Check (10 стр.) (471)
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Opel vectra 2001m 2.0dti 74kw check dega nera traukos
Sveikas, EGR
11 |
14-08-28 |
peugeot 406 2.0 16v uzsidega check ir sutrukcioja padekit
ta prasme kokiu?
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15-02-27 |
Opel vectra 2001m 2.0dti 74kw check dega nera traukos
Jei dega chek tai rodo konkretu gedima.
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14-08-28 |
Opel vectra 2001m 2.0dti 74kw check dega nera traukos
Garantuoju kad EGD liga opeliu situ.
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14-08-28 |
Opel vectra 2001m 2.0dti 74kw check dega nera traukos
gal EGR , sita beda daznesne kai buna elektrinis egr, o cia dar turetu buti nuo vakumo , bet ir cia dazna beda , , , , mechanini egr turiu
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14-08-28 |
Opel vectra 2001m 2.0dti 74kw check dega nera traukos
Parodytų. Nuo to ir reikia pradėti.
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14-08-28 |
peugeot 406 2.0 16v uzsidega check ir sutrukcioja padekit
Kokiu principu veikia detonacijos jutiklis ?
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15-02-27 |
Ipurškimo sistemų tvarkymas (Di-Tech/Purejet)
Sveiki užsiimu ipurškimo sistemų, bei pačių motorolerių tvarkymų Di-Tech ir Purejet variklius turintiems motoroleriams yra pirmenybė.Galimybė tvarkyti ir paprastus motorolerius. Atliekami darbai: Di-Tech varikliams: 1.Pilnas ipurškimo sistemos plovimas (t.y. visų purkštukų, filtrų ir t.t.) 2.Atskiras oro/bendzino purkštukų valymas/restauravimas 3.Oro kompresoriaus/bendzino siurbliuko/ipurškimo sistemos slėgio/spaudimo matavimas (Jeigu įmanoma galima kažka ir patvarkyti/restauruoti) 4.Įvairių dalių pakeitimas/užsakymas (Naujos dalys užsakomos pigiau iki 50lt nei kitose parduotuvėse).Galimybė suieškoti ir dėvėtas. 5.ECU reprogravimas/klaidų šalinimas (Darau ne aš, daro specialistai) 6."Injection check" lemputės mirgsėjimo/ištiso degimo priežasties suradimas/ištaisymas. 7.Ir dar daug begalė kitų darbų (Pilnas variklio kapitalinis remontas, nuo A iki Z) Di-Tech variklių yra visi brėžiniai dalių kodai, tad jeigu reikės kažkokios mažos dalies (Pvz. guminio žiedelio) bus galima užsakyti atskirai!!! Purejet varikliams: 1.Oro kompresoriaus/bendzino siurbliuko/ipurškimo sistemos slėgio/spaudimo matavimas (Jeigu įmanoma galima kažka ir patvarkyti/restauruoti) 2.Atskiras oro/bendzino purkštukų valymas/restauravimas 3.Pilnas ipurškimo sistemos plovimas (t.y. visų purkštukų, filtrų ir t.t.) 4.Įvairių dalių pakeitimas/užsakymas.Dėvėtų dalių didelis pasirinkimas. Purejet'ais kolkas daug neužsiimu, bet kai ką patvarkyti tikrai galiu, ir žinoma pirmenybė Di-Tech'ams šiuos motorolerius galiu tvarkyti nuo A iki Z. Kainos Kainos priklauso nuo darbų, šeip jeigu nieko neperkant, nerestauruojant, tik už įvairius matavimus problemų nustatymus iki 50lt Kitais atvejais tariamasi atskirai su kiekvienu klientu. Peugeot ipurškiminiais varikliais neužsiemu! Kontaktai: Skype karolis8627 (Dažniausiai prisijungiu vakare) Tel. 863657076 (Skambinti geriausiai dieną nuo 9-15h) El.Paštas [email protected] Gyvenu nuo Kauno 52km į Jurbarko puse, nuo Jurbarko 53km i Kauno pusę, dėl tikslenio adreso tartis asmeniškai.
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13-02-28 |
Demesio! bukite budrus
Robert Beveridge Hello As I said, I am currently in Newcastle, UK and i try to find a solution to bring the car to your address. My friend recommended to use a local shipping company that is able to deliver the car to your address. I will handle the shipping cost, so you will not have to pay any fees or extra-money. The company deliver 8-9 cars on a single truck so the shipping tax is pretty cheap for me. All the car documents are OK and you can check them when you will receive the car. The company will take care for all export documents and they help with the registration of car on your name. Delivery time:5-6 days. They also have a return policy and the car will be insured. What is your opinion about that? About this price... I tried to sell the car here but is impossible because car wheel is on the left side and here need cars with the wheel on the right side. I had a very good job in Lithuania. I bought it from Palanga, and my wife was home alone with the kids. (boy and girl, 3 and 5 years) . I feel very guilty because i left my wife there so i made the right decision to leave my job from Lithuania and everything behind me and go back to my family , I learned that money is not the most important thing in the life. Thank you! _ From: Pavel To: 'Robert Beveridge' Sent: Monday, June 27, 2011 11:14 AM Subject: RE: Volkswagen Golf V, 2005/12m Hallo. I have badly understood. My English is not so good. Can you write about this deal step by step? Thank you!
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10-03-04 |
Opel vectra 2001m 2.0dti 74kw check dega nera traukos
Speliotojai, nuvaziuokit pas normalu meistra suras gedima greitai.
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14-08-28 |
Opel vectra 2001m 2.0dti 74kw check dega nera traukos
11 |
14-08-28 |
Opel vectra 2001m 2.0dti 74kw check dega nera traukos
pirmavakumus tikrink , ar nesukeisti ,
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14-08-28 |
Opel vectra 2001m 2.0dti 74kw check dega nera traukos
bet apie metus vazeviau viskas buvo tvarkoi ir viena diena kai pradejo dekt tai va 2 sav varkstu. degnostika paroditu gedima kazi?
11 |
14-08-28 |
Demesio! bukite budrus
Robert Beveridge Hello The price is 2500 EURO. Mileage: 100.000 Km. Car is in very good condition. This is the only car I have.... As I said, I am currently in Newcastle, UK and i try to find a solution to bring the car to your address. My friend recommended to use a local shipping company that is able to deliver the car to your address. I will handle the shipping cost, so you will not have to pay any fees or extra-money. The company deliver 8-9 cars on a single truck so the shipping tax is pretty cheap for me. All the car documents are OK and you can check them when you will receive the car. The company will take care for all export documents and they help with the registration of car on your name. Delivery time:5-6 days. They also have a return policy and the car will be insured. What is your opinion about that? About this price... I tried to sell the car here but is impossible because car wheel is on the left side and here need cars with the wheel on the right side. I had a very good job in Lithuania. i bought it from Palanga, and my wife was home alone with the kids. (boy and girl, 3 and 5 years) . I feel very guilty because i left my wife there so i made the right decision to leave my job from Lithuania and everything behind me and go back to my family , I learned that money is not the most important thing in the life. Thank you! _ From: Pavel To: 'Robert Beveridge' Sent: Sunday, June 26, 2011 6:15 AM Subject: RE: Volkswagen Golf V, 2005/12m Hallo. All right. I see that the car looks good. But I want to be sure of its condition. What is mileage in kilometers? Engine does not smoke? P.S. Have you got any more cars?
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10-03-04 |
perku auto
as turiu pezo 406 tai ka galiu pasakyt siaip dideliu investiciju nereikalauja tiesiog jai kas sugenda reikia iskart pakeisti ar tvarkyti nes jai taip palieki tai poto viskas is eiles pradeda bireti pvz pas pame blogai uzsivedinejo tai vietoj to kad rasti beda kodel taip ir vazinejau ko pasekoje pasodinau greit akuma ir sudegiau starteri nebutu tu islaidu jai iskart surasciau beda poto pakaboj irgi jai keisti viska laiku tai nieko ten daug nebires o kai girdi kad uzia ir px vaziuoja tai poto visa galine reikejo reisti kai jau padanga suede ir sprogo o siaip tai realiai manau kad nedaug man isejna eksploatacijai tuolabiau turi pilnos komplektacijos peza tai malonu viduj sedet ir variklis 2.0 benz dujas tai i 12 litru duju telpu tai kad bendrai neblogas automobilis zinant dar ta kad paemiau pigiausia is buvusiu paemiau uz 2600lt pries metus su pilna komplektacija 96 metu todel neidealiausios bukles bet droziu as ja droziu ir vistiek vaziuoja tai paskutiniuoju metu isvis jos netvarkau tik vazineju ten jau gedimu jau susirenka tai galvoju jau vasara arba parduosiu arba reikes i ja investuoti nemazai kad sutvarkyti ir dar kas ten sako kad elektronika stringineja tai ziurint is kurios puses paziureti pvz vaziavimui tai netrugdo nebuna taip kad uzgesta del elektronikos ar dar bbz kas tiesiog pas mane pvz ziema buvo kad langu pakelejes keistokai dirbo vaziuojant ant duju buna uzsidega zenkliukas check engine poto uzgesta karta buvo kad klima neveike tipo nedege tenai bet uzgesinus uzkurus ir vel viskas veike (cia tik karta taip buvo per 1.5 metus) o visa kita tai zjbs kas man joje patinka tai salonas oda nesutrinta klima ir viskas el kuros sanaudos nedideles 12 ltr prie 96 kw minksta gan ir garso izoliacija irgi nebloga sita pastebi vaziuojant 110 km/h tai gan tylu salone vejo beveik nesigirdi tik variklis jau apie 3k apsuku turi prie tokio greicio tai ir girdisi bet normaliai dar nu papasakojau jauciu viska apie savo peza tikiuosi pagelbejau
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13-02-21 |
Astra 1,7 TD 50kw dega check engine, nera traukos, negraziai dirba variklis
idomu?EGR tai cia buna 2.0 2.2 motorams, sitiems nelabai
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13-01-10 |
Astra 1,7 TD 50kw dega check engine, nera traukos, negraziai dirba variklis
pasidaryk diagnostika
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13-01-10 |
Astra 1,7 TD 50kw dega check engine, nera traukos, negraziai dirba variklis
mano galva galti purkstukai arba siurblys. bet aisku prisakyt galima daug ka kas neatitiks realybes neapziurejus. lek diagnostika pasidaryt bus aisku
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13-01-10 |
Demesio! bukite budrus
siknius Raul Tower tesia savo veikla. AUDI A4 2006m
LAiskas pirmas Hello, I'm glad to hear that you are interested to buy my car! The car is in excellent condition, no collision present on this car, no scratches or dents! This car's transmission is like in the factory ! The engine on this car works like as new. The price is low because of the registration tax in your country , for this reason this price! I am from Wales and the car is here with me. I bought this car from Germany because I work there but when I come back in Wales I try to register the car and i realized that the costs was too high and for this motivation I decided to sell it. It has all the necessary paperwork: registration certificate in Germany. The car have the steering wheel on the left side... that's way I don't like it and is unusual for me, and is very difficult to find a buyer in my country. I am the second owner and I have all car documents and service book! You can come here to buy the car directly from me, will be no problem, or I can delivery to your country using a delivery company ... the taxes for the transport will be my problem !! IF YOU CAN WRITE ME IN ENGLISH WILL BE GREAT ! Thank you for your time and interest! LAiskas antras Hello again, The price is 3800 EUR, including all shipping taxes and insurance for the road ! I have all the necessary documents to make the sale. I can send you the car using a local delivery company. Don't worry about the transport taxes because are included into the car price. The company have a great policy because they will give you 3 days to inspect the car, so you can change your mind if you don't like it and you will not lose any money. To delivery the car using the delivery company will take 5-6 days until you will receive it in front of your door. This is the , and this is their email address: [email protected] , they will send you today one email with their "Delivery Terms" (please check your "BULK" or "SPAM" folder) I will need your name, address and phone number to start the procedure! PS: I have a contract with this shipping company... the shipping taxes will be my problem !! Regards! Po to gaunate laiskus is Shiply kompanijos ir jo nuotraukas su seima ir paso kopija, taip tap nuoroda kur sumoketi pinigelius. Jei jau jo pasa nekelia abejoniu paprasykit automobilio dokumentu kopiju( dingo zmogelis kaip i vandeni)o galu gale nurodomas tik vienas bankas ir tik per ji prasoma apmoketi. |
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10-03-04 |
optimaliausias variantas "turbos"
tai G37 zinok tikrai nieko ispudingo, nemazai as ju isbandes. jis gerai traukia prie zemu sukiu, o prie aukstesniu "krenta ant pilvo". nesakau, kad dingsta visiskai trauka, bet as priprates, kad prie aukstu sukiu pats gazas, tai man ji buka pasirode prie aukstesniu. aisku prie zemu tai ji zveris. genesis geras aparatas, cia jau senai irodytas faktas. net ir sonata turbine visai nebloga, tik aisku klase visai kita, bet traukos uztenka jai. kelintu metu saabas? koks variklis ten? t.y. kiek arkliu, nes ju buvo trys gal versijos dvilitriniu. is esmes skyresi purkstukai, turbina ir programa. jei low pressure turbo tai ir neturejo ispudzio palikti. 9-5 pvz isvis stockiniai neina dauguma - 2.3L zemo slegio variantas, ar net tas pats 3.0L V6 - isvis pajuoka.. is gedimu vienas brangiausiu, bet ne toks daznas yra grandine. reikia keisti ja kas 300 000k km ar panasiai, tai jei su daug km, turek galvoj. as primeciau daliu kaina sau tai isejo apie $340.. 2 grandines, 2 itempejai, 6 slides. is dazniau pasitaikanciu - degimo kasete, kuri irgi nepigi. tiesa jei ji pareidineja buna uzsidega check engine ir trauka krenta, nes detonacijos sekimo sistema kaseteje neveikia - degimas buna pavelintas del ko ir kencia trauka. kasete as paemiau uz $100 naudota geros pagaminimo datos, nes velesnes geriau laiko. db nepamenu tiksliai nuo kurio men - ant kasetes yra lipdukas ant kurio data uzrasyta. siek tiek yra bedu su dirzu - idler pulley megsta issitaskyti. pacio dirzo keitimas irgi smagus, nes paprastai nepakeisi, reikes atsukti variklio pagalve viena ir kilstelti varikli. taip, kad jei kelyje suvalgys tavo dirza - ne taip lengva nauja uzdeti. as visada atsargini dirza veziojuosi su savimi, nes man jau 2 dirzus per 3 metus "suvalge". priekinis salnikas alkuninio megsta leisti, bet keitimas labai nesudetingas. bypass valve (tipo bovas recirkuliacinis) megsta pareiti - pradeda ukti kaip peleda arba boosta praleisti. sako elektroninis droselis megsta pareiti.. tfu tfu tfu man kolkas nebuvo bedu su juo. jie tiesa nepigus irgi. is esmes, kiek teko susidurti, beveik visos dalys saabui yra kazkiek brangesnes uz daugumos populiariu brandu. nzn kaip LT, bet pas mus taip yra. tiuningui jei nori imti tai patarciau imti 900uka, o ne 9-3.. nebent 9-3 patys pirmi - 98, 99 metu. ju viduriai tvirtesni - atskirti gali pagal degimo kasetes spalva - raudona - senesni, juoda - naujesni. daugiau tai vaziuokles atraminiu sarnyru "vtulkos" megsta prarudyti ir tada pradeda garsai eiti is priekio stabdant arba staigiai pagreitejant. nera jos brangios, bet galvos skausmas ir tiek. as susidejau Powerflex poliuretaninius bushingus, kuriem nereikia vtulku tai kaip ir dingo beda. 220 - 250 galima nesunkiai isspausti is jo. 220 be jokiu isoriniu modu, neskaitant turbinos ir purkstuku nuo high output turbo versijos (205 arkliai stocke). programuojasi nesunkiai jis, jei noresi as tau pasakysiu ko reikia. del kainos nzn, nes nzn kuriu metu ir koks stovis. as savo 2000 metu kabrika su nusprogusia turba, paemiau uz $2000 pries 4 metus kazkur.. tai nzn, palygink. tiesa ten buvo ne SE versija, o bazine, del to man reikejo turbos didesnes ir purkstuku kitu.
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11-09-24 |
E85 kur rasti jam tinkamu varikliu sarasa?
Raso kad mersams visems po 86m tinka ar as klystu?Na ten va tokia varnele uzdeta √ prie Mercedes Benz?Kai ten istikruju?Raso kad net Ssang Yongui 4x4 3, 2 tinka .Ar as teisingai supratau? : Can my vehicle operate on Ethanol blend petrol? CAN MY VEHICLE OPERATE ON ETHANOL BLEND PETROL? Throughout Australia, ethanol-blend fuels, such as E10 and E85, are available as an alternative to unleaded petrol. Most new and many older vehicle models effectively operate on petrol with up to 10% ethanol, i.e. E10. Vehicle manufacturers and importers have provided the following information on the capability of their vehicles to operate on ethanol fuel blends, subject to the fuel meeting the octane requirements for the vehicle and complying with relevant mandatory Australian fuel quality standards. To avoid operational issues, vehicles should be maintained in accordance with manufacturer’s servicing procedures using genuine replacement parts. This will ensure that the fuel systems of vehicles continue to operate as designed on ethanol blend fuels. More recently, E85, a blend of up to 85% ethanol and 15% unleaded petrol, is available from a growing number of fuel suppliers. At this stage, very few cars on Australian roads are capable of operating on E85. These include Saab’s 9-3 and 9-5 Bio power models, Dodge Avenger 2.7L V6, Dodge Journey 2.7L V6 people mover, Chrysler Sebring 2.7 V6 (sedan and convertible) and Holden Commodore VE Series II flex-fuel vehicles (with 3.0L V6 or 6.0L V8 engine). For more information about national fuel quality standards or about national labeling requirements for ethanol blends, please visit The Australian Government Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities website; Ethanol fuel quality standard. The Australian Design Rules (ADRs) are harmonised with international standards as specified in the UN ECE Regulations. The same requirements apply throughout the European Union. New vehicles certified to these standards will increasingly use advanced emission control technologies that strictly control the engine’s operating parameters and have therefore more stringent fuel quality requirements. Currently the EU fuel specification allows up to E5 and some vehicles sold into the European market may not be suitable for E10 use. The use of E10 petrol in vehicles that are E5 compatible may also result in material compatibility problems in the fuel system. VEHICLE MODEL SUITABILITY FOR E5 OR E10 USE The following table lists vehicle models suitability to run on E5 or E10 ethanol blended petrol. Before using E5 or E10 in motor vehicles not listed below, or if you are unsure, consult your handbook or manufacturer to check if the fuel is suitable. MOTOR VEHICLES E5 Suitable E10 Suitable BRAND MODEL Yes No Yes No Alfa Romeo All models post 1998 √ x Alfa Romeo All models pre 1998 x x Audi Audi A3 1.8L (Engine Code 'APG' 2000 onwards) and A4 2.0L (Engine Code 'ALT' 2001 onwards) x x Audi All models post 1986 except above √ √ Bentley All models post 1990 √ √ BMW All models post 1986 √ √ Citroen All models post 1998 √ √ Chrysler All models post 1986 √ √ Daihatsu Charade (September 2004 onwards); Terios (September 2004 onwards); Copen (October 2004 onwards); Sirion (November 2004 onwards) √ √ Dodge All models post 1986 √ √ Fiat Punto √ x Ford Focus (2002 - 2004), F-series (1986-1992), Ka (All), Maverick (All), Transit (1996 - 2004) √ x Ford Mondeo (prior to 2007) √ x Ford Capri (All), Courier 2.0L & 2.6L (All), Econovan (pre-2002), Festiva (All), Laser 1.3L, 1.5L & 1.6L (All), Raider (All), Telstar (All) x x Ford All models post 1986 except above √ √ GMDaewoo All models x x Holden Apollo (1/87-7/89), Nova (2/89-7/94), Barina (1985-1994), Drover (1985-1987), Scurry (1985-1986), Astra (1984-1989) x x Holden Astra SRi 2.2L (11/2006 onwards); Astra 2.2L Twin Top Convertible (11/2006 onwards) √ x Holden All models post 1986 except above √ √ Honda Insight - 2004 onwards; Civic range (including Civic Hybrid) - 2004 onwards; S2000 - 2004 onwards; CRV - 2003 onwards; MD-X - 2003 onwards; Accord & Accord Euro - 2003 onwards; Integra – 2002 onwards; Odyssey – 2004 onwards; Jazz – 2004 onwards; Legend – 2006 onwards √ √ Hyundai All models post October 2003 √ √ Jaguar All models post 1986 √ √ Jeep All models post 1986 √ √ Kia All models post 1996 √ √ Land Rover All models post 1986 √ √ Lexus IS200 pre May 2002 √ x Lexus All models post 1986 except above √ √ Lotus Elan (1989-1991); Esprit (4 cyl – 1987-1999); Elise (Rover engine – 1996-2004); 340R; Exige (Rover engine – 2001, 2002 & 2004); Europa (2006 onwards) x x Lotus Esprit (V8 – 1998-2004); Exige (Toyota engine – 2004 onwards); Elise (Toyota engine – 2004 onwards) √ √ Mazda Mazda2 - May 2005 build onwards, Mazda3, Mazda6, RX-8, MX-5 – July 2005 build onwards, Tribute - April 2006 onwards, CX-7, CX-9 √ √ Mazda All models except above x x Mercedes-Benz All models post 1986 √ √ MG All models √ x MINI All models √ √ Mitsubishi All fuel injected models post 1986 √ √ Nissan All models post 2004 √ √ Peugeot 306 (XU engine only) x x Peugeot All models post July 1997 except above √ √ Porsche All models pre MY2007 √ x Porsche All models from MY2007 √ √ Proton All models √ √ Rover All models √ x Renault All models post 2001 √ x Rolls Royce All models between 1990 and 2002 √ √ Saab All models post 1986 √ √ Ssangyong Rexton, Stavic & Chairman models with 3.2 litre petrol engine √ √ Subaru All Subaru (before 1990) Subaru Liberty B4 (2002 to 2003) Subaru Liberty GT (2004 - 2006) Impreza WRX STI (1999 to 2005) x x Subaru All models post MY1990 except above provided the model-specific minimum octane rating is maintained √ √ Suzuki Alto, Mighty Boy, Wagon R+, Swift/Cino, Sierra, Stockman, Vitara, X-90, Jimny (SOHC), Super Carry, Suzuki Baleno and Baleno GTX x x Suzuki All models except above (providing RON requirements are met) √ √ Toyota Camry with carburettor engines pre July 1989 and Corolla pre July 1994; Supra - pre May 1993, Cressida - pre Feb 1993, Paseo - pre Aug 1995, Starlet - pre July 1999, Land Cruiser - pre Aug 1992, Coaster - pre Jan 1993, Dyna - pre May 1995, Tarago - pre Oct 1996, Hilux , Hiace, & 4 Runner - pre Aug 1997, Townace - pre Dec 1998 x x Toyota All models except above √ √ Volkswagen All fuel injected models post 1986 √ √ Volvo All models post 1986 √ √
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13-01-21 |