kiek nori, vw polo 1.0, ford fiesta, smart for two, toyota yaris, dar koki puoda galim surastSuprask, normali masina nevaziuoja grynu oru.Yra transportas, kuris kotletais, kugeliu vaziuoja
10 |
13-02-21 |
Ieškau mk4 GTI spoilerio
ir kam tau tas gaidys ant stogo/bagazines ? +30 arkliu prideda? kazkokios pienburnio nesamones. matau pas tave dar neistrintas need for speed'as ant kompo. karoce klausk pas zachara, jis masinu gaidintojas nr1 lituvoje.
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14-09-09 |
Angel Eyes ir Led Tube lempų legalumas
O tai nieko visiškai negalima padaryt? O tokias lempas galima įsidėt? Ar turi vien stockines naudot? https://www.ebay.com/itm/For-2000-2005-Toyota-Celica-LED-Halo-Projector-Headlights-JDM-Black-Left-Right-/121543154912?fits=Model%3ACelica
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18-06-21 |
vazinejantiems su automatais
juokauji kolega, 97-2006m apd ZF -as tiek citroenuose, tiek Peugeotuose, audzy ir volcwaigoj 2, 5tdi viens ir tas pats, sieja tiek, kad vienodi automatai.Nalabai kas?Jau kad sumalei tai sumalei, thanks for nuomonė
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10-06-09 |
Demesio! bukite budrus
2011/8/4 David Elliott Hello Dear, Thanks for your prompt reply to my request; it seems to me that you are a very sincere person i want to use this means to inform you that I was impressed After reading your mail, I am willing to buy this car at your given price. I have a business proposal for you. I am a captain with the United Nations troop in Iraq, on war against terrorism. Based on the United States legislative and executive decision, for withdrawing troops from Iraq. Our mission is to help beef up terrorist targeted states, mostly the united states and the European union on the war against terrorism. On the other hand i want to inform you that i have in my possession the sum of (15.9million U.S.D) which i got from crude oil deal here in Iraq. i deposited this money with the red cross security agent, informing him that we are making contact for the real owner, now it is under my power to approve whoever that comes forth to ascertain the clam of these consignment box. I want to invest this money in real estate OR any other profitable business as soon as i retire from my job, and i will seek for your advice on that, since i am not a business culture person, that why i have contacted you for assistance to get this project completed in good faith, so i need someone i could trust to channel this box. If you accept i will transfer the money to your country, where you will be the beneficiary, i am a uniformed person and i cannot be parading with such an amount, i am an American and an intelligence officer, so i have a 100% authentic means of transferring the money to you, through a diplomatic courier service. i just need your acceptance and all is done. Please if you are interested in this transaction i will give to you the complete details we need for us to carry out this transaction ly, i decided to find someone that is real and not imaginary and that is why i went for a secured site where i can be sure that the person is for real and not an imaginary, can i trust you?. where we are now we can only communicate through our military communication facilities which is much secured so nobody can monitor our conversations, then i can explain in details to you, at the moment i can only reach you through e-mail, because our calls might be monitored by high officials here, i just have to be sure of whom i am dealing with. I will give to you 30% of the sum and 70% is for me. i hope am been fair on this deal, kindly get back to me with your full information such as: Your Full Name, Your Full Address, Your Direct Cell Phone Number, Your Occupation & Age. If you are interested please send me your personal details for further information when i am out of our military network, am writing from a fresh email account, so if you are not interested do not reply to this e-mail and please delete this message, if no response after 3days i will then search for someone else. I wait for your contact details so we can go on. Yours Sincerely, Capt. David Elliott.
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10-03-04 |
Mašinos perkimo patarimai 10000-15000lt
320 jaigu 6cil.. daugiau kuro valgys.. 1.8 4cil.. maziau kuro ima.. uztai ir siulau 1.8.. uzteks tu kw. nebus lektuvas bet ziemai for fun uzteks.. vasara ner ko pjaut masinu mieste tuolabiau pakaks
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14-11-14 |
730D e38 Trauka
visu pirma imu toki modeli su tokiu varikliu nes jis man viska apgavlojus yra tinkamiausias, imciau 740d bet nenoriu didesniu bedu su dviem turbinom ir visko ko yra po du tame variklyje, dyzelinis variklis butinai, nes dyzelis "for free" man. Nepalakstymui imu, bet ar jausis skirtumas koks nors perlipus ir audi a6 2.5tdi 85kw ant semioro 730d e38 142kw.? Nenoriu buti lakunu, bet nenoriu ir vezliu, kad belekoks pasatas aplenktu.. O kurui kaip sakai pinigai nebeda.
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13-05-26 |
Sveiki taigi jau ne pirma karta parduodu internete technika ir jau antras kartas kaip kaskoks uzsenietis paraso i telefona kad su juo susisiekciau emailu stai pavizdys - "Do you still have combine available for sale on skelbiu? Write me an email on [email protected]" ir kai su jais susirasineju pokalbis baigesi kaip praeita karta su kitu zmogumi Stai pavyzdziu. http://imgur.com/a/HhDnZ http://imgur.com/a/AcaUT Ir man labai idomu ar man vienam taip yra buve
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16-12-21 |
matai as dar nesu Lietuvoje tik uz menesio griziu ir kaip jus manot ar apsimoka sitoki veztis i Lietuva http://www.donedeal.ie/for-sale/quads/1347837 bukle idiali ir kiek mazdaug galeciau Lietuvoje uz ji gauti ?
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10-06-14 |
Bmw e46
In 1999, Volvo sold its car division Volvo Cars to Ford Motor Company for $6.45 billion. The Volvo trademark was shared between AB Volvo, where it is used on heavy vehicles, and the unit of Ford, where it was used on cars. Volvo stopped posting profits in 2005 and in 2008, Ford decided to sell its interest in Volvo Cars; in August 2010, Ford completed its sale of Volvo to the parent of Chinese motor manufacturer Geely Automobile for $1.8 billion.
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12-03-06 |
reik kompresoriaus
aisku, kolkas kaskas tokio, http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NEW-1-x-10m-RUBBER-AIR-HOSE-FOR-COMPRESSOR-TOOLS-TOOL-/190287768715?pt=sors&hash=item2c4e08ec8b , jo kainos lt ir uk nesiskire , tik kad litas ar svaras,
26 |
13-02-18 |
atsirado truputi laisvumas vaire
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Sachs-Rear-Shock-Absorber-300064-for-Vauxhall-Vectra-Signum-/4?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&fits=Model%3AVectra%7CPlat_Gen%3AC&hash=item45ff01c098 va tokis , ir blin jis neina kiaurai, prisuktas taip kad virsutinio tvirtinimo neina apziureti,
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13-02-06 |
Demesio! bukite budrus
http://www.autogidas.lt/skelbimai/volkswagen-golf-hecbekas-2005-0121688638.html Robert Beveridge Hello Thank you for your interest in my car. The car is in good condition, has no technical damage at all, no scratches or dents, no hidden defects. I worked in Lithuania for a year and I bought the car from Lithuania. My family wanted me home, I'm currently in Newcastle, United Kingdom. I cannot register this car here, we have some rules here. It is paid in Lithuania with all taxes, everything is ok, I have to come or deliver the car to you if you agree, to be registered for sale, Of course, I will deliver it at my expense. We can make a deal if you are really interested in buying it. The price is not negotiable. Thank you!
89 |
10-03-04 |
Many Sensitive Problems In Mobile Repairing :
iPhone is a very careful device that's why many critical issues appear in its repairing. Hence, many people want to fix their iPhones from an expert. If you are also one of those, https://gsmreparatieplaza.nl/ is the best choice for you.
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21-05-12 |
Kaino didelės
nesuprantu kaip tokiem kaip midsas autogidas bamo neuzdeda autopliuse jau seniai butu istryntas cia tavo nei vieno posto protingo nemaciau stopu dovai 14 metu vaikas nuo need for speed nulipes cia banto kieta pavaizduot aik vaikas pamoku ruost
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13-01-01 |
Audi a4 b6 universalas 2003 metų laidas
Nenori reklamuot, bet http://www.ebay.com/itm/KKL-VAG-COM-409-1-OBD2-USB-Cable-Diagnostic-Scanner-For-Audi-VW-SEAT-Volkswagen-/281521672568?hash=item418bffd178&item=281521672568&vxp=mtr ar tiktu mano audinei a4 b6 2003 metų ištrint klaidas ?
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15-08-07 |
Ka manote apie Opel Omega? gera? ar bloga?
Esu opeliu vazinejas ne vienu, tame tarpe teko pavairuoti omega b 2.0 16v...Faina, komfortiska masina.Gedimu pasitaiko, bet lygiai tiek, kiek ir kitoms markems, tad viskas gerai.Del pasirinkimo.Dyzelis, tai bmw stovi tds, nu cia aisku, kaip pasiseks.As asmeniskai rinkciaus arba 2.0 16v, arba 3.0 mv6.Vienas variantas yra for everyday drive, kitas-for fucking funTiesa, mv6 sudetingesnis servisas ir sanaudos kitos, bet visa kita verta tu piniguJei nori, tai kaip ir lektuvas su zaibu ant keturiu ratuSankaba mv6 brangi, kaikurie aparatai rudyja smagiai, verta pasitikrinti nuodugniai pries perkant
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09-12-18 |
smotra.ru Automobiliu ir zmoniu klubas
iskur tokiu urodu atsiranda? malalietka, zalias kaip agurkas, prisiskaito visokiu nesamoniu ir kitus dar ragina jungtis prie jo. net masinos neturi o jau automobilistu kluba vilniuj suburt bando. eik isijunk playstation durniau, zaisk need for speed dar 2 metus iki teisiu
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10-10-08 |
Pagalbos del Jettos groteliu
http://www.jom.de/products/gb/Aerodynamic/Looks--Spoiler/Grill-Spoiler/Grill-Trim-Spoiler-JOM-VW-Golf-II-for-2-headlights.html kazkas panasaus. Kazin ar ant srotu bus. Ogmitoj buvau tai ten tik standartines groteles turi. Pabandysiu nuvaziuot i gariunus ten paieskot
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10-10-17 |
Gamyntojo nenumatytas sviesos saltinis, ar galima led?
Zodziu mano leone 2004 buvo ksenonai, teko isimti nes TA brangiau. Kylo klausymas - noriu isideti Cree LED (http://www.aliexpress.com/item/-/2016733104.html) i priesrukines bent jau. Ar galima? ta prasme ka reiskia gamintojo nenumatytos, kur tai paziuret? del ksenonu viskas aisku, apiplovimas, reguliatoriai, HID ant lempos. o be ju, ka, galima tik halogenines? o tai gal galimntojas nenumate ir kokias Osram nightbreaker.. kur tai suzinot.. i regitra skambint ar patruliu klaust?
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14-08-13 |
Traktorininko teises
Va cia pas jus idomei , pas mane angliskos teises ir nera jokiu apribojimu Category F - tractors Category F includes tractors with 2 or more axles, built for off-road agriculture or forestry work. O tai reiske any farm tractor. Nu idomu pasidare
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16-11-11 |
Joan Jett "I hate myself for loving you"...Senas geras hardasKitos jos dainos ne kazka, gal "i love rock'n'roll"...Is to paties stiliuko atlikeju-Cinderella, taip sakant "pelene"Ech, taip seniai buvo...Butina klausyt garsiai, tam ir kurta tokia muzika, kad erzintu vyresnius
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15-08-27 |
maniskis buvo 90 metu .. nezinau , gal tu su kokias lamborghiniais ar ferariais vazyneji , ar need for speed prisizaides , bet tau neirodynesiu , neonas-mane nustebino .. ji gan lengva, ir 133arkliai daro savo .. begejasi iki 100 kaip mersas, nuo 100 aisku nugali arkliu skaicius ..
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10-10-17 |
Kuro mažintojai ir t.t
Sveiki, Tai ar veikia tie visi magnetai bent kažkiek, kur dedasi į prikūrkę ar ant šlangų sukasi? Tarkim va pvz:. http://www.ebay.com/itm/POWER-SPEED-CHIP-FUEL-GAS-SAVER-RESISTOR-FOR-ALL-MAZDA-MODELS-1989-2013-/301132379170?pt=sories&hash=2&vxp=mtr
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14-03-23 |
del turbinu terminologijos
nu va pats paklausiau pats ir atsakysiu gal kam nors pravers kol kas angliskai gal kada rasiu laiko isverst. arba kas nors kitas nepatinges isverst. They are two different terminologies for what type of turbo configuration you have in your car. Example: Mercedes bi-turbo, or the Audi S4 2.7 bi-turbo. What this means is that there is a turbo for each bank of cylinders, and they are located on opposite ends of the motor. However, in a car like the Toyota Supra MKIV, that car is a twin turbo because it is an inline 6 motor, and the turbos are located next to each other. One feeds off the other (there is a smaller turbo that spools up to create less turbo lag, at which point a larger turbo kicks in for the higher boost). From what I understand, that is the "technical terminology"
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10-03-15 |
Ar teko pirkt stihl dalių iš ebay?
Sveiki, turiu tokį klausymą gal kam teko pirkt Stihl dalių iš ebay ar dar kur. Man reikia stūmoklio, žiedų, alkūninio veleno, riebokšlių. Pvz. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Crankshaft-Oil-Seals-Bearings-Piston-With-Rings-For-STIHL-018-MS180-NEW-HUZTL-/270919866816?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3f141519c0 Stihl ms 180. Kaina Lietuvoje nunešus prašo apie 500lt. Tikrai tiek į ja niekas nekiš dėl to ir klausių. Jei žinot patikimų vietų iš, kur būtų galima nusipirkt parašykit.
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14-10-15 |
Nuomones ir pastabos apie Mazda 6
taiva, kad cia visi apsvaige nuo Need For Speed zaidimo tai ir sneka nesamones nes tik zaidime normales masinas mato ir ten jas tipo tvarko ir t.t... o tikros, rimtos informacijos tai gausi kai po servisus pasivazineji tai apziuri ir kazka pataria lyg ir protingai nors kiti irgi suda mala savo skoni ir supratima apie masinas turi tai jei ne jo skonio tai sako greiciau parduok, taip sake man vieno serviso savininkas...
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12-01-09 |