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Sveiki , nemaciau neradau taisykliu tad pareklamuosiu. Tinklapio tema: Moto Tinklapis gyvuoja: 14 Dienu Tinklapio link'as: Unikalus dizainas piesiamas. Domenas bus nuo keliu simtu regintu zmoniu Registruojames! Jokiu email patvrtinimu nereik! :]
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12-04-17 |
Audi/VW automobilių techninė priežiūra ir remontas
Pasinaudokite puikia akcija mūsų servise - Akcijos kuponai
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14-04-24 |
gal kam teko ardyt spydometra audi 100 c4 ar a6 2,0
kaip nusiima ciferblatas ir strelyte kur greiti rodo....pas man apiplyso kas zino is kur parsisiust galima?email jei ka [email protected] jei nenoretu kas viesai sklebt buciau labai dekingas....
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11-12-12 |
Tuning detaliu parduotuves.
Vežu iš Lenkijos buferius ir spoilerius, daugiausia busams. galiu pažiurėt, gal ka idomaus ir kitoms mašinoms turi. parašyk man i email kokiai markei ir kokios detalės domina. turi ir spyruokliu. [email protected]
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10-08-19 |
Need Help. Want to buy Audi 80/90/Coupe B2 Quattro
I want to buy Audi 80/90/Coupe B2 (1980-1987) QUATTRO. I will pick up the car myself. I want only QUATTRO. Blease sent the offer to my email. [email protected] Estonia
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10-10-22 |
Problemos su elektronika volkswagen golf 3
Dar pamirsau pridurt, parduodu sio golfo numusta telycia(be dokumentu, uzsudyta)visa arba dalimis.Atsiskaitymas uz dalis is mano puses nebent mesa.Siulom siulom.860491591 email [email protected]
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13-07-19 |
3,0l d geras ar nlb. gal kas turit?
O is vokietyjos Japonišku automobiliu nevezi ? Pvz honda civic 96 -99 ? jei kazka pan pamatysi Honda civic 1996 - 2000 ir 1, 6 man i email : [email protected] Metai kaina ir kur randasi , bučiau dėkingas
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09-11-11 |
Nebrangūs LED aksesuarai automobiliui
Parduodu nebrangius LED aksesuarus automobiliui. Kontaktai Skype:satreb0r email: [email protected] Tel:862485403 Yra įvairių juostų, LED DRL, salono apšvietimas.... DRL 52LT LED juostos 9LT
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13-03-12 |
Perku Mazda 6, 2005-2008m, 2.0/2.3, benzinas
Perku Mazda 6, 2005-2008m, 2.0/2.3, benzinas Ieškau automobilio Mazda 6. Jei galite pasiūlyti - lauksiu: Mazda 6, sedanas Metai: 2005-2008 Kuras: Benzinas (gali buti dujos) Variklis: 2.0 arba 2.3 Pavaros: Mechanika/ arba automatas Tel. 8 608 37705 email: [email protected] Vilnius
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12-05-27 |
koki pliusai ar minusai mazda 323f 2000m 2l dyzeliu
Automobilis geras ekonomiškas, geri varikliai, minusai-rudys kartais buna problemu su siurbliu tada reikėtu kreptis pas mane 8-675-21-981
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11-11-24 |
monė PVM mokėtojas ieško prekybos atstovų (autodalių parduotuvių, autoservisų ar fizinių asmenų) Lietuvos miestuose ir miesteliuose konkurencinėmis kainomis užsakinėti naujas originalias autodetales visiems lengviesiems automobiliams, autobusams, sunkvežimiams, traktoriams, bei kelių remonto technikai. Dėl sąlygų teirautis tel. 865780700, email: [email protected]
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10-02-10 |
Volkswagen Golf III 2.8 VR6
Dar pamirsau pridurt, parduodu sio golfo nu, musta telycia(be dokumentu, uzsudyta)visa arba dalimis.Atsiskaitymas uz dalis is mano puses nebent mesa arba natura, jei pinigais tai irgi dalimis po 3 litus per menesi.Siulom siulom.860491591 email [email protected]
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13-09-05 |
Suzuki gsx-r keiciu i masina
Keiciu suzuki gsx-r 600 ipurskimas 99kw 99metu keiciu i masina, minivena, mikrautobusiuka. Britvai reikia dazyti. Su pasiulymais i email [email protected] Gyvenimo dar nemaciusi, mechanine dalis kaip nauja, vaikai nevazinejo. Yra visos srviso knygos, manualas, visi dokai. Lietuvoje dar neregistruota. Sia savaite bus imontuota signalizacija(nepigi).
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12-11-05 |
Perku atsarg.rata VW 4motion`ui
Sveiki, skubiai pirkciau vw pasatui 4motion`ui tinkanti atsargini rata r17 arba r18 taip vadinama tablete.Metai neturi reiksmes nuo 97 jei neklystu iki 2011m toks pat ratas.Galiu keisti i originalu lieta ratlanki su beveik nauja padanga arba perku uz pinigus 8 672 86035 email [email protected]
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13-03-05 |
Perku e28 iki 2000lt
Ieshkau e28. wazhiuojanchio ir nesupuwusio. Butu geraj ta, bet nebutina. Realiaj geriau dyzelis, bet tix ir bendzas. Lawonu nesiulykit. Miestas neswarbu. Siulyti iwajrius warijantus. Ir atsiuskit nuotraukas sawo automobilio su aprashymu man i email. Shiuo metu esu shwedijoj. Grishtu 12.17 ir nuperku.
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10-11-21 |
sweiki,kam idomi informacija apie garso aparatura,montavima,suderinamuma,diskutuokim cia,,,
Del Pionieriaus DVD-NAVI-CD-FM galite skambinti man tel Vilniuje 8 672 86035 arba sms, email [email protected] jei noresit pirkti galeciau atiduoti nebrangiai, uz patrauklia kaina taciau keitimui apie 500 litu.Pardavimomkaina daug, zymiai mazesne nes noriu paprastos radijusos kad neisdauztu lango.
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11-01-08 |
Volkswagen Golf III dyzelis
Dar pamirsau pridurt, parduodu sio golfo nu, musta telycia(be dokumentu, uzsudyta)visa arba dalimis.Atsiskaitymas uz dalis is mano puses nebent mesa arba natura, jei pinigais tai irgi dalimis po 3 litus per menesi.Siulom siulom.860491591 email [email protected]
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08-04-29 |
Volkswagen Golf III D, 1994/12m.
Dar pamirsau pridurt, parduodu sio golfo numusta telycia(be dokumentu, uzsudyta)visa arba dalimis.Atsiskaitymas uz dalis is mano puses nebent mesa arba natura, jei pinigais tai irgi dalimis po 3 litus per menesi.Siulom siulom.860491591 email [email protected]
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11-08-29 |
golf jetta 2 odinis salonas ir kita
buvau pas zmogu turi jetta su odiniu salonu 87metu ratus nusiemes jau variklirgi like pavaru deze ir visa melyna jetta su odiniu kam ko reikia ...?manau brangiai neprasys... jei ka rasykit cia savo email ir ko reikia permesiu jam ...veiksmas netoli grigiskiu nuo vilniaus centro 15km
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15-02-02 |
Manual`as JEEP Grand Cherokee 92-99m
Parduodu manuala `91-10m....`99m Jeep Grand Cherokee.Rus7 kalba, kaina 210 litu.Issamus aprasymai ir braziniai, yra viskas tiek dyzeliams tiek benzininiams ivairiems varijantams.Naudotas, bet tokios bukles, tarsi naujas.Foto kito katalogo.Susidomejus rasykite ir palikite savo kontaktus email`u [email protected] Vilniuje
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11-12-19 |
Perku Aprilia SR iki 5000Lt l.gero stovio nuo2010m.
Sveiki, ieskau motorolerio Aprilia SR50 nesenesnio kaip 2010metu ir su nedidele rida , iki 5000-6000km. Tik Europinio, o ne gabento is anglijos ir spardyto ant tralo. Aisku neapibraizyto. Gal kas turit pirke Lietuvoj ir galvojat parduot. Ka siuo metu maciau autoplius/autogide (iki07.06.dienos) , visai nesudomino. lauksiu pasiulymu i email : [email protected] arba i tel. 8662-22222.
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13-07-06 |
audi c4 privalumai,trukumai,koks variklis geriauses su dujom?
Sveiki, ieskau Audi C4 AVANT 2.3 arba 2.8 gali buti quattro su mechanine deze. Butu gerai kad ir dujos butu. Jei kazkas skubiai nori parduoti. Be TA nesiulykit. Rasykit sms. Galite ir skambinti. Daugiau nei 4500lt nesiulyti. Aciu. Tel 862603210. email [email protected] Jei kazkas nori tikrai parduoti, siulykit sestadieni atvaziuociau paziureti. Sekmes pardavinejant
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08-08-04 |
Paprasti patarimai kaip apsaugoti automobilį
turejau atveji kai pardavinejau akuma...pamirsau raktus nuo masinos atleke klientas pirkt...sakau luktelk atsinesu raktus ...sako nereikia visrakti pist susirinko mitshubishi pist atrakino akuma pardaviau ir isvaziavo.geras ane?sake rakina 90PROCENTU DURU.TAI KAD GERIAUSIA YRA KAI PRIE DURU PRIVIRINI PO DVI KILPAS IR PAKABINI PAKABINAMA SPYNA....siaip superku akumus....brangiai ...rasykit i email [email protected]
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09-11-09 |
Del racijos
Sveiki kolegos vairuotojai, jokiu leidimu ir nieko panasaus pareigunai neturi teises prasineti. Leidimo gali reikalauti tik RRT inspektorius. Bet del CB yrangos jis jums tikrai galvos nekvarsins juolab kad jokio leidimo kaip ir sakiau nereikia tureti. Jej dar turite kokiu klausimu galiu konsultuoti telefonu +37063135179 skype: backlazhanas email: [email protected] Prekiauju naujom ir naudotom CB radijo stotelem ir antenom.
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10-09-28 |
Pirkčiau VW Golf 3 automobilį
Ieškau automobilio VW Golf (trečio golfo). Jei galite pasiūlyti - lauksiu: VW Golf Metai: Nuo 1993 m Kuras: Benzinas su įmontuota dujų įranga. Variklis: nuo 1.4 iki 1.8 Pavaros: gali būti ir mechaninė ir automatinė. Kaina: nuo 1000 iki 2500 lt Tel. 869067105 email: [email protected] Siūlyti tik Klaipėdoje svarbu, kad būtų tvarkingas ir ekonomiškas, būtų viskas tvarkoje.
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12-12-21 |
Cooperation offer (Предложение о сотрудничестве )
Добрый день. Хочу предложить вам сотрудничество на взаимно выгодных условиях ! Кратко о главном : украинский рынок б/у и новый мото техники и на все что связано с мотоциклами имеет большой спрос ! Надеюсь на честное взаимно выгодное долго срочное сотрудничество! ------------ Brgds, Akulshyn Konstiantyn mobile phone: +38 (093)-983-15-33 , +38 (067)-480-40-96 email : [email protected] , [email protected] Skype: [email protected]
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16-04-27 |
Kaip veikia perikupai
durniukai man skambinkit as jums viska isaiskysiu, kaip daryt.Kai buvo pastabde as tik smurkst kelnes nusismaukiau pasilenkiau 5 minutes ir suderinta.konsultuoju visais klausimais tel 860491591 email [email protected] svarbu vazinet su nebrangiom masinom kad nieks neissifruotu is pirmo zvilgsnio , nors zydros auto man prie dusios.Jei ka pridedu savo zmonikes nuotrauka jos vardas penisima golfabanga
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14-03-05 |
Naujokui automobilys
Sveikas dar karta, gal galetum atsiusti man savo skype jei gali arba čia parašyk reikia Tavo pagalbos noriu pasitarti su Tavim...Arba susisiek su manim mano skype : taurasdonatas arba email [email protected] turiu keleta pasiulymu kurie galbut sudomins pati asmeniskai arba kanors is draugeliu, pazistamu.Gali susisiekti uzklaust kontaktu?Nemanyk kad uzknisiu, as ne is tokiu, tiesiog trumpai aiskiai apsakysiu reikalo esme man neskubu turim dar laiko pagalvoti.
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13-09-08 |
auto projektai
Neimk i galva paprasčiausiai yra toks žmonių stilius, už kitus spręsti kaip jie turi gyventi ir visus gydyti be jokio pagrindo.Toks gyvenimo kredo ir pagrindinė satisfakcija, savęs realizavimas.....Atsiusk man savo skype jei gali arba čia parašyk reikia Tavo pagalbos noriu pasitarti su Tavim...Arba susisiek su manim mano skype : taurasdonatas email [email protected] turiu keleta pasiulymu kurie galbut sudomins pati asmeniskai arba kanors is draugeliu, pazistamu.Gali susisiekti uzklaust kontaktu?
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10-10-27 |
Opel Astra nuo 1998metu kuo skiriasi varikliai ir kas geriau
Sveiki, turiu opel astra 99m. 1.6 ecotec, 74 kw, 6-7ltr/100km, rudziu nera, tik reiktu nupoliruoti nes yra smulkiu pabraizymu bet nezymus. jei ka sudomins rasykit i email- [email protected], nes siuo metu ne lt esu gryztu geguzes 26d, bet jei bus susidomejusiu bus kas parodys ir be manes, atomobilis deklaruotas galite pasiimti bet kada, automobilis siauliuose, domina ir keitimas i kokia pigesne. Kaina butu 8000lt
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10-04-07 |
Sveiki taigi jau ne pirma karta parduodu internete technika ir jau antras kartas kaip kaskoks uzsenietis paraso i telefona kad su juo susisiekciau emailu stai pavizdys - "Do you still have combine available for sale on skelbiu? Write me an email on [email protected]" ir kai su jais susirasineju pokalbis baigesi kaip praeita karta su kitu zmogumi Stai pavyzdziu. Ir man labai idomu ar man vienam taip yra buve
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16-12-21 |
Demesio! bukite budrus patikrinkit kas, nes mano email jau zino, pamatysit kaip viskas tegul paaiskina jis kaip viskas vyks ir paprasykit shipingo kompanijos kontakto ar tinklalapio nes kiekviena ja turi. p.s. jis anglas ( taip bent jau sako ) bet zinoma is pradziu kalbekite lietuviskai, jis turetu sakyti kad automobili pirko kai lankesi pas draugus lietuvoje. Paziuresim ar tas pats kuriam priklauso visi skelbimai kuriuos anksciau parasiau. Aciu jei kas padesite
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10-03-04 |
mb w140,420s
sveiki visi mersu noreciau suzinoti kas galetu uzsiimti su mb 420s 1992m, jam reikia daryti kaip ir kapitalini remonta, viso kebulo, elektros, variklio ir t.t., nes jis gan ilgai stovejes, tai kad nuo stovejimo toks elemtarus dalykas kaip posukiai pradingo, o kaip ne keista avarinis veikiatai noreciau kad kas gerus meistrus pasiulintu, nes jame yra gan didele problema su elektra.tad lauksiu jusu pasiulimu ir patarimu.jei ka galit rasyti man i email[email protected] aciu visiems
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10-02-20 |
MB 124 2 Litrai dyzelis
labas, na kad 2.0 litrai mb variklis geras geras nesamone.tada galima sakyti visi geri.MB-124 , 190 vertinami 2.5 dyzeliai, nes ekonomiski ir traukia gerai.kazkada vazinejau tai 7litrai mieste.tik dalys brangios.pirkom caravanui sedano amortikus po 250lt uz stk nelaikes savaites, kebulas per sunkus.tada paemem savartyne po 800lt uz viena originalius viskas jau nekalbu apie salenbloku galybe.benzininei 2.3 vertinami nes 2.0litrai ir benzas ir dujos ir dyzelis per silpnas tokiam kebului.pats ardau MB tai perku tik 124 190 bet tik 2.5dyzelius.kebulai man nesvarbu man reikia varikliu.kas nori atsikratyt rasykit i email [email protected]
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10-02-23 |
Įtartinas pirkėjas
Situos klounus reiktu kazkaip blokuoti ar kitaip sutramdyti, uzkniso. Rasineja savo kvailus pasiulymus kasdiena, stai pavyzdys kaip atrodo vienas is "kapitono" kliedesiu: "Hello, I am Capt Paul Smith. I will like to buy your Car. Please let me know details of your Car and your last price. You can contact me on my email address: [email protected] Best Regards Capt Paul Smith."kartais pasiraso kad ju emailas toks: [email protected] o kartais siuntineja is kito pasto Uzkniso. Kokie patarimai kaip situ parazaitu isvengti?
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11-06-27 |
Kaip PARAZITUS pasiūsti kuo toliau
Užkniso žąsinai nuolat rašinėjantys dėl kiekvieno skelbimo savo suktus pasiūlymus.Kokie įmanomi būdai nuo jų atsiriboti, nes gaila laiko kaskart jų kvailystes skaitinėti, užteršinėja el.paštą ir t.t.Ypač lenda, kaip bebūtų keista, per autopliusą.Štai vienas iš daugelio šitų aferiugų laiškas:Hello, I am Capt Paul Smith. I will like to buy your Car. Please let me know details of your Car and your last price. You can contact me on my email address: [email protected] Best Regards Capt Paul Smith.Ir tai tik vienas iš daugybės jų siuntinėjamų suktybių.Kokie būdai tokius dziob...nusiūsti kuo toliau?
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11-07-01 |
BMW 525 tds pucia tepala per tepalo matuokle.
oi!ir dar visai pamiršauuu aūūū Pirkciau VW PASSAT ar VW golf dyzelini Martynas: 860491591 email [email protected] Plačiau: nepykit pupsikai, mano tikras vardas ne Mindaugas, pastoviai ji kaip reik, nufotkinu svetimą mašinikę ir dedu jos fotkes va dar vienas mano supertrynimo šedevarsaš gabus šitame reikale Martynas Visi skelbimai Alytus 860491591 Susisiekti el. paštu Siųsti asmeninę žinutę Plačiau: vnz kreiptis priklausomai nuo ano aprangos, kai bunu "vyru"galit -Mindaugas, o kai persirengiu-Martynas
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14-03-07 |
keiciu Citroen Evasion 1.9dyzelis
Masina nesurudyjusi. Naujas akumuliatorius, kuro filtras, padangos ziemines naujos, lieti diskai. Yra kablys. Gera praktiska masina. Foto bus veliau. Yra kondicionierius, klima. Yra idreskimu salone. Visa vaziuokle sutvarkyta, galima ir i servisa varyti tikrinti. Kuriasi gerai salta, silta. Parduoti niekur neskubu, ji eksplotuojama, su ja viskas gerai jokiu problemu. O del keitimo tai net nezinau, ka galiu pasakyti, tiesiog siulykit gal kazkas sudomins, visai nieko butu kokia audi a4 karavanas, o jei 4varomais isvis pasaka. Na siulykite viska. O masinos kaina yra 5500lt ir ji tu pinigu yra tikrai verta, kas beko keitimo kaina kur kas didesne.Pasiulymus prasom duoti cia arba i email [email protected] Aciu uz demesi.
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12-12-20 |
Smėliavimas, gruntavimas, miltelinis dažymas.
Smėliavimo darbus: automobilių, motociklų, priekabų, smulkių metalo detalių valymą, medienos sendinimą, mūro fasadų, cisternų/talpų, laivų, jachtų, žemės ūkio technikos bei padargų puspriekabių bei vilkikų ir jų detalių srautinį valymą su smėliu. Paruošimą dažymui – gruntavimą, antikorozinį dažymą. Miltelinį dažymą - dažome profilius, skardos lankstinius, automobilių ratus bei detales, motociklų detales bei aksesuarus, kitus gaminius iki 2000*800*3000 mm. gabaritų. Dirbame tik su nauja kokybiška įranga, bei pasaulyje pripažintais Rust-oleum dažais. Esame įsikūrę Vilniuje, bet darbus galime atlikti visoje Lietuvoje, nes turime mobilią įrangą. Visais klausimais prašome susisiekti tel. +370 639 49008 arba email: [email protected] Daugiau mūsų darbu ir pavyzdžių rasite adresu
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15-11-17 |
lankytojas is UK susidomejo mano 96m treciu golfuku,kas cia eiline apgavyste???
2011/4/23 Greibel Reinhold Hello, I am Griebel Reinhold From United Kingdom, i will like to buy the Car and i Will like to know the cost of the Car and the condition of the Car and i will be paying you through bank transfer. And i will take care of all Shipment Preparations for the Car to my home in: Name :Griebel Reinhold Address: Hertford st City: Birmingham County:United Kingdom Post Code: B12 8AQ email me with more information about the Car and i am very interested and am a serious buyer.And also get back to me with the actual price you are willing to sell the Car. Thanks Get to mail me back soon. Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device
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11-04-24 |
BMW 8GB USB flash atmintinė
Parduodamos 8GB BMW USB flash atmintinės/laikmenos/raktai/atmintinukai
• Spustelėjus mygtuką, atmintinė iššoka („pop-up“ funkcija) • Patogus dizainas, nereikia kamštelio • Priedas – nusegama juostele, galima prisisegti ant kaklo ar prie raktų • Įrašymo greitis 3-5MB/s, nuskaitymo greitis 13-16MB/s • Išmatavimai: 6 x 3.3 x 1.2cm. Su dėžute 9 x 4 x 2cm • Suteikiama 1 mėn. grąžinimo garantija gamykliniam brokui • Labai panaši į tikrą naujausio BMW modelio raktą • Išvaizda 1 prie 1 atitinka "Krasta Auto" BMW usb atmintinę • Puiki dovana BMW fanui, mylėtojui ar turėtojui • Įpakuota, parduodama baltoje kartoninėje dėžutėje Kaina 39.99lt Atmintinės yra Kaune. Siunčiame į bet kurį Lietuvos miestą (+6lt siuntimo išlaidos), taip pat į užsienį. Kontaktai: 1. 862406106 2. P.M. 3. email: [email protected] 4. adresas: |
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12-03-01 |
Neapsigaukite, jie gali pervesti pinigus, jus juos matysite. O paypal po kurio laiko pazymes jog pvz. kazkas blogai su auto ar moto ir paypal pinigus jiems grąžins atgal. Jus liksite be pinigu ir be transporto priemones. Thank you.I'm satisfied with the condition. I won't be able to come and view it myself because I am currently away for work.but if can you guarantee that it is in a good condition, I will meet up with your last price. I know there are other buyers patronizing you already. This is more reason why i would like to get this as soon as possible.i will pay you through PayPal as it is the fastest & easiest way for me to make payment at this moment, do not worry about PayPal charges, i will take care of that. And about the transportation, i shall arrange for a transport agent to come directly for the pickup after i have made all necessary payment and they will also handle all necessary registration in my name if there is any. After you have confirmed the payment on your account, it shall be transported to my home address in Ukraine. So if you accept this mode of payment, please send me your info requested below if you have an account already with PayPal:- Name : PayPal email : Final price: Mobile Number:
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15-08-06 |
Demesio! bukite budrus
siknius Raul Tower tesia savo veikla. AUDI A4 2006m
LAiskas pirmas Hello, I'm glad to hear that you are interested to buy my car! The car is in excellent condition, no collision present on this car, no scratches or dents! This car's transmission is like in the factory ! The engine on this car works like as new. The price is low because of the registration tax in your country , for this reason this price! I am from Wales and the car is here with me. I bought this car from Germany because I work there but when I come back in Wales I try to register the car and i realized that the costs was too high and for this motivation I decided to sell it. It has all the necessary paperwork: registration certificate in Germany. The car have the steering wheel on the left side... that's way I don't like it and is unusual for me, and is very difficult to find a buyer in my country. I am the second owner and I have all car documents and service book! You can come here to buy the car directly from me, will be no problem, or I can delivery to your country using a delivery company ... the taxes for the transport will be my problem !! IF YOU CAN WRITE ME IN ENGLISH WILL BE GREAT ! Thank you for your time and interest! LAiskas antras Hello again, The price is 3800 EUR, including all shipping taxes and insurance for the road ! I have all the necessary documents to make the sale. I can send you the car using a local delivery company. Don't worry about the transport taxes because are included into the car price. The company have a great policy because they will give you 3 days to inspect the car, so you can change your mind if you don't like it and you will not lose any money. To delivery the car using the delivery company will take 5-6 days until you will receive it in front of your door. This is the , and this is their email address: [email protected] , they will send you today one email with their "Delivery Terms" (please check your "BULK" or "SPAM" folder) I will need your name, address and phone number to start the procedure! PS: I have a contract with this shipping company... the shipping taxes will be my problem !! Regards! Po to gaunate laiskus is Shiply kompanijos ir jo nuotraukas su seima ir paso kopija, taip tap nuoroda kur sumoketi pinigelius. Jei jau jo pasa nekelia abejoniu paprasykit automobilio dokumentu kopiju( dingo zmogelis kaip i vandeni)o galu gale nurodomas tik vienas bankas ir tik per ji prasoma apmoketi. |
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10-03-04 |
Demesio! bukite budrus
Hello The car is in the company custody with 2 keys, manuals , service book history , winter tires , summer tires , all documents and contracts and the car is ready to be registered your name. I spoke with the agents from the company and they can start the shipping when you are ready . They will contact you with the invoice , contracts , and all details about the car and transport. I will need your full name , address and phone number so they can calculate the delivery time and cost for me. They will contact you to give all instructions. When you get the car to your home address, the company offer you 5 days inspection period , and you can decide if you agree to buy the car or not . If by any reason you do not like the car, you can refuse it and the company will send you the deposit back to your account. The payment will be sent to the company agent (deposit 40-50% of car value, usually ) when they start the delivery. They will send money to me only after you test the car and decide to buy it, not earlier. They are an escrow service. I will wait your email with these details and i can go tomorrow to speak with them so they can inspect the car and send you all informations tomorrow. Here is the company website : Thank you _ From: Pavel To: 'Robert Beveridge' Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2011 8:21 AM Subject: RE: Volkswagen Golf V, 2005/12m Hello Last question. What I risk if I do not like the car? Will I have to pay a fine? Thank you!
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10-03-04 |
Demesio! bukite budrus
Robert Beveridge Hello The car is in the company custody with 2 keys, manuals , service book history , winter tires , summer tires , all documents and contracts and the car is ready to be registered your name. I spoke with the agents from the company and they can start the shipping when you are ready . They will contact you with the invoice , contracts , and all details about the car and transport. I will need your full name , address and phone number so they can calculate the delivery time and cost for me. They will contact you to give all instructions. When you get the car to your home address, the company offer you 5 days inspection period , and you can decide if you agree to buy the car or not . If by any reason you do not like the car, you can refuse it and the company will send you the deposit back to your account. The payment will be sent to the company agent (deposit 40-50% of car value, usually ) when they start the delivery. I will wait your email with these details and i can go tomorrow to speak with them so they can inspect the car and send you all informations tomorrow. Here is the company website : Thank you _ From: Pavel To: 'Robert Beveridge' Sent: Sunday, June 26, 2011 12:00 PM Subject: RE: Volkswagen Golf V, 2005/12m Hello Dear Robert. I also have 2 kids . (boy and girl, 16 and 8 years). I consulted with my family and we decided to buy your car. I hope we have to like this car. So, what we need to do at the moment? Thank you!
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10-03-04 |
Aferistai perkama automobili sumoka per paypal o veliau susigrazina pinigus
Sveiki, bukite atidus, aferistai siūlo, pirkti automobilį per paypalą. Ir aš gavau tokius pasiūlymus: Hi, I am interested in buying it and i would like to get it as soon as i can. i would appreciate if you can answer the few questions below: what is the final price for it? How long have you owned it? I won't be able to view it but can you guarantee me it is in a good condition? I hope to hear from you soon, and i will make all transportation preparations for it to be transported to my home in Austria. If possible can you send me some recent picture of it? Thanks, I'm satisfied with the price & condition. I am buying it ly to Austria and i would pay you through PayPal into your PayPal account directly as it is the fastest & easiest way for me to make payment at this moment, do not worry about paypal charges as i would be paying for it & about the transportation, i shall arrange for a transport agent to come to your home directly for the pickup after you have gotten your money. So if you accept this transaction, you should send me your info requested below if you have an account already with paypal or you may send me a PayPal Money Request:- PayPal E-Mail Address: Full Name: Total Price: But if you don't have an account with PayPal just login to ( and register with them. When you are done with the registration send me the email used for the registration with PayPal so i can pay into your paypal account immediately and then we can arrange for my transport agent to come for the pick up, after you would have received your money. I will need your home address & telephone number for the pick up to be arranged. i expect your reply soon
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15-09-24 |
Įtartinas pirkėjas
Sveiki, el. paštu susidomėjo automobiliu ir gavau tokį laišką, ką jūs manote ?? Gal kas esate susidūrę? Hello Dear, Thanks for your speedy response in regards to your car I intend purchase.Please I would have love to visibly inspect the car, but my present location and the nature of my job here will not allow me to do so. But from the looks and description of the car I am very satisfied with it, so I am going ahead to buy the car from you. I am Aadil A. Al-Abbasi from Dubai working with President Gaddafi who has been asked to step by the International communities and the Libyan people.I am one of his trusted officials here In libya and I was privileged to handle the sum of $9.2 million (Nine million two hundred thousand united states dollars.) for a projected he intend to invest in before the crisis.The money was deposited with a Bank in Spain.I have been informed from the bank that the money is in safe condition. As it is now, I am will attach the copy of the deposit certificate which I obtained from the bank customers service during the period of deposit when you accept this offer, but please also bear it in mind there will be no phone communication as the problem is still on here in Li-bya so any further communication should be by email, if you are really interested to receive this money on my behalf on your bank account do get back to me as soon as possible. I wish to point to you that your benefit to assist me in receiving this fund will be 30% of this fund after paying for the agreed price of the car while 70% will be for me, I hope you are comfortable with this offer. if you are serious about this deal please go ahead and send me the required information to proceed immediately. THE REQUIRED INFORMATION'S BELOW Your Full Name: ........ Your Car Last Selling price.......................... Your Full Address : ....... Your Direct Telephone Number : .... Your Bank Details : ............ Once I receive the information's required, I will forwarded it to the Bank immediately to proceed for the transfer of the money to your Bank account. Thanks for your understanding and I look foreword to hear from you so have a nice day. Best Regards, Aadil A. Al-Abbasi
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11-06-27 |
Būkite atsargūs!!!
Vakar gavau laiška, kad kažkas susidomėjo mano automobiliu iš roboto, turinys laiško atrodė taip: Sveiki, lankytojas susidomėjo Jūsų skelbimu: Vartotojo el. paštas: [email protected] Hello, I am interested in your car. Please let me know your last price. You can reach me on my email address. [email protected] for the last price. Best regards Mark More Na, nieko blogo neytardamas ir atrašiau, galutinę kainą, bei paklausiau iš kokio miesto pats autorius esąs. Šįryt, patikrinus el-pašta radau čiut ne novelės ilgio laiška to žmogaus, labai tingiu pasakoti jo turiny, tad jei su anglų kalba nesipykstate, tikrai perskaitysite, o kas ne, google translator'ių y pagalba pasiimkite, taigi laiškas: 2011/12/29 Mark More Hello, Thank you for your reply. I'm glad to note in your mail that your car is still available; I am genuinely interested to buy the car and I want to inform you that I will buy your car at your last given price. I want to ly ask you to remove the advert from the internet platform if it is possible. And also should other persons contact you for the car, be kind enough to inform such persons that there is already a serious person who intends to buy the car. I would have loved to visibly inspect the car personally but my present location and nature of my job will not allow me to do so. So please bear with me. From the looks and description of the car, I am satisfied with it and am willing to buy the car at the price you quoted. Let me have the pleasure to introduce myself to you first and foremost. I am Mark More writing you from my field area at 3rd Infantry Division of the Engineering Unit; UN Military Base Tabul Afghanistan. Based on the United States legislative and executive decision for withdrawing UN military troops from Iraq, I have been deployed to come and work in Afghanistan defensive forces base for six months and after which I will be coming to your country to come and work in your country defensive forces base. The aim is to help beef up terrorist targeted states mostly the United States and the European Union on the war against terrorism. I believe you will maintain the trust and confidence of what I am about to reveal to you to enable me conclude this transaction with you. I have in my possession the sum of 9.3 million USD that was recovered on one of our raids in a terrorist Camp in Baghdad Iraq before I am been deployed to Afghanistan but I did not submit all the money to the military authority as I needed this money for myself and families after all these years and much scrutiny by the military authorities. I packed my own share of money in a trunk box and deposited the box with the Red Cross Agents here in the military camp and informing them that it is my personal belonging that I want to send to my relative. You can view the link below to confirm what I am telling you concerning to the money in my possession: Based on the suffering we undergo here some of us do meet such luck. It happened that I went for this raid with the men in my unit and I decided to take it as my share for my suffering as a soldier here in this land filled with suicide bombers. I deposited this money with a Red Cross agent as my personal belongings informing him that I am making contact for my relative to whom I will like the box to be delivered to. It is under my power to approve whoever comes forth for this money. It is better you help me keep this money safe until I come to meet with you for the investment of the money there in your country. I cannot move this money to the United States because I will be in Europe for about a year and half. If you accept, I will make all arrangement with the Red Cross to transfer the box money to you and made you my relative to whom will receive the money as I have it sealed inside a box without anyone knowing. I just need your acceptance and all is done. Please if you are interested in this transaction I will give to you the complete details you need for us to carry out this transaction ly. I decided to find someone that is real and not imaginary and that is why I went to a secured site where I can be sure that the person is real. Where I am now, we can only communicate through our military communication facilities which are secured so nobody can monitor our emails. I will only reach you through email because our calls might be monitored. I just have to be sure whom I am dealing with. Besides you have to remove the car from the advert list: I will buy the car at your price rate but please I want you to assure me that you will assist me in this deal so as to present you as the receiver of the money box. I am waiting for your earliest response. Please if you are interested, I will suggest you provide to me with these information's of yours so as to enable us proceed with the transaction: Your full names.......... Your full contact address....... Your direct telephone number........ A scan copy of your identity card.... Via your international passport copy or driving license for prove and identification of the person I am dealing with. Best regards Captain. Mark More Na tikrai, paaiškinta viskas ganėtinai logiškai, bet nuėjus y googl'a, suvedus paskutinės pastraipos pirma eilutę, oba, pilna tokių laiškų, ir svarbiausia, dažniausiai jie siunčiami automobilių pardavinėtojams ir kas baisiausia, kad kaikurie užsikabina, nes kiek supratau, po šito laiško, ateina kitas, kuriame rašoma pervesti jam 30% nuo sumos, kuria jis esa tau duos, o tu u= tai gausi 70% nu NESAMONĖ JUK!!! Tad žmonėsm neužsikabinkit ant tokių dalyku, juk niekas iš oro šiais laikais neatsiranda... Visiems geros dienos, bei su artėjančiais ir tikėkimies gerais, saugiais naujaisiais 2012 metais.
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11-12-29 |
Demesio! bukite budrus
2011/8/4 David Elliott Hello Dear, Thanks for your prompt reply to my request; it seems to me that you are a very sincere person i want to use this means to inform you that I was impressed After reading your mail, I am willing to buy this car at your given price. I have a business proposal for you. I am a captain with the United Nations troop in Iraq, on war against terrorism. Based on the United States legislative and executive decision, for withdrawing troops from Iraq. Our mission is to help beef up terrorist targeted states, mostly the united states and the European union on the war against terrorism. On the other hand i want to inform you that i have in my possession the sum of (15.9million U.S.D) which i got from crude oil deal here in Iraq. i deposited this money with the red cross security agent, informing him that we are making contact for the real owner, now it is under my power to approve whoever that comes forth to ascertain the clam of these consignment box. I want to invest this money in real estate OR any other profitable business as soon as i retire from my job, and i will seek for your advice on that, since i am not a business culture person, that why i have contacted you for assistance to get this project completed in good faith, so i need someone i could trust to channel this box. If you accept i will transfer the money to your country, where you will be the beneficiary, i am a uniformed person and i cannot be parading with such an amount, i am an American and an intelligence officer, so i have a 100% authentic means of transferring the money to you, through a diplomatic courier service. i just need your acceptance and all is done. Please if you are interested in this transaction i will give to you the complete details we need for us to carry out this transaction ly, i decided to find someone that is real and not imaginary and that is why i went for a secured site where i can be sure that the person is for real and not an imaginary, can i trust you?. where we are now we can only communicate through our military communication facilities which is much secured so nobody can monitor our conversations, then i can explain in details to you, at the moment i can only reach you through e-mail, because our calls might be monitored by high officials here, i just have to be sure of whom i am dealing with. I will give to you 30% of the sum and 70% is for me. i hope am been fair on this deal, kindly get back to me with your full information such as: Your Full Name, Your Full Address, Your Direct Cell Phone Number, Your Occupation & Age. If you are interested please send me your personal details for further information when i am out of our military network, am writing from a fresh email account, so if you are not interested do not reply to this e-mail and please delete this message, if no response after 3days i will then search for someone else. I wait for your contact details so we can go on. Yours Sincerely, Capt. David Elliott.
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10-03-04 |
kaip graziai gieda... Dear Buyer, we have the pleasure to inform you that one of our verified sellers has invited you to use our Trading Service to purchase a vehicle. Terms and Conditions of Transaction : The transaction will be through our service only. The Buyer pays PATROCLES Holdings LTD the total amount of the vehicle's price (which is considered as the insured 100% prepayment for the vehicle if the Buyer will accept to buy it) therefore our agents can transport the vehicle with all necessary documents at provided address. The car will be transported with our company truck. The Seller has paid our services and the transport of the vehicle at the Buyer's location according with our company terms and conditions. The Buyer will receive and inspect the vehicle for 5 days. During this time the Buyer can verify the car at the local car service or dealer and must decide to accept the vehicle or not. In case the Buyer does not accept the vehicle, it will be returned to the Seller and the Buyer will receive the refund in full(money that are transfered to our bank account for the inspection period). Refund : Any complaints can be made in 30 days after the transaction date. After the Buyer will test the vehicle, in case that the Buyer do not purchase it, we will deliver it back to our company from where the Seller can take it back. To ask for a refund, simply reply us and enter in the subject line: Request for refund Auto Transaction # A7682639113 The Transaction Confirmation including the contact informations should be used only to resolve matters related to PATROCLES Holdings LTD services, any other use is strictly prohibited. Payment Instructions : According to our policy the following step to be taken is to transfer the total amount of vehicle's price which is 3, 500.00 EUR - in our bank account indicated to guarantee your transaction, via banking transfer. Here are the details of the account (information for the acccount in which you must send the payment) : -------------------------------------------------------------- Account name: PATROCLES LIMITED Bank name: Barclays Bank PLC Branch sort code : 20-53-30 Account number : 43566617 SWIFT-BIC: BARCGB22 IBAN: 617 --------------------------------------------------------------- Note : To make the transfer you, as the Buyer have to go to your local bank and send the funds in forementioned account. After you finish the transfer, you will receive the receipt from the bank which you have to scan it and send it to our email: [email protected] or send it by fax 0044 166 822 8160 . Once the money reaches our account and our staff will verify the transaction, we will establish a date to transport the car to location (if address is not correct please notify us). Very important : The Seller will NOT receive the money from our company before the Buyer verifies the vehicle, accept it and the sale contract is signed. Track your transaction : You can trace your transaction on our site at the following address : your transaction number is : A7682639113 Note : our web address is in the English language and if you do not know how to see your transaction contact us please at : [email protected] Thank you for using our Auto Trading and Transport service! web address : e-mail : [email protected] [email protected] For further information please contact: Patrocles Holdings LTD, 20 Front Street, Bamburgh NE69 7BW PHONE NUMBER: 0044 756 561 7760 0044 756 561 7760 end_of_the_skype_highlighting FAX NUMBER: 0044 166 822 8160 Company Registration : 7218344 © 2010 PATROCLES Holdings LTD
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10-06-15 |