Auto golf 6 luzo velenas (765 стр.) (39681)
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Noreciau isbandyt OPEL FRONTERA. Ka zinot apie sia auto? +/-
siaip as ja turiu ir rudziu nera nepainiok su senom.tai parasyk kas dar?
39 |
09-12-10 |
gal kas zinot koki auto signalizaciju montuotoja vilniuje nebrangu
kai pats sugebi tai ir kitu pagalbos nereikia
5 |
10-10-16 |
Gal kas zinot kur padarytu stikla auto pagal uzsakyma
15 |
10-08-08 |
gal kas zinot koki auto signalizaciju montuotoja vilniuje nebrangu
nezinau su tais vienoj fyrmoj w210 mersui kai dejau net neieskodamas to pigumo bet ofisas garazinis toks paskiau reikejo stiklus dauzyt ipac jai palieki ant avarinio , po to ismokau mersa atrakinet su viela, o tie dundukai nurode kad masinos centrinis kaltas jie tipo nieko deti.siaip lapinas girdejau gerai daro
5 |
10-10-16 |
Ką parekomenduotumėt iš auto dažytojų Kaune arba aplink Kauną
Mano garažiukį detalės paruošimas ir dažymas nuo 100 lt, jei automobilis neįpatingas. Dar apie 20 lt kainuoja dažai detalei, priklausomai nuo firmos ir spalvos.Taipogi rekomenduočiau dažyti ir dureles (daryt užmetimus), kad nesiskirtų atspalvis."Užmetimai" kainuoja bent po 50lt(iki 100)Kadangi sparnai nauji ir labai prastai apsaugoti nuo korozijos, tai reiktų prapūst dažais vidine jų dalį, o prieš uždedant išvaškuot arba smaluot.Sparno pakeitimas nuo 20-30 lt. Jeigu vis dar aktualu, mano nr 8679 19709.Kauno r.Domeikava.
8 |
10-02-18 |
jieskau auto iki 3000lt su dujom kad butu.laukiu pasiulimu.
gal jau pabaigsi ce skaldyt sawo baerius? opelbemsas gi wienintelis wariklis is bmw tai tik 2.5 TD ir dar TDS i omegas ejo, wisi kiti opeliu gamykliniai GM. tai wenk dyzelio ir manau 2.0 imk nes V6 bus brangi eksplotacija, bet zinok omegos su elektra problemu turi ir nemazai, nes prarudyja ir prawodke wisa supelyja greit.
39 |
09-12-02 |
Noreciau isbandyt OPEL FRONTERA. Ka zinot apie sia auto? +/-
as ir turejau gal pries metus pardaviau..buvo93m 2.3dyzeiukas tai visai smagi masinyte ir bekelej gera ir ant kelio tik minkstoka.. o rudziu tai nebuvo buvo pries mane priziureta ir kol as turejau priziurejau
39 |
09-12-10 |
Noreciau isbandyt OPEL FRONTERA. Ka zinot apie sia auto? +/-
Kaip man atsibodo tie "profai", tauskia nesamones ir jokio konkretumo... kazkur kazka girdejo... . Prasyciau visus "profus" uzsukti cia:
39 |
09-12-10 |
Noreciau isbandyt OPEL FRONTERA. Ka zinot apie sia auto? +/-
Prie viso to, ka sake "kardanas", dar patykrink kuro padavima ( gal siurbia ora).
39 |
09-12-10 |
Gal kas zinot kur padarytu stikla auto pagal uzsakyma
Gal ir tu i tornado pakliuvai is 7 i 8 diena?UAB Stikora Vilniuje arba Panevezyje.
15 |
10-08-08 |
Ieskau nuomos.Gal kas noretu pavezti vestuves su savo auto?
zinau kas turi tris moskvicius bet spalvos skiresi bet cia silutej
10 |
10-07-30 |
Noreciau isbandyt OPEL FRONTERA. Ka zinot apie sia auto? +/-
Tautieciai !Ka ant kelio vietos neuztenka.Amzini priekaistai Opelis, Opelis, Opelis, tai ka daryt , jei nieko geresnio dar nesumaste?Turiu dyzeline frontera, malkas velka, miskas braska, nekiekvienas traktorius lenda.Kelyje butu limuzinas jei nebutu dzipas.Obendrai Opelis, kaip arklys, per kakla, patapsnok, pagirdyk, trauks ir trauks.Ir ner ko nesamones paisyt.Buhalteriai paskaiciuokit 1000 km savikaina, apsalsit.
39 |
09-12-10 |
Gal kas zinot kur padarytu stikla auto pagal uzsakyma
Tai va ieskau kas pagamintu stikla butu gerai, Kaune Bet siulykit kas ka zinot.
15 |
10-08-08 |
gal kas zinot koki auto signalizaciju montuotoja vilniuje nebrangu
na iki 150lt signalizacija as turiu
5 |
10-10-16 |
Del auto registravimo an saves o draudimas an kito
galioja, ir jauniem, bent pries metus taip buvo, tarkim 20 metu vaikigaliu 0 lt, o seimos tada 500lt, mes taip mokejom
64 |
12-04-21 |
Del auto registravimo an saves o draudimas an kito
mazam, Sheffielde
64 |
12-04-21 |
kaip perrasyt auto ant saves kaip savininkas kitam mieste
tema tai sena, bet gal kas paklius i tokia situacija, reik gi kazka patart kaip elgtis
19 |
12-01-28 |
kaip perrasyt auto ant saves kaip savininkas kitam mieste
Neimanoma masinos perrasyti be to zmogaus kuris pats pirmas turejo masina
19 |
12-01-28 |
kaip perrasyt auto ant saves kaip savininkas kitam mieste
Seip jei zmogus pradini savininka atsirandi tai jokiu bedu nebebutu, regitroj bandyk teirautis gal kas iseitu
19 |
12-01-28 |
Del auto registravimo an saves o draudimas an kito
Nelabai ka is tokios uzdirbsi manau. Juk tai sena karvute, o dar V6..
64 |
12-04-21 |
Del auto registravimo an saves o draudimas an kito
Drauge mano. O man paciam asmeniskai siulyti tik grabelius uz kelis tukstancius lituku.
64 |
12-04-21 |
Del auto registravimo an saves o draudimas an kito
Kokia ir uz kiek
64 |
12-04-21 |
Del auto registravimo an saves o draudimas an kito
parasyk man i el.pasta duomenys ir foto su kaina.
64 |
12-04-21 |
Skubiai reikalinga auto iki 3000 Lt ir butinai dyzelis
Blogiausias variklis 1, 7 , kuris tik yra tam sukurtas kad butu remontuot kazka servise .
30 |
14-01-02 |
Skubiai reikalinga auto iki 3000 Lt ir butinai dyzelis
Geras daiktas bet , kad jos visos jau po milijona prasukusios, situ masinu problema yra superinis gedimu skaicius pagal ju metus, ir jis vis dar auga
30 |
14-01-02 |
tvarkau auto vaziuokles bei keiciu langus uz prienama kaina |
2 |
14-06-03 |
Del auto registravimo an saves o draudimas an kito
gal pats dirbi regitroje?
64 |
12-04-21 |
Del auto registravimo an saves o draudimas an kito
a cia tada pateisinama jei neilgam turejo atimti uz tiek
64 |
12-04-21 |
Del auto registravimo an saves o draudimas an kito
ko tiek daug uz lengva
64 |
12-04-21 |
Del auto registravimo an saves o draudimas an kito
leds kazkur prie taves turetu buti?yra pas mane grafike jei nieko nerasiu londone, birmagham....ten gyveni gal salia kur kokiu lietuvaiciu?
64 |
12-04-21 |
Del auto registravimo an saves o draudimas an kito
zinok bybi turejau mulaciu, negriu aisku nesusiragau po ju bet nieka yspudinga bet va kazkada turejau ruse peteri ten ne gal kazkiek visos skyles vienodos bet svarbiausia kad nesuzinoti savoji
64 |
12-04-21 |
Auto iki ~12-13k, ekonosmiska, didele, patogi, grazi, galinga///
Lexus gs antros kartos su dujom. 300 galima surast tvarkinga uz tokia kaina. Jei nori baust pacukus, imi 430 Bet kaina tikriausiai bus didesne. Pats toki vairuoju.
8 |
14-11-29 |
Skubiai reikalinga auto iki 3000 Lt ir butinai dyzelis
nenorek bl uz 2 stukas idijelios masinos idomus jus kentai esat gryni tautiecei pigei is idijelios
30 |
14-01-02 |
Skubiai reikalinga auto iki 3000 Lt ir butinai dyzelis
Peogeot 206 1.4 dyzeliukas labai patvari masina plius kuro sanaudos nedasiekia net 6litru bet vaziuojant betkaip eko vaziuojant drasiai 5 uztenka. Tik turi minusa toki kad galinis tiltas amzina beda su tais adatiniais guoliais bet atrestauravus tilta vaziuotum ilgai
30 |
14-01-02 |
Skubiai reikalinga auto iki 3000 Lt ir butinai dyzelis
sakau imk b'ske
30 |
14-01-02 |
Skubiai reikalinga auto iki 3000 Lt ir butinai dyzelis
kad ta audine supuvus
30 |
14-01-02 |
Skubiai reikalinga auto iki 3000 Lt ir butinai dyzelis
arba jaigu aplinkiniu nuomone nerupi audi 80 b3 , trbt pigiau islaikomos masinos nera
30 |
14-01-02 |
Auto iki ~12-13k, ekonosmiska, didele, patogi, grazi, galinga///
Volvo S60 arba S80, dyzeliukai tikrai patvarus. Ir šiaip smagios, ir kokybiškos auto
8 |
14-11-29 |
Bauda už neregistruotą, be TA, be Valst. Nr. auto
Sveiki, kartais taip jau būna, kad reikia automobilį pervaryti iš vienos gatvės pusės į kitą ir teoriškai tuo metu gali susitikti policiją. Kiek smarkiai klius, jei važiuosi su automobiliu atplukdytu iš USA be jokių numerių registruotis. Pvz. Tuvlita Avižieniuose ir registravimas už 300m tuose pačiuose Avižieniuose, bet gi niekas ant traliuko nevažiuoja tų 300m iki registracijos.
9 |
19-06-04 |
Bauda už neregistruotą, be TA, be Valst. Nr. auto
Per kiek laiko Regitra gavo informacija is Suomijos ? Ar leido uzregistruoti?
9 |
19-06-04 |
Audi B4 Avant , Padekit
On January 1, 1966, viewers of the Rose Bowl were first introduced to the new "Leader of the Dodge Rebellion", the 1966 Charger. The Charger's debut also followed by a half model year the introduction of a new street version of the 426 cu in (7.0 L) Chrysler Hemi engine. With the Charger, Dodge had a new model to build a performance image to go along with this engine. Designed by Carl "CAM" Cameron, the Dodge Charger introduced a fastback roofline and a pot-metal "electric shaver" grille. The grille used fully rotating headlights (180 degree) that when opened or closed made the grille look like one-piece unit. Hidden headlamps were a feature not seen on a Chrysler product since the 1942 DeSoto. In the rear of the new Dodge, the fastback design ended over a full-width six-lamp taillight that featured chromed "CHARGER" lettering. 1966 Charger dash Inside, the standard Charger featured a simulated wood-grain steering wheel, four individual bucket seats with a full length console from front to rear. The rear seats and rear center armrest pad also folded forward while the trunk divider dropped back, which allowed for generous cargo room. Numerous interior features were exclusive to the Charger including door panels, courtesy lights, as well as premium trim and vinyl upholstery. The instrument panel did not use regular bulbs to light the gauges, but rather electroluminescence lit the four chrome-ringed circular dash pods, needles, radio, shifter-position indicator in the console, as well as clock and Air Conditioning controls if equipped. The dash housed a 0 to 6000 rpm tachometer, a 0 to 150 mph (240 km/h) speedometer, as well as alternator, fuel, and temperature gauges as standard equipment. Engine selections consisted of only V8s, though a straight-six engine engine became standard by 1968. 1966 transmissions included a three-speed steering-wheel mounted manual with only the base engine, a console mounted four-speed manual or three-speed automatic. In 1966, four engines were offered: the base-model 318 cu in (5.2 L) 2-barrel, the 361 cu in (5.9 L) 2-barrel, the 383 cu in (6.3 L) 4-barrel, and the new 426 Street Hemi. Only 468 Chargers were built with the 426. Total production in 1966 came to 37, 344 units for the mid-model year introduction. In 1966 Dodge took the Charger into NASCAR in hopes that the fastback would make their car a winner on the high-banks. But the car proved slippery on the faster tracks because its body generated lift. Drivers would later claim that "it was like driving on ice." In order to solve this problem Dodge installed a small lip spoiler on the trunk lid which improved traction at speeds above 150 mph (240 km/h). They also had to make it a dealer-installed option in late 1966 and 1967 because of NASCAR rules (with small quarter panel extensions in 1967). The 1966 Charger was the first U.S. production vehicle to offer a spoiler. David Pearson, driving a #6 Cotten Owens-prepared Charger, went on to win the NASCAR Grand National championship in 1966 with 14 first-place finishes.
21 |
13-08-15 |
Kur rasti gauti pirkti padidintos talpos kuro baku masinoms? internete maciau pasatui parduoda 220Litru kuro baka ?
On January 1, 1966, viewers of the Rose Bowl were first introduced to the new "Leader of the Dodge Rebellion", the 1966 Charger. The Charger's debut also followed by a half model year the introduction of a new street version of the 426 cu in (7.0 L) Chrysler Hemi engine. With the Charger, Dodge had a new model to build a performance image to go along with this engine. Designed by Carl "CAM" Cameron, the Dodge Charger introduced a fastback roofline and a pot-metal "electric shaver" grille. The grille used fully rotating headlights (180 degree) that when opened or closed made the grille look like one-piece unit. Hidden headlamps were a feature not seen on a Chrysler product since the 1942 DeSoto. In the rear of the new Dodge, the fastback design ended over a full-width six-lamp taillight that featured chromed "CHARGER" lettering. 1966 Charger dash Inside, the standard Charger featured a simulated wood-grain steering wheel, four individual bucket seats with a full length console from front to rear. The rear seats and rear center armrest pad also folded forward while the trunk divider dropped back, which allowed for generous cargo room. Numerous interior features were exclusive to the Charger including door panels, courtesy lights, as well as premium trim and vinyl upholstery. The instrument panel did not use regular bulbs to light the gauges, but rather electroluminescence lit the four chrome-ringed circular dash pods, needles, radio, shifter-position indicator in the console, as well as clock and Air Conditioning controls if equipped. The dash housed a 0 to 6000 rpm tachometer, a 0 to 150 mph (240 km/h) speedometer, as well as alternator, fuel, and temperature gauges as standard equipment. Engine selections consisted of only V8s, though a straight-six engine engine became standard by 1968. 1966 transmissions included a three-speed steering-wheel mounted manual with only the base engine, a console mounted four-speed manual or three-speed automatic. In 1966, four engines were offered: the base-model 318 cu in (5.2 L) 2-barrel, the 361 cu in (5.9 L) 2-barrel, the 383 cu in (6.3 L) 4-barrel, and the new 426 Street Hemi. Only 468 Chargers were built with the 426. Total production in 1966 came to 37, 344 units for the mid-model year introduction. In 1966 Dodge took the Charger into NASCAR in hopes that the fastback would make their car a winner on the high-banks. But the car proved slippery on the faster tracks because its body generated lift. Drivers would later claim that "it was like driving on ice." In order to solve this problem Dodge installed a small lip spoiler on the trunk lid which improved traction at speeds above 150 mph (240 km/h). They also had to make it a dealer-installed option in late 1966 and 1967 because of NASCAR rules (with small quarter panel extensions in 1967). The 1966 Charger was the first U.S. production vehicle to offer a spoiler. David Pearson, driving a #6 Cotten Owens-prepared Charger, went on to win the NASCAR Grand National championship in 1966 with 14 first-place finishes.
42 |
09-10-24 |
Audi B4 Avant , Padekit
On January 1, 1966, viewers of the Rose Bowl were first introduced to the new "Leader of the Dodge Rebellion", the 1966 Charger. The Charger's debut also followed by a half model year the introduction of a new street version of the 426 cu in (7.0 L) Chrysler Hemi engine. With the Charger, Dodge had a new model to build a performance image to go along with this engine. Designed by Carl "CAM" Cameron, the Dodge Charger introduced a fastback roofline and a pot-metal "electric shaver" grille. The grille used fully rotating headlights (180 degree) that when opened or closed made the grille look like one-piece unit. Hidden headlamps were a feature not seen on a Chrysler product since the 1942 DeSoto. In the rear of the new Dodge, the fastback design ended over a full-width six-lamp taillight that featured chromed "CHARGER" lettering. 1966 Charger dash Inside, the standard Charger featured a simulated wood-grain steering wheel, four individual bucket seats with a full length console from front to rear. The rear seats and rear center armrest pad also folded forward while the trunk divider dropped back, which allowed for generous cargo room. Numerous interior features were exclusive to the Charger including door panels, courtesy lights, as well as premium trim and vinyl upholstery. The instrument panel did not use regular bulbs to light the gauges, but rather electroluminescence lit the four chrome-ringed circular dash pods, needles, radio, shifter-position indicator in the console, as well as clock and Air Conditioning controls if equipped. The dash housed a 0 to 6000 rpm tachometer, a 0 to 150 mph (240 km/h) speedometer, as well as alternator, fuel, and temperature gauges as standard equipment. Engine selections consisted of only V8s, though a straight-six engine engine became standard by 1968. 1966 transmissions included a three-speed steering-wheel mounted manual with only the base engine, a console mounted four-speed manual or three-speed automatic. In 1966, four engines were offered: the base-model 318 cu in (5.2 L) 2-barrel, the 361 cu in (5.9 L) 2-barrel, the 383 cu in (6.3 L) 4-barrel, and the new 426 Street Hemi. Only 468 Chargers were built with the 426. Total production in 1966 came to 37, 344 units for the mid-model year introduction. In 1966 Dodge took the Charger into NASCAR in hopes that the fastback would make their car a winner on the high-banks. But the car proved slippery on the faster tracks because its body generated lift. Drivers would later claim that "it was like driving on ice." In order to solve this problem Dodge installed a small lip spoiler on the trunk lid which improved traction at speeds above 150 mph (240 km/h). They also had to make it a dealer-installed option in late 1966 and 1967 because of NASCAR rules (with small quarter panel extensions in 1967). The 1966 Charger was the first U.S. production vehicle to offer a spoiler. David Pearson, driving a #6 Cotten Owens-prepared Charger, went on to win the NASCAR Grand National championship in 1966 with 14 first-place finishes.
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13-08-15 |
Opel vekrta B ar....
Sveiki, pamaciau diskusija ir negalejau neparasyti.Mano nuomone tai labai gera masina, kas nenori remontuoti, o nori vaziuoti ir vaziuoti.As nezinau, kas cia kaip vazineja, kad iki maskvos nuvaziavus jau subyrejomano nuomone nesamone, kadangi as turiu vectra 1997m, po dvieju menesiu bus dveji metai, kai ji pas mane.Tai varavaziavau jau 110 tukstanciu km, is kuriu zvyrkeliais ir kaimo keliais apie 50 tukstanciu, buvau ne maskvoje, bet ispanijojevisokiu duobiu ir blogu keliu mate begale...tai va ka norejau pasakyti, masina ypac gera.Vaziuokle, tiesiog super...per du nepilnus metus keiciau tik du sarnyrus ar kaip ten jie vadinasi, kainavo po 30 lt, na ir pakeitimas gal po 30 lt, dar keiciau galinius mortikus kazkur vienas truputi virs 100lt, ir didziausias gedimas eletrine siurblio dalis, su darbu diagnostika 750lt...tai visas mano remontas per nepilnus du metus, pravaziuota 110 dar tureti omeny, kad as masinos nesaugau, reikia vaziuoju per pievas, per laukus, per duobes...todel kas sako, kad nekokia vaziuokle ar kas, tai neezinau su kuo jis vazineja...sakyciau vaziuokle neuzmusama, variklis super..2.0dti 60kw..., keiciau tik tepalus ir tai ne visada laiku, kartais po 15 tukst net...kuro suvartojimas namuose sukantis vietoje apie 6l/ truputi daugiau, jei isvis vietoje...trasoj sakyciau 5.5 ltr...vaziavau i ispanija, tai vidurkis gavosi 5.20ltr/100km dyzelio.Vienu zodziu neskaitau, kad pakeiciau padangas, stabdziu kaladeles ir galini ismetimo bakeli tvarkiau...visas remontas, jus man parodykit kita masina, kad tiek nuvaziavus, tik tiek rekeje butu remontuoti...beto kura pilu koks papuola...kas dar, tiesa nustojo darinetis langas keleivio puseje, nezinau gal cia ir beda, bet as nezinau kodel, gal del zvyrkeliu, bet cia tokia ir beda... Ka dar pasakyti, kad net nezinau...pliusa:nereikia remontuoti vaziuokles, variklis super, stabili keli, vaziuoji ir vaziuoji...tai tiesa, minusai:siurblio bedos mano atveju, o visa kita man cia tai pasiseke, bet kai as pirkau savo vectra, o pirkau butent todel, kad nenorejau remontu...mano broli irgi turejo vectra 97m, atvaziavo apie 120 tukst, pas ji nesugedo siurlys, bet sugedo kolonele...tai visi jo gedimai...parodykite jus man kita auto kuri tiek mazai gestu...gero vakaro visiems, beje kaip supratote esu saliskasnes turiu vectra1997, 2.0dtl atrodo, kad luniversalas.
41 |
11-05-25 |
Perku bmw e39 arba golf 4. siulikit ivairius varijantus moku iki 10k.
viskas gerai!
9 |
10-03-09 |
gal zinok kur pigiausiai parduoda GOLF 4 sankabos komplekta ir plaukiojanti smagrati..?
Bandyk skambinti i eolta ten pigiai yra jei nuolaidos nori tai tereikia graziai paprasyti
7 |
10-05-02 |
kaip reikia grieciau parduoti variklis vw golf 3 95m. 1,9 dyzelis paprastas??
Dėl netinkamo turinio žinutė pašalinta
9 |
10-01-11 |
GOLF 4 1.6 benzinas dujos garuoja per matuokle ir per tepalo korka
jei tepalas nedingsta, antifrizo lygis tvarkoj, remp. tvarkoj, tai ko ieskai?Niekada net neatejo i galva atsiddarius tepalo ipilimo dangteli ziureti-garuoja ar ne.
8 |
16-07-11 |
gal zinok kur pigiausiai parduoda GOLF 4 sankabos komplekta ir plaukiojanti smagrati..?
40 proc gaunu pigiau
7 |
10-05-02 |
Kaune dingo WV golf mk4 2000m juodos spalvos valstybinis numeris FES 695
nereik pirkt tokiu kisenvagiu svajoniu ir nereiks poto grauztis.
50 |
11-01-30 |