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AUTOLARIS, Cars, 2 page (25)

  • Hyundai Tucson I Visureigis / Krosoveris 2005

    Hyundai Tucson I Off-road / Crossover

    2005-11, Diesel, 2.0 l., Automatic, All wheel drive, 259 274 km, 83 kW, Black, Doors 4/5 Vilnius
  • Honda Civic Hečbekas 2008

    Honda Civic Hatchback

    2008-01, Gasoline/Electric, 1.3 l., Automatic, Front wheel drive, 207 584 km, 70 kW, Grey, Doors 4/5 Vilnius
  • Toyota Yaris Hečbekas 2011

    Toyota Yaris Hatchback

    2011-02, Gasoline, 1.3 l., Mechanical, Front wheel drive, 185 136 km, 73 kW, Blue, Doors 4/5 Vilnius