Ishu postavshikov oskemen fresh or email or addresses or 2014 2015 (7 стр.) (481)
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Audi or Peugeot? (think)
ne, kalbu apie anglija, zmones cia turi bapkiu, bet neperka visokio s.tokia ju nuomone apie prancuzus, pagrinde cia opel, ford, alfa,
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11-08-20 |
Audi or Peugeot? (think)
Sveiki. Zadu pirkti automobili iki 4000lt. Labiausiai prilipo Audi c4 2.5tdi ir Peugeot 2.1td. Na peugeot uz tokia kaina gali tvarkinga pasimt, o uz c4 tvarkinga gali ir 5000lt sumoketi. Na bet neskubu pirkti, tai dar daug variantu islys ir uz pigesne kaina, tai gal ir pavyktu normalia pasiimti. Ka patartumet jus? Siaip ekonomiskumas ne taip svarbu, kaip trauka. Gal dar pasiulytumet koki kita modeli (dyzeli)?
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11-08-20 |
Audi or Peugeot? (think)
c4 ejo nuo 90metu jeigu ka. Atidziau pasiziurek skelbimus, buna ideda uz ~4500lt, kita diena jau parduota.
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11-08-20 |
Audi or Peugeot? (think)
Gal gana ne i tema rasyt.
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11-08-20 |
Audi or Peugeot? (think)
Tai cia ir taip aisku, kad geriausias pasirinkimas- kaddet. Dar raugintais agurkais varomas. Naudingas >> Isores dizainas tai taip, bet vidaus, identiskas c4.
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11-08-20 |
Kokias patartumėt rinktis
atveš 2014 metų, nuvežu ir numetu į parduotuvę, iškart įspėjau vadybininką, darant užsakymą pabrėžiama kad 2018, tai manau tai matysis ir PVM sąskaitoje, tai blogiausiu atveju pagrąžinsiu, bet nuvažiavus į parduotuvę jų už 50 eur tu jų nepaimsi, bus 80 Eur už vienetą, tai parizikuoti verta. Iš komentarų sako būna kad atveža 3 2017 ir vieną 2013 metų ir t.t. tik keisčiausia kad toj jų parduotuvėj vos ne analogiškos yra 2014 metų už tą pačią kainą, tai galbūt sandėlininkai "suklysta" sandėlį ir bando įkišt senas.
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18-11-01 |
Perku atsarg.rata VW 4motion`ui
Sveiki, skubiai pirkciau vw pasatui 4motion`ui tinkanti atsargini rata r17 arba r18 taip vadinama tablete.Metai neturi reiksmes nuo 97 jei neklystu iki 2011m toks pat ratas.Galiu keisti i originalu lieta ratlanki su beveik nauja padanga arba perku uz pinigus 8 672 86035 email [email protected]
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13-03-05 |
padangu dydis e39
vazineju ziema su 225/55 R16 (cia E39 originalas) jei uzsidesi
235/60 r16, tai ratai bus aukstesni 34mm (atitinkamai auto auksciau stoves 1, 7cm) ir vaziuosi 5% greiciau nei spidas rodo, nu ir atrodys tavo bimsas kaip tikras traktorius |
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15-10-22 |
Perku e28 iki 2000lt
Ieshkau e28. wazhiuojanchio ir nesupuwusio. Butu geraj ta, bet nebutina. Realiaj geriau dyzelis, bet tix ir bendzas. Lawonu nesiulykit. Miestas neswarbu. Siulyti iwajrius warijantus. Ir atsiuskit nuotraukas sawo automobilio su aprashymu man i email. Shiuo metu esu shwedijoj. Grishtu 12.17 ir nuperku.
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10-11-21 |
sweiki,kam idomi informacija apie garso aparatura,montavima,suderinamuma,diskutuokim cia,,,
Del Pionieriaus DVD-NAVI-CD-FM galite skambinti man tel Vilniuje 8 672 86035 arba sms, email [email protected] jei noresit pirkti galeciau atiduoti nebrangiai, uz patrauklia kaina taciau keitimui apie 500 litu.Pardavimomkaina daug, zymiai mazesne nes noriu paprastos radijusos kad neisdauztu lango.
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11-01-08 |
Keiciu bmw 318tds 98m.
Keiciu bmw 318 tds i kita automobili, galit siulyt i pigesni su jusu priemoka arba panasios vertes.Yra ta iki 2014 06, nepilnus metus Lietuvoje, as pirmas savininkas, nera rudziu variklis dirba gerai, niekad nebuvo dauztas, ekonomiskas automobilis.Galit siulyt ivairius variantus, savaitgaliais rasykit sms 862966568.
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13-03-16 |
Volkswagen Golf III dyzelis
Dar pamirsau pridurt, parduodu sio golfo nu, musta telycia(be dokumentu, uzsudyta)visa arba dalimis.Atsiskaitymas uz dalis is mano puses nebent mesa arba natura, jei pinigais tai irgi dalimis po 3 litus per menesi.Siulom siulom.860491591 email [email protected]
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08-04-29 |
Kaune dingo WV golf mk4 2000m juodos spalvos valstybinis numeris FES 695
Sveiki!2015 vasario 4 nakty pavoge man masina vw golf tdi 103 kw kaune is vilijampoles , zinau vilciu mazai rast gal kokiu ideju yra kur galima pasidairyt ar kas matet gal kur stovi vals numeris HDN 463. Mano telf 860438319
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11-01-30 |
TOYOTA avensis d4d, nerodo borto kompiuteris
Man labai patiko mano „Toyota D-cat 2015“. Tačiau po kelių didelių laimėjimų, kuriuos padariau aš galėjau sau leisti ką nors geresnio ir nusprendžiau jį parduoti ir turėjau „Jaguar F-Type“. Ateityje ketinu atpirkti „Toyota“ kaip šeimos suvenyrą, nes tai tikrai unikalus automobilis.
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13-09-24 |
Volkswagen Golf III D, 1994/12m.
Dar pamirsau pridurt, parduodu sio golfo numusta telycia(be dokumentu, uzsudyta)visa arba dalimis.Atsiskaitymas uz dalis is mano puses nebent mesa arba natura, jei pinigais tai irgi dalimis po 3 litus per menesi.Siulom siulom.860491591 email [email protected]
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11-08-29 |
Perkraustymo paslaugos Vilniuje, krovinių pervežimas Vilnius
Turiu klausimą, ar Jūsų turi kraustymams dėžių ir apsauginių burbulinių plėvelių? Čia straipsnį paskaičiau, pagalvojau, kad daug saugiau būtų nei su laikraščiais. Dabar domiuosi ar perkraustymo firmos duoda ar parduoda pakavimo reikmenis ar visais atvejais reikia atskirai eit ieškot patiems...
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14-01-07 |
Aferistai perkama automobili sumoka per paypal o veliau susigrazina pinigus
Sveiki, bukite atidus, aferistai siūlo, pirkti automobilį per paypalą. Ir aš gavau tokius pasiūlymus: Hi, I am interested in buying it and i would like to get it as soon as i can. i would appreciate if you can answer the few questions below: what is the final price for it? How long have you owned it? I won't be able to view it but can you guarantee me it is in a good condition? I hope to hear from you soon, and i will make all transportation preparations for it to be transported to my home in Austria. If possible can you send me some recent picture of it? Thanks, I'm satisfied with the price & condition. I am buying it ly to Austria and i would pay you through PayPal into your PayPal account directly as it is the fastest & easiest way for me to make payment at this moment, do not worry about paypal charges as i would be paying for it & about the transportation, i shall arrange for a transport agent to come to your home directly for the pickup after you have gotten your money. So if you accept this transaction, you should send me your info requested below if you have an account already with paypal or you may send me a PayPal Money Request:- PayPal E-Mail Address: Full Name: Total Price: But if you don't have an account with PayPal just login to ( and register with them. When you are done with the registration send me the email used for the registration with PayPal so i can pay into your paypal account immediately and then we can arrange for my transport agent to come for the pick up, after you would have received your money. I will need your home address & telephone number for the pick up to be arranged. i expect your reply soon
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15-09-24 |
golf jetta 2 odinis salonas ir kita
buvau pas zmogu turi jetta su odiniu salonu 87metu ratus nusiemes jau variklirgi like pavaru deze ir visa melyna jetta su odiniu kam ko reikia ...?manau brangiai neprasys... jei ka rasykit cia savo email ir ko reikia permesiu jam ...veiksmas netoli grigiskiu nuo vilniaus centro 15km
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15-02-02 |
Kuris SUV geresnis
Sveiki Planuoju pirkti SUV tipo automobilį. Šiuo metu esu apsistojes ties 3 modeliais: Tiguan 2.0 L (nuo 2017 m.) BMW X3 2 L (nuo 2016 m.) Audi Q5 2 L ( nuo 2015 m.) Kriterijus: Automatas, Benzinas. Klausimas, kurį modelį vertėtu rinktis atsižvelgiant į eksplotacijos kaštus, dažnus gedimus ir žinoma apskritai patvarumą. Ačiū
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19-03-05 |
Jau ne vienas apgautas zmogus... "Apgautas Šiandien, 14:33:02 / 2015-04-12 Jau kreipiausi i policija penktadieni, bet savaitgali siuo klausimu neuzsiema jie. Kiek zinau dar prase pervesti pinigus i Elena Stanynaite ir Donatas Taroza vardais registruotas saskaitas. Bus tikriausiai ir dar daugiau, visa informacija reiktu pateikt, tik pinigus atgaut sansu labai mazai."
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15-04-12 |
Manual`as JEEP Grand Cherokee 92-99m
Parduodu manuala `91-10m....`99m Jeep Grand Cherokee.Rus7 kalba, kaina 210 litu.Issamus aprasymai ir braziniai, yra viskas tiek dyzeliams tiek benzininiams ivairiems varijantams.Naudotas, bet tokios bukles, tarsi naujas.Foto kito katalogo.Susidomejus rasykite ir palikite savo kontaktus email`u [email protected] Vilniuje
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11-12-19 |
Guolis subyrejo ? Video !
(9) 2015-09-11 15:54:34 Esme tame, kad jau bus 3guolis tame paciame rate per nepilnus 2 metus .. Atskiruose servizuose keisti, vat sitas kur dabar 55europietiski kainavo. Nejau taip daznai nueit jie gali ? O gal naudota imt, ty su gelezim ? kaip vadinasita dalis su guoliu ? kad naudota nusipirkt. |
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15-09-11 |
audi a8 4.2
Dujos tikrai nieko nekenkia.. Buna paseda voztuvai, siaip kazkokiu niuancu nepastebejau. Jau apie 16 metu vazineju tik su dujom, turiu ir dyzeline skoda octavia 2 (zmonos), bet man dujos priimtiniau. Isvazinejau su e34 525 nuo 2003 metu su dujom iki 2014 vasaros, tika nupirkes staciau dujas, dideliu problemu neturejau, aisku iranga slangine, teko tvarkyti iranga, bet per ta laika prasukta apie 350 tūkstančių km ant dujų. Ašku, kai pirkau auto 2003 metais jis buvo bėgęs tik 130 tūkstančių, buvo kaip naujas (iš pirmų rankų), kaip sakoma nenuvažinėtas, bet jokio dujų poveikio varikliui nepajutau per tuos metus. Auto 2014 metų vasarą sėkmingai parduotas už simbolinius 1500 litų, puikiai važiuojantis, rida 480tūkstančių ir vis dar jį dažnai matau važinėjant, manau dar jei prižiūrės važiuos mano ilgametis draugas..
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15-01-10 |
Ar apsimoka
Isvaizda tai baisi, plius kur pas ja nauja tech? Lapkricio men tai cia nauja? Nauja tai 2014 sausio. Na nezinau, pasiziurek, gal ji tvarkinga tik isore baisi? Tada gali imt tvarkymas pigus, bet jai ten sudas ir dar 1.4 neimk. Nes pilna tu 1.4 po tiek tai gali issirinkti kitur
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12-01-20 |
Parduodu GPS navigacijas
3, 5", "BECKER Traffic Assist", "MIO C510" (nauji "iGO" žemėlapiai), 30, €, 5", "POWERMAX", "GARMIN - NAVIGON TRUCK", "MOKEE" (NAUJOS, GALIMA IR TRUCK VERSIJA, "iGO PRIMO" programa), nuo 50, -€, 7", "MOKEE" (NAUJOS, GALIMA IR TRUCK VERSIJA, "iGO PRIMO"), 90, -€, 3, 5", "Garmin StreetPilot C320" (2015 m. žemėl.), 20, -€, 3, 5", "Garmin Nuvi 2240T" (rodo eismo juostas, 2015 m. žemėl.), 40, -€, 4, 3", "Garmin Nuvi 42LM" (4 GB + SD, 2015 m. žemėl.), 55, -€, 4, 3", "Garmin NuLink! 2390T/ Nuvi 2445LMT" (BLUETOOTH, 4 GB + SD, 2015 m. žemėl.), nuo 60, -€, 5", "Garmin Nuvi 1440T/ 50LM" (4 GB + SD, 2015 m. žemėl.), 60, -€, 4, 3", "Garmin Nuvi 2447LMT/ 2495LMT/ 2497LMT" (BLUETOOTH, 8 GB + SD, nemokamas naujinimas), nuo 70, -€, 5", "Garmin Nuvi 55LM/ 2460LMT/ 2545LMT/ 2595LMT" (BLUETOOTH, 8 GB + SD, nemokamas naujinimas), nuo 70, -€, 4, 3", "Garmin Nuvi 3490LMT" (AUKSCIAUSIA KLASE, NEMOKAMAS naujinimas), 80, -€, 5", "Garmin Nuvi 2547LMT/ 2597LMT" (8 GB + SD, NEMOKAMAS naujinimas), nuo 80, -€, 6", "Garmin Nuvi 65LMT" (8 GB + SD, NEMOKAMAS naujinimas), 95, -€, 5", "Garmin Nuvi 2585TV" (8 GB, rodo TV Vakaruose), 100, -€, 5", "Garmin Nuvi 3590LMT" (AUKSCIAUSIA KLASE, NEMOKAMAS naujinimas), 100, -€, 5", "Garmin Nuvi 2589LMT/ 2599LMT-D" (8 GB + SD, NEMOKAMAS naujinimas), 110, -€, 5", "Garmin Nuvi 3597LMT" (AUKSCIAUSIA KLASE, NEMOKAMAS naujinimas), 160, -€, 7", "Garmin Camper/ Truck 760LMT" (GALIMA IR TRUCK VERSIJA), 200€, "TomTom" TMC-RDS eismo kamščių rodymo antena - 12, -€, 3, 5", "TomTom ONE V4 IQ Routes" (Rytu Europa + Skandinavija), 30, -€, 3, 5", "TomTom ONE V4/ START 2 IQ Routes" (visa Europa), 35, -€, 5", "TomTom START 25 IQ Routes" (visa Europa), 45, -€, 4", "TomTom GO 910" (20 GB HDD, GALIMA IR TRUCK VERSIJA), 50, -€, 4, 3", "TomTom START 20/ GO 1005 LIVE" (apynauji zemelapiai), 55, -€, 5", "TomTom GO 1005 LIVE" (NAUJI ZEMELAPIAI), 70, -€, 6", "TomTom GO 600 LMT" (NEMOKAMAS NAUJINIMAS), 145, -€, 6", "TomTom GO 6000 LMT" (NEMOKAMAS NAUJINIMAS), 175, -€, Tel.: +37063661875, +9. Kaunas, Raudondvario pl. 234A (prie "Regitros"). Darbo laikas pagal susitarimą. DIRBAME IR PER IŠEIGINES ! PRIEŠ VAŽIUOJANT VISADA PASISKAMBINKITE !
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12-02-28 |
Perku Aprilia SR iki 5000Lt l.gero stovio nuo2010m.
Sveiki, ieskau motorolerio Aprilia SR50 nesenesnio kaip 2010metu ir su nedidele rida , iki 5000-6000km. Tik Europinio, o ne gabento is anglijos ir spardyto ant tralo. Aisku neapibraizyto. Gal kas turit pirke Lietuvoj ir galvojat parduot. Ka siuo metu maciau autoplius/autogide (iki07.06.dienos) , visai nesudomino. lauksiu pasiulymu i email : [email protected] arba i tel. 8662-22222.
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13-07-06 |
audi c4 privalumai,trukumai,koks variklis geriauses su dujom?
Sveiki, ieskau Audi C4 AVANT 2.3 arba 2.8 gali buti quattro su mechanine deze. Butu gerai kad ir dujos butu. Jei kazkas skubiai nori parduoti. Be TA nesiulykit. Rasykit sms. Galite ir skambinti. Daugiau nei 4500lt nesiulyti. Aciu. Tel 862603210. Email [email protected] Jei kazkas nori tikrai parduoti, siulykit sestadieni atvaziuociau paziureti. Sekmes pardavinejant
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08-08-04 |
Kur rasti gauti pirkti padidintos talpos kuro baku masinoms? internete maciau pasatui parduoda 220Litru kuro baka ?
On January 1, 1966, viewers of the Rose Bowl were first introduced to the new "Leader of the Dodge Rebellion", the 1966 Charger. The Charger's debut also followed by a half model year the introduction of a new street version of the 426 cu in (7.0 L) Chrysler Hemi engine. With the Charger, Dodge had a new model to build a performance image to go along with this engine. Designed by Carl "CAM" Cameron, the Dodge Charger introduced a fastback roofline and a pot-metal "electric shaver" grille. The grille used fully rotating headlights (180 degree) that when opened or closed made the grille look like one-piece unit. Hidden headlamps were a feature not seen on a Chrysler product since the 1942 DeSoto. In the rear of the new Dodge, the fastback design ended over a full-width six-lamp taillight that featured chromed "CHARGER" lettering. 1966 Charger dash Inside, the standard Charger featured a simulated wood-grain steering wheel, four individual bucket seats with a full length console from front to rear. The rear seats and rear center armrest pad also folded forward while the trunk divider dropped back, which allowed for generous cargo room. Numerous interior features were exclusive to the Charger including door panels, courtesy lights, as well as premium trim and vinyl upholstery. The instrument panel did not use regular bulbs to light the gauges, but rather electroluminescence lit the four chrome-ringed circular dash pods, needles, radio, shifter-position indicator in the console, as well as clock and Air Conditioning controls if equipped. The dash housed a 0 to 6000 rpm tachometer, a 0 to 150 mph (240 km/h) speedometer, as well as alternator, fuel, and temperature gauges as standard equipment. Engine selections consisted of only V8s, though a straight-six engine engine became standard by 1968. 1966 transmissions included a three-speed steering-wheel mounted manual with only the base engine, a console mounted four-speed manual or three-speed automatic. In 1966, four engines were offered: the base-model 318 cu in (5.2 L) 2-barrel, the 361 cu in (5.9 L) 2-barrel, the 383 cu in (6.3 L) 4-barrel, and the new 426 Street Hemi. Only 468 Chargers were built with the 426. Total production in 1966 came to 37, 344 units for the mid-model year introduction. In 1966 Dodge took the Charger into NASCAR in hopes that the fastback would make their car a winner on the high-banks. But the car proved slippery on the faster tracks because its body generated lift. Drivers would later claim that "it was like driving on ice." In order to solve this problem Dodge installed a small lip spoiler on the trunk lid which improved traction at speeds above 150 mph (240 km/h). They also had to make it a dealer-installed option in late 1966 and 1967 because of NASCAR rules (with small quarter panel extensions in 1967). The 1966 Charger was the first U.S. production vehicle to offer a spoiler. David Pearson, driving a #6 Cotten Owens-prepared Charger, went on to win the NASCAR Grand National championship in 1966 with 14 first-place finishes.
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09-10-24 |
Audi B4 Avant , Padekit
On January 1, 1966, viewers of the Rose Bowl were first introduced to the new "Leader of the Dodge Rebellion", the 1966 Charger. The Charger's debut also followed by a half model year the introduction of a new street version of the 426 cu in (7.0 L) Chrysler Hemi engine. With the Charger, Dodge had a new model to build a performance image to go along with this engine. Designed by Carl "CAM" Cameron, the Dodge Charger introduced a fastback roofline and a pot-metal "electric shaver" grille. The grille used fully rotating headlights (180 degree) that when opened or closed made the grille look like one-piece unit. Hidden headlamps were a feature not seen on a Chrysler product since the 1942 DeSoto. In the rear of the new Dodge, the fastback design ended over a full-width six-lamp taillight that featured chromed "CHARGER" lettering. 1966 Charger dash Inside, the standard Charger featured a simulated wood-grain steering wheel, four individual bucket seats with a full length console from front to rear. The rear seats and rear center armrest pad also folded forward while the trunk divider dropped back, which allowed for generous cargo room. Numerous interior features were exclusive to the Charger including door panels, courtesy lights, as well as premium trim and vinyl upholstery. The instrument panel did not use regular bulbs to light the gauges, but rather electroluminescence lit the four chrome-ringed circular dash pods, needles, radio, shifter-position indicator in the console, as well as clock and Air Conditioning controls if equipped. The dash housed a 0 to 6000 rpm tachometer, a 0 to 150 mph (240 km/h) speedometer, as well as alternator, fuel, and temperature gauges as standard equipment. Engine selections consisted of only V8s, though a straight-six engine engine became standard by 1968. 1966 transmissions included a three-speed steering-wheel mounted manual with only the base engine, a console mounted four-speed manual or three-speed automatic. In 1966, four engines were offered: the base-model 318 cu in (5.2 L) 2-barrel, the 361 cu in (5.9 L) 2-barrel, the 383 cu in (6.3 L) 4-barrel, and the new 426 Street Hemi. Only 468 Chargers were built with the 426. Total production in 1966 came to 37, 344 units for the mid-model year introduction. In 1966 Dodge took the Charger into NASCAR in hopes that the fastback would make their car a winner on the high-banks. But the car proved slippery on the faster tracks because its body generated lift. Drivers would later claim that "it was like driving on ice." In order to solve this problem Dodge installed a small lip spoiler on the trunk lid which improved traction at speeds above 150 mph (240 km/h). They also had to make it a dealer-installed option in late 1966 and 1967 because of NASCAR rules (with small quarter panel extensions in 1967). The 1966 Charger was the first U.S. production vehicle to offer a spoiler. David Pearson, driving a #6 Cotten Owens-prepared Charger, went on to win the NASCAR Grand National championship in 1966 with 14 first-place finishes.
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13-08-15 |
Paprasti patarimai kaip apsaugoti automobilį
turejau atveji kai pardavinejau akuma...pamirsau raktus nuo masinos atleke klientas pirkt...sakau luktelk atsinesu raktus ...sako nereikia visrakti pist susirinko mitshubishi pist atrakino akuma pardaviau ir isvaziavo.geras ane?sake rakina 90PROCENTU DURU.TAI KAD GERIAUSIA YRA KAI PRIE DURU PRIVIRINI PO DVI KILPAS IR PAKABINI PAKABINAMA SPYNA....siaip superku akumus....brangiai ...rasykit i email [email protected]
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09-11-09 |
Del racijos
Sveiki kolegos vairuotojai, jokiu leidimu ir nieko panasaus pareigunai neturi teises prasineti. Leidimo gali reikalauti tik RRT inspektorius. Bet del CB yrangos jis jums tikrai galvos nekvarsins juolab kad jokio leidimo kaip ir sakiau nereikia tureti. Jej dar turite kokiu klausimu galiu konsultuoti telefonu +37063135179 skype: backlazhanas email: [email protected] Prekiauju naujom ir naudotom CB radijo stotelem ir antenom.
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10-09-28 |
95 Kodas
Iki 2014 m. rugsėjo 10 dienos visi tarptautinių gabenimų vairuotojai privalės turėti žymą vairuotojo pažymėjime, taip vadinamąjį 95 kodą. Vairavimo mokyklų atstovai teigia, kad norinčiųjų mokytis daugėja, o kursus lanko ne tik vairuotojai iš Lietuvos, bet ir užsienio. Verta paminėti, kad pradinės profesinės kvalifikacijos egzaminai vykstas tik lietuvių kalba, o testus vairavimo mokyklose užsieniečiams verčia patys dėstytojai. Egzaminavimas taip pat vyksta tik lietuvių kalba.
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14-09-21 |
Pirkčiau VW Golf 3 automobilį
Ieškau automobilio VW Golf (trečio golfo). Jei galite pasiūlyti - lauksiu: VW Golf Metai: Nuo 1993 m Kuras: Benzinas su įmontuota dujų įranga. Variklis: nuo 1.4 iki 1.8 Pavaros: gali būti ir mechaninė ir automatinė. Kaina: nuo 1000 iki 2500 lt Tel. 869067105 Email: [email protected] Siūlyti tik Klaipėdoje svarbu, kad būtų tvarkingas ir ekonomiškas, būtų viskas tvarkoje.
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12-12-21 |
Audi B4 Avant , Padekit
On January 1, 1966, viewers of the Rose Bowl were first introduced to the new "Leader of the Dodge Rebellion", the 1966 Charger. The Charger's debut also followed by a half model year the introduction of a new street version of the 426 cu in (7.0 L) Chrysler Hemi engine. With the Charger, Dodge had a new model to build a performance image to go along with this engine. Designed by Carl "CAM" Cameron, the Dodge Charger introduced a fastback roofline and a pot-metal "electric shaver" grille. The grille used fully rotating headlights (180 degree) that when opened or closed made the grille look like one-piece unit. Hidden headlamps were a feature not seen on a Chrysler product since the 1942 DeSoto. In the rear of the new Dodge, the fastback design ended over a full-width six-lamp taillight that featured chromed "CHARGER" lettering. 1966 Charger dash Inside, the standard Charger featured a simulated wood-grain steering wheel, four individual bucket seats with a full length console from front to rear. The rear seats and rear center armrest pad also folded forward while the trunk divider dropped back, which allowed for generous cargo room. Numerous interior features were exclusive to the Charger including door panels, courtesy lights, as well as premium trim and vinyl upholstery. The instrument panel did not use regular bulbs to light the gauges, but rather electroluminescence lit the four chrome-ringed circular dash pods, needles, radio, shifter-position indicator in the console, as well as clock and Air Conditioning controls if equipped. The dash housed a 0 to 6000 rpm tachometer, a 0 to 150 mph (240 km/h) speedometer, as well as alternator, fuel, and temperature gauges as standard equipment. Engine selections consisted of only V8s, though a straight-six engine engine became standard by 1968. 1966 transmissions included a three-speed steering-wheel mounted manual with only the base engine, a console mounted four-speed manual or three-speed automatic. In 1966, four engines were offered: the base-model 318 cu in (5.2 L) 2-barrel, the 361 cu in (5.9 L) 2-barrel, the 383 cu in (6.3 L) 4-barrel, and the new 426 Street Hemi. Only 468 Chargers were built with the 426. Total production in 1966 came to 37, 344 units for the mid-model year introduction. In 1966 Dodge took the Charger into NASCAR in hopes that the fastback would make their car a winner on the high-banks. But the car proved slippery on the faster tracks because its body generated lift. Drivers would later claim that "it was like driving on ice." In order to solve this problem Dodge installed a small lip spoiler on the trunk lid which improved traction at speeds above 150 mph (240 km/h). They also had to make it a dealer-installed option in late 1966 and 1967 because of NASCAR rules (with small quarter panel extensions in 1967). The 1966 Charger was the first U.S. production vehicle to offer a spoiler. David Pearson, driving a #6 Cotten Owens-prepared Charger, went on to win the NASCAR Grand National championship in 1966 with 14 first-place finishes.
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13-08-15 |
Fiat multipla
taip ir nugyvensi visa gyvenima su golfu... gaila tokiu zmoniu. nusipirkau jau kokie 3 men. fiat multipla 2014 metu, bet senesnio modelio (nes naujasnis beveidis). vaziuoju ir vargo nematau. isvaizda superine, vairuot ir sedet patogu. tfu, tfu, jokiu gedimu. ai, nulauziau vairo koloneles aukscio reguliavimo rabnkenele, tai srote visa kolonele su rankenele ir viena trauke nupirkau uz 20 Lt.
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11-04-19 |
Kestutis Fedirka - Fotoskrydis 2014
Turiu nereikalingą, visiškai naują, neišpakuotą (nenulupta plėvelė) Lietuvos foto albumą iš paukščio skrydžio 2014 metų. Nuotraukos tikrai gražios ir kokybiškos. Gera dovana kalėdoms seneliams ar dar kam nors.
Knygynuose kaina apie 80Lt, parduodu už 40Lt. Tik pardavęs pranešiu. Kaunas, 864345499 P.s. nesiseka sukelti cia paveiksliuku, numetu nuoroda i albuma, apatines nuotrakos |
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13-12-16 |
V70 II amortizatoriai
Peace taiinoma Tiesiog sakau jei automobilis "komfortiškesnis" (kabutėse rašau kad koks nors su 2014 metu mašina apie komforta nepradėtų, gi čia gidas ), tai visada atsimink išlaikymo kaina nelygink su golfu, pamiršk tokius daltkus, komfortas ir pigus išlaikymas tiesiog nesiderina. Aišku vistiek kažkas pradės kad jo opelis komfortiškas Golf 4 nėra prasta mašina, jei važiuokle tvarkinga viskas ten ok ir pakankamai minkšta.
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14-05-27 |
Cooperation offer (Предложение о сотрудничестве )
Добрый день. Хочу предложить вам сотрудничество на взаимно выгодных условиях ! Кратко о главном : украинский рынок б/у и новый мото техники и на все что связано с мотоциклами имеет большой спрос ! Надеюсь на честное взаимно выгодное долго срочное сотрудничество! ------------ Brgds, Akulshyn Konstiantyn mobile phone: +38 (093)-983-15-33 , +38 (067)-480-40-96 Email : [email protected] , [email protected] Skype: [email protected]
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16-04-27 |
Kaip veikia perikupai
durniukai man skambinkit as jums viska isaiskysiu, kaip daryt.Kai buvo pastabde as tik smurkst kelnes nusismaukiau pasilenkiau 5 minutes ir suderinta.konsultuoju visais klausimais tel 860491591 email [email protected] svarbu vazinet su nebrangiom masinom kad nieks neissifruotu is pirmo zvilgsnio , nors zydros auto man prie dusios.Jei ka pridedu savo zmonikes nuotrauka jos vardas penisima golfabanga
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14-03-05 |
Demesio! bukite budrus
Robert Beveridge Hello As I said, I am currently in Newcastle, UK and i try to find a solution to bring the car to your address. My friend recommended to use a local shipping company that is able to deliver the car to your address. I will handle the shipping cost, so you will not have to pay any fees or extra-money. The company deliver 8-9 cars on a single truck so the shipping tax is pretty cheap for me. All the car documents are OK and you can check them when you will receive the car. The company will take care for all export documents and they help with the registration of car on your name. Delivery time:5-6 days. They also have a return policy and the car will be insured. What is your opinion about that? About this price... I tried to sell the car here but is impossible because car wheel is on the left side and here need cars with the wheel on the right side. I had a very good job in Lithuania. I bought it from Palanga, and my wife was home alone with the kids. (boy and girl, 3 and 5 years) . I feel very guilty because i left my wife there so i made the right decision to leave my job from Lithuania and everything behind me and go back to my family , I learned that money is not the most important thing in the life. Thank you! _ From: Pavel To: 'Robert Beveridge' Sent: Monday, June 27, 2011 11:14 AM Subject: RE: Volkswagen Golf V, 2005/12m Hallo. I have badly understood. My English is not so good. Can you write about this deal step by step? Thank you!
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10-03-04 |
Naujokui automobilys
Sveikas dar karta, gal galetum atsiusti man savo skype jei gali arba čia parašyk reikia Tavo pagalbos noriu pasitarti su Tavim...Arba susisiek su manim mano skype : taurasdonatas arba email [email protected] turiu keleta pasiulymu kurie galbut sudomins pati asmeniskai arba kanors is draugeliu, pazistamu.Gali susisiekti uzklaust kontaktu?Nemanyk kad uzknisiu, as ne is tokiu, tiesiog trumpai aiskiai apsakysiu reikalo esme man neskubu turim dar laiko pagalvoti.
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13-09-08 |
Ieskau pirmo automobilio iki 5 000lt
Astra 3, 5 tukstancio lituku (pridesiu ir 4 ziemines dygliuotas Bridgstone).Su TA iki 2015-09-25. Investuota i ja nemazai.Benzinas.
skelbimas niekur neidetas, forumas sudomino.Tiesiog zinau kad tokias masinas perka nedaug kas, dauguma galvoja, kad jei metu masinukui tiekpat kiek dukrai, tai ji savaime bloga.Ziurint kaip ir kas priziuri.Perka jas mieste trinantys masinas, taupantys servisams ir kam marke nera pasididziavimo priemone, ir pirma masina isigyjantys. |
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13-09-25 |
auto projektai
Neimk i galva paprasčiausiai yra toks žmonių stilius, už kitus spręsti kaip jie turi gyventi ir visus gydyti be jokio pagrindo.Toks gyvenimo kredo ir pagrindinė satisfakcija, savęs realizavimas.....Atsiusk man savo skype jei gali arba čia parašyk reikia Tavo pagalbos noriu pasitarti su Tavim...Arba susisiek su manim mano skype : taurasdonatas email [email protected] turiu keleta pasiulymu kurie galbut sudomins pati asmeniskai arba kanors is draugeliu, pazistamu.Gali susisiekti uzklaust kontaktu?
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10-10-27 |
Techninė pagalba kelyje, Vilniuje nuo 20€
Skubi techninė pagalba Vilniaus mieste tik nuo 20€. Taip pat galime padėti ne tik transportuoti lengvajį automobilį, mikroautobusą, bobcat'ą, ekskavatoriuką, bet ir pakeisti ratus, atsukti užtrunyjusius varžtus, užvesti variklį nuo boosterio ir panašiai, atliekame smulkius remonto darbus vietoje. dirbu tralu Renault, platformos ilgis 5 metrai, galinga gerve galiu ištraukti iš griovio ar užklimpus bekelėje. Kviečiu teirautis bet kuriuo metu, pagelbėsiu. |
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15-02-13 |
Pigus servisas Kaune
2015-12-21 08:30:18 Pigus servisiukas Kaune Sveiki, norime pasiūlyti nebrangiais autoservisiuko paslaugas Kaune. Profesionalai nesenai pradėję veiklą ant „savęs“ buvusiame Partizanų servise, teikiame einamąjį važiuoklės, variklio, el. dalies remontą, atliekame aptarnavimus, keičiame tepalus ir pan. Kainos tikrai nesikandžioja. Mūsų atliekamus darbus tiesiogiai patogiam laukiamajam gali stebėti klijantas, tikrai neišvarome į gatvę ar prekybos centrą. Randamės Kaune, Partizanų g. garažų masyve tarp Ortopedijos technikos ir Savas prekybos centro. Kontaktai +37060273618.
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15-11-28 |
2014-01-22 19:28:09 SUSIEKITE SU MUMIS IR APTARKIME KONKREČIAI DETALES!!! Užėja į mūsų puslapį jūs galite užpildyti ''Pasiulymo formą'' Superkami: lengvieji automobiliai visureigiai mikroautobusai motociklai motoroleriai nevažiuojantis transportas Transporto priemonė gali būti tvarkinga arba su įvairiais defektais. Atliekame transportavimą (jei transporto priemonė negali važiuoti – išsivežame). Superkant automobilį už jį atsiskaitome iš karto, todėl Jūsų automobilio pardavimas bus ypač greitas.
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14-01-23 |
Opel Astra nuo 1998metu kuo skiriasi varikliai ir kas geriau
Sveiki, turiu opel astra 99m. 1.6 ecotec, 74 kw, 6-7ltr/100km, rudziu nera, tik reiktu nupoliruoti nes yra smulkiu pabraizymu bet nezymus. jei ka sudomins rasykit i email- [email protected], nes siuo metu ne lt esu gryztu geguzes 26d, bet jei bus susidomejusiu bus kas parodys ir be manes, atomobilis deklaruotas galite pasiimti bet kada, automobilis siauliuose, domina ir keitimas i kokia pigesne. Kaina butu 8000lt
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10-04-07 |
Demesio! bukite budrus
2011/8/4 David Elliott Hello Dear, Thanks for your prompt reply to my request; it seems to me that you are a very sincere person i want to use this means to inform you that I was impressed After reading your mail, I am willing to buy this car at your given price. I have a business proposal for you. I am a captain with the United Nations troop in Iraq, on war against terrorism. Based on the United States legislative and executive decision, for withdrawing troops from Iraq. Our mission is to help beef up terrorist targeted states, mostly the united states and the European union on the war against terrorism. On the other hand i want to inform you that i have in my possession the sum of (15.9million U.S.D) which i got from crude oil deal here in Iraq. i deposited this money with the red cross security agent, informing him that we are making contact for the real owner, now it is under my power to approve whoever that comes forth to ascertain the clam of these consignment box. I want to invest this money in real estate OR any other profitable business as soon as i retire from my job, and i will seek for your advice on that, since i am not a business culture person, that why i have contacted you for assistance to get this project completed in good faith, so i need someone i could trust to channel this box. If you accept i will transfer the money to your country, where you will be the beneficiary, i am a uniformed person and i cannot be parading with such an amount, i am an American and an intelligence officer, so i have a 100% authentic means of transferring the money to you, through a diplomatic courier service. i just need your acceptance and all is done. Please if you are interested in this transaction i will give to you the complete details we need for us to carry out this transaction ly, i decided to find someone that is real and not imaginary and that is why i went for a secured site where i can be sure that the person is for real and not an imaginary, can i trust you?. where we are now we can only communicate through our military communication facilities which is much secured so nobody can monitor our conversations, then i can explain in details to you, at the moment i can only reach you through e-mail, because our calls might be monitored by high officials here, i just have to be sure of whom i am dealing with. I will give to you 30% of the sum and 70% is for me. i hope am been fair on this deal, kindly get back to me with your full information such as: Your Full Name, Your Full Address, Your Direct Cell Phone Number, Your Occupation & Age. If you are interested please send me your personal details for further information when i am out of our military network, am writing from a fresh email account, so if you are not interested do not reply to this e-mail and please delete this message, if no response after 3days i will then search for someone else. I wait for your contact details so we can go on. Yours Sincerely, Capt. David Elliott.
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10-03-04 |
Mašinos galingumas
cia koks touranas iki 100 per 6 begejasi?galingiausias nuo 2015 metu turi 140kw ir begejasi per 8, 2....tai tikriausiai tavo tureti 220 kw visiski lavonai arba nemoki nauduodis tais 220 kw, bent jau manau kad tikriausiai automatas pas tave ir ne iki dugno pedala spaudi..jei nori kad automatas sautu, tai tik dugnan spaust, jei ne iki dugno vaziuojant kokius 70-80, iki kokios 3 pavaros numes, o jei dunas negalvodamas 2 imeta ir lieki
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17-06-14 |
Trinkelių klojimas Vilniuje
Trinkelių klojimas Vilniuje mažomis kainomis jūsų ar mūsų komandos medžiagomis. Esame patyrusi grindinio meistrų komanda, kuri užsiima tiek smulkiais objektais, tiek ir dideliais - sudėtingais užsakymais. Kartu komanda dirba darniai jau daugiau kaip 5 metus, todėl kokybė ir greitis (negaišinti klientų laiko prastovomis) yra mūsų prioritetas.
Trinkelių klojimas pradedamas nuo susitikimo su užsakovu ir būsimos samatos sudarymu. Dirbame ir savaitgaliais. |
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15-06-06 |